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Ivape.net - Sweet Caroline


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iVape.net - Sweet Caroline 18mg PG

The Initial Experience

After giving the bottle a good shake and a few smell tests, there is a faint sweet caramel scent. It's not overpowering, but it's there. I placed 3 drops on the atomizer, and pulled the liquid for 5 seconds. The initial flavor came across as a bold straight tobacco. It was a surprising flavor after experiencing the sweet scent that came directly from the bottle. The vapor production was as good as it gets from the eGo with a PG liquid. There was no shortage, and I was pleased. I've found that the throat hit was comparable to other liquids at 18mg, which is where I like to be. It doesn't punch me with a set of brass knuckles in my throat box, but it has enough to remind me that there's enough going on down there to warrant a 'smoking like' experience. The only complaint I really have initially is the labels on the bottle. The font is so small you literally can't read the flavor. Makes it difficult if you want to have several of his flavors.

The Ongoing Experience

Over the next few hours, The flavor started to wake up. It was really interesting to watch the flavors change as I continued to vape the product. The second stage of vaping yielded a flavor reminiscent of instant tea. I remember as a kid, opening up the large cardboard can of instant tea, and seeing the cloud of powdered vapor pour over the top, and when you smelled it, you could feel it in your mouth as well. Oddly enough, this vapor has an identical mouth-feel to that of inhaling in the instant tea vapor. I set down my vape, and called it a night.

On day two, things really started to get interesting. My first toot was much like the the instant tea flavor that was prominent in my initial session . As I became used to the flavor, things began changing. I started to pick up my first hints of sweetness. It's a very faint flavor on the exhale that reminds me of rich caramel, much like the scent from the bottle. The more I vaped it, the more complex flavors started to come through. Vaped on this throughout the day, cleansing palate with nothing but water. I did pair it later in the evening with a Brandy Manhattan, and it worked wonderfully together. I can see this liquid working well with Brandy and Bourbon, if you were to have a cocktail.


If I had to sum this liquid up in three words, I would use: Complex, Curious and Satisfying. Vaping this has kept me interested and engaged, and truly makes using a personal vaporizer more of an experience as opposed to something to keep nicotine cravings at bay. From ordering to vaping, this has been a positive experience, and I look forward to trying some of the other iVape.net offerings.

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I've gotta try this! I drink iced tea all the time, all year long! I also remember opening tea and the wonderful smell of the powdered smoke! LOL I'll be ordering this Sweet Caroline soon! :) Great Review! :thumbsup:

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I tried it and I didn't enjoy it a bit. Too bad I ordered 5 bottles to get the deal(5.25/bottle). I saw a review elsewhere that compared it to RY4. Um No not even close. If you like tea fine but I had to give the bottles away. Remember taste is subjective.

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