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My First Liquid Review


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Ok everyone here knows how much I love WU. But Vapor Talk seduced me with midnight and delivery today, which I did not believe but jumped anyway. Juice arrived today, super. I open the package and sniffed, EEWWWW grape. So I fill hubby's cart and hand it to him, he says what is this? It's really good. So I fill a clean cart and grumbling to myself about maybe wasting a clean one I tried it. Not grapey like pop or candy. HMMM this is nice, so I try another hit. I know this taste, 5 minutes later it hits me. This tastes just like my favorite wine. The only red wine I like, Shawnee Winery Eagle Ridge red. I'm very quietly vaping away when hubby walks in and says hey this tastes like Eagle Ridge. Ironic cause Sunday I was looking for a bottle that I was certain I had, I didn't. So now I'm quite satisfied. I got this in 24mg the TH is gentle enough for me, the vapor is quite good, it is PG which I don't usually use but very nice. VT is supposed to start carrying VG liquids soon and I hope this one is on the list. I highly recommend this one. I will try the Choco Java later and report back on that one. I also have several bottles on their way from WU and I will review those too. I want to do all on my eGo cause the flavors just pop on this baby. I thought my 520 was really good but I can really taste the nuances with eGo. If you are a wine buff this is the juice for you, if you're not it'll still tickle your taste buds. Kudos for the fast delivery too.

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I threw in a bottle of Midnight to my order of a bunch of Dulcis based on your review. I hope I enjoy it just as much!

I think you will kiddo. I got some WU goodies coming this week so with the eGo I can do a fair comparison. Rum and Coke yum!

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I think you will kiddo. I got some WU goodies coming this week so with the eGo I can do a fair comparison. Rum and Coke yum!

Received the Midnight today and.... it's ok. Here's the thing: it's not Dulcis. But it is different and I do like it ok. Toking on it now. It's mellowing me out. The smell of it is not the same as the taste. I'm not a big wine drinker (beer or lime vodka and cranberry juice are my favorites), but it's decent for a switch up. I really want to try the rum and coke now, too, but the items I've received in the past from WU (a favorite supplier of mine, too, because Jeffery called me a number of times to make sure I was set up ok on my new venture, capital guy that he is), but the flavors fell flat for me. Although, that may have been because my taste buds were still shot and not tasting much. I should give the flavors I have another chance and see if my taste buds have woken up. I know my sense of smell has! (Many seventh graders REALLY need to start using deodorant!)

In the end, Midnight from VT is growing on me for a, well, midnightish vape flavor! :)

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