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Ok guys here is the dumb question of the day. I'm getting my new eGo on Tuesday and I really don't know what to do first? I got some extra cartos (some flavored filled and some empty)and a few extra attys. I'm getting juice also. I was watching videos and I'm super confused on direct dripping thru the atty and also dripping in a carto. Now which is which? DD thru the atty with a non filled carto or DD thru a carto and then it drips thru an atty? Or is it DD thru an atty with a drip tip? Or is it just a carto filled only to the battery.

I'm super confused and I know this is the noobiest questions so please help. LOL!! I take jokes well so let'em fly!!



Posted (edited)

Hi, not to worry! If you go to the How To section you'll see the video on direct dipping and how to fill a cartomizer. Direct dipping is in the atomizer with an empty cartridge, the plastic flat tip that will come with your eGo (well, it can be a round tip. If it has filler in it, you'd want to remove it). Then you'll want to blow the factory primer liquid out of the atomizer (I blow from the open end so that the liquid comes out of the threaded top of the atty), and drip several drops, I start out small 2-3 drops of e-liquid, vape. and then another 2-3 and vape. With a filled cartomizer all you have to do is connect it to the battery, and put the drip tip on the end (I remove the white soft top on the carto before I put the drip tip on). All of this will become second nature to you. Please don't worry about this being the dumbest question. The dumbest question is the one not asked! Hope this helps! :)

Have kleenex or a paper towel at hand.

Edited by Lily

Oh my god!! I did'nt even know vaportalk had any videos on you tube. I really feel like an idiot!! LOL!! I'm sure everything will be second hand within a week. One more question. Do you guys think I should get a LR atty for my eGo? I know more vapor, stronger TH, and shorter battery life is whats in the cards but is it worth it? I believe it shortens the life of the atty too, if that's correct?

Thanks for the vid!!



I am a firm believer in trying various combinations. We all have our own sweet spot--the only way to find what works best for you is to try various combinations of batteries, atomizers, cartomizers etc.

Personally I haven't had a problem with LR atty's and atty life or battery life.

I think part of the key with atomizers is to make sure they are not getting over heated. If the atty is too hot to hold--time to let it cool a bit.

Liquid strength and flavors also plays a role in throat hit and vapor--again, it a matter of finding the right ones for you. Lots and lots of experimentation (The fun part) !!!


I am a firm believer in trying various combinations. We all have our own sweet spot--the only way to find what works best for you is to try various combinations of batteries, atomizers, cartomizers etc.

Personally I haven't had a problem with LR atty's and atty life or battery life.

I think part of the key with atomizers is to make sure they are not getting over heated. If the atty is too hot to hold--time to let it cool a bit.

Liquid strength and flavors also plays a role in throat hit and vapor--again, it a matter of finding the right ones for you. Lots and lots of experimentation (The fun part) !!!

A big AMEN to you Kitsune. Experiment all the combinations to find what works for you, but I would go one step further. Go through the experiment process again if you change a core element, like changing from 3.7v to 5v vaping.


I would highly recommend you try some LR cartos from electronicstix.com. I just got some to try on my eGo and they really do work great!

Posted (edited)

OK I thought you DD right into an atty with a drip tip. What is a carto used for if its an empty one with a drip tip? Would'nt that be the same thing just a longer version for DD?

Edited by SoupNation

OK I thought you DD right into an atty with a drip tip. What is a carto used for if its an empty one with a drip tip? Would'nt that be the same thing just a longer version for DD?

An atomizer is basically a heating element that is originally designed to use a cartridge that is filled with a fiber. The liquid is absorbed into the fiber creating a wick to the heating element. This can be messy to fill ans sometimes leaks, and also has the possibility of tasting fiber. For this reason many people turn to direct dripping, which is dripping the liquid directly on the heating element. Direct dripping can also be a bit messy (not really that bad if you don't drip too many drops), and the cleaner taste is worth it.

A "carto" or catomizer is an atomizer heating coil with cartridge filler all rolled into one package. The cartomizer is for the convenience of not having to drip while on the go, it is not as messy and holds more than a cartridge. Think of it as a tiny electric blanket soaked with nic liquid that you draw air and create vapor through.

Posted (edited)

OK I think I know whats up now. I was never differeciating between carto and cartridges. It's all coming to me now!! LOL!!

I thought they were the same.

Thanks guys for helping me out!!


Edited by SoupNation

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