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Vt Grape Soda And Dulcis


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OK I am just gonna touch on these cause I am not ready to do a big production of a video review or anyhting like that yet...

Grape Soda at 24 mg. I will say some things here that may not sound flattering if ya don't know me and my family (esp. my older brother) Grape soda tastes very good. Please understand that i am trying to compliment the liquid as it is wonderful and my bottle is already half empty and I just got it Saturday at 6 or so in the evening.

So it tastes like Grape Kool Aid powder, yeah, especially at first...like yer sucking into yer mouth and sucking on the powder. Now this was the part that I thought might throw some people off... well hold yer horses cause I used to eat Kool Aid powder b/c of my big brother who used to make sandwiches with it though now he tells me he has graduated to pixi stix...yep, cheese, peanut butter, and pixi stix but it used to be kool aid powder.

OK so I think it is a good thing. Now it does not taste like grape soda. It does mix well with VT cola though so there is yer grape soda (it's awesome mixed so go do it now). I would suggest too that you drink something complimentary to grape kool aid while you vape it cause (inevitable) whatever you drink will have a taste of grape since it stays in yer mouth. It could be that I just couldna' stop vaping it all weekend.

Throat hit is nice! Not harsh and warm with these VT cartos! Vapor production is nice( I have no scale but maybe an 8) I have nothing else to say because I am quite pleased with the Throat hit and the Vapor Prod. is satisfying.

I do want to say again it is primarily at first that I taste kool aid powder; then it's much more subtle a grape flavor but VERY good, like every VT liquid that I have tried.

Wanna know what has the grape soda beat? well keep reading then (man!)

Vapor Talk Dulcis 24 mg.

Oh My...I am weakened to think about Dulcis and not get to Vape it right now...there; better now. I thought VT Sweet Dawn or Cola was my favorite of the VTs but I believe I was wrong ... I LOVE this Dulcis. I explained it last night to my brothers girlfriend, "It's like tobacco with a little caramel and a lot of heaven." There is a hint of caramel but it is a heavy, thoughtful flavor added to a tranquility inducing tobacco flavor and there is I believe some element of the supernatural involved... I don't know but flavor(s) that is(are) seducing and enthralling while it is(they are) at peace with you and whispering sweetly into your lungs. A contradiction; yes it is at once heavy and light. You will feel this vapor and recognize the power.

Throat hit is great! I think I coughed a little once (which I have done only once b4 with Tasty Vapor's Atomic cyanide) Vapor production about the same as GSoda. Maybe a bit better.

I get more vape prod. from....well, Ok Butter Rum from Mad Vapes... I am sure it is a PG vs. VG thing...but I am just trying to give ya some solid comparison... plus now ya can get VG from VT huh... honestly the Vapor production is vary satisfying. I LOVE the DULCIS!!!!!! You will too I promise....(if ya don't I will buy it from You)

One more thing about drinking and vaping..."I don't know a man, woman, or child alive today that does not enjoy a good beverage" (David Letterman) I love to drink...no no I drink alcohol maybe once every month or two. No I mean water, cola, juices, coffee, teas...oh man I love tea. I think vaping and drinking go together as well as... well cigarettes and beer. (which is now Beer and tobacco or Dulcis flavor vaping!)So yeah pick a beverage that yu like to compliment whatever flavor you are vaping and it will be that much better an experience! At least I think so.

Thank you for reading and have fun... a lot of fun. :devil:

Edited by lightbringer
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One more thing about drinking and vaping..."I don't know a man, woman, or child alive today that does not enjoy a good beverage" (David Letterman) I love to drink...no no I drink alcohol maybe once every month or two. No I mean water, cola, juices, coffee, teas...oh man I love tea. I think vaping and drinking go together as well as... well cigarettes and beer. (which is now Beer and tobacco or Dulcis flavor vaping!)So yeah pick a beverage that yu like to compliment whatever flavor you are vaping and it will be that much better an experience! At least I think so.

Thank you for reading and have fun... a lot of fun. :devil:

Vaping has erased two evils from my life: analogs and too much vodka. It is so relaxing now to drive to and from work with Dulcis, to be home and taste some Midnight, and to get up on a weekend and vape whatever I want all day ... all with only water in my other hand. I drank myself fat last school year (I'm a teacher) and I did P90X and trained for a half-marathon all summer, so I am super pleased to not add unneeded calories and unneeded chemicals to ruin it now. But to be real, I do still have an adult beverage on a Friday night.

Vape on and great reviews! :coffee:

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Vaping has erased two evils from my life: analogs and too much vodka. It is so relaxing now to drive to and from work with Dulcis, to be home and taste some Midnight, and to get up on a weekend and vape whatever I want all day ... all with only water in my other hand. I drank myself fat last school year (I'm a teacher) and I did P90X and trained for a half-marathon all summer, so I am super pleased to not add unneeded calories and unneeded chemicals to ruin it now. But to be real, I do still have an adult beverage on a Friday night.

Vape on and great reviews! :coffee:

How is P90X? I have seen the infomercials several times and am interested. I lost 60 lbs this past year doing Zumba and other things but I am still not finished. I need another 15 lbs and toning and shaping the muscles.

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How is P90X? I have seen the infomercials several times and am interested. I lost 60 lbs this past year doing Zumba and other things but I am still not finished. I need another 15 lbs and toning and shaping the muscles.

P90X is everything and more that the infomercial says! I lost eighteen inches and had to be all new pants for work because a belt just wouldn't cut it. It did such an amazing job that when I had four weeks to go, my parents (who are in their early sixties) decided to do it and they look great! The muscle gaining is definitely worth it because muscle takes up less room than fat and burns more calories besides. I didn't even stick completely to the diet program they write about in on of the books that comes with it. Just ate more sensibly and more consciously with more vegetables. I say GO FOR IT! You won't be sorry and it's money well spent.

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