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OH I am so excited! When I got my new eGo 2 weeks ago, I got two sets, one for me and one for my dad. He's 67 years old and has smoked average 2 to 3 packs a day his whole adult life. He's tried to quit more times than I could ever count. He's what I refer to as a northern (we're from Minnesota) hillbilly/redneck. He's pretty set in his ways, lives a simple life in the woods, prefers "eating out of the can" vs using a plate and if it can built with plywood and duct tape, that's good enough for him. :thumbsup:

I mailed him his eGo and he received it today. I just got off the phone with him after showing him the ropes and having him try it a few times and he is totally impressed! I got him 3 different tobacco flavors (he would not do it if it didn't have a good tobacco flavor) and the one he likes the best is vaperite's VG organic tobacco juice. He said it has a slight licorice taste that he really likes. (one problem though is I had ordered it at 24mg and they sent 18 by mistake) so I gave him a heads up he may need to toot more on that one or go back and forth with the other 24mg's that I got.

So he's gonna give it a go and see what happens! Send him good vape-vibes guys!!! :punk:

Oh and for those who really like the hard core tobacco flavors, please recommend some that you like best.




Jodie, congratulations to your Dad! Such a nice thing you did for him! He could end up being okay with the 18mg, though letting him know that he might be using his pv more frequently was good advice. I'm sure others will chime in with their favorite "hard core" tobacco flavors, but there are several excellent tobacco flavors right here at the Vapor Talk Store that you or he may want to sample. I'm sure all of us will be sending "good vape-vibes"! Gluck! Let us know how it goes! :)

Posted (edited)

Thats awesome hope your dad gets hooked! But yeahh Bobas Bounty by avejuice.com is pretty amazing :dribble:

Edited by SKEEZA
Posted (edited)

But yeahh Bobas Bounty by avejuice.com is pretty amazing :dribble:

I'm so glad you just said this because my Bobas Bounty is arriving in the mail today! I've never had it before so I hope its everything it's cracked up to be! I don't recall a single bad review...

Edited by DAYVAPE

I've heard a lot of you talking about the Bobas Bounty so I think I'm going to get that for him. Also there's one called Desert something or other I see a lot. Anybody know the full name of that and where it's sold?

I just called my dad back to tell him something I just found out about the atty's in our kits (one is a LR and one is a Standard) and his wife said he had just gone outside into the woods to work on his deer stand.... WITH his eGo and NOT his pack of cigs! (they were sitting on the counter). He'll be out there all day with just his ecig. WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!



This is awesome! I hope that it works really well for him!

I love the Dulcis here from the vaportalk store, but it does have some sweet hints, that he may or may not like they also have an exotic tobacco that is really good.

I think anytime we do something that special for someone we should still get a gold star like in elementary school. Good job and you are a great daughter!



:thumbsup: That is so awesome!!! Congrats to both you and your Dad!! Love how he's already left his packs behind. Has his mind set on better things. Hey! Your Dad would love it up at my place! Duct Tape and Baling wire everywhere lol.

Try MsTsBakery or DIYflavorshack for some straight 0nic Licorice. Your Dad will be able to touch up any bland tobacco flavor with it.


Speaking of Bobas Bounty... I am currently vaping it as we speak. I never really liked tobacco flavors... UNTIL TODAY! I really is an awesome juice... nice a smooth w/ that hint of carmel goodness, or some sort of nice sweet undertone. I purchased two 18 ml bottles and one of them I left like it came... the other one I added some of their Menthol Drops. All I gotta say about that combo is PERFECT!! :thumbsup:


Well, my dad has gone 24 hours with only ONE analog! He tried one this morning and said it was "bitter." LOL!!! He is LOVING the vaperite organic tobacco flavor.

One downside though is his LR atty that came with the kit broke already. :thumbsdown: It worked for about 20 puffs (2 fills of juice) and now it won't heat up at all. So he is using the black standard atty that requires longer drags to get good vape and so far he says that is fine with him.

For me, one of my batteries in the kit was broke (only charged for about 1 hour) so I am thinking that even though the "good deal" (puresmoker.com Joye eGo double kit for 49.99) gives you double of everything, not all of it is in good condition. They are going to send me a new replacement battery though but doubt they'll send a new LR atty for my dad.

So I'm going online today to stock up on backup supplies (thank you Joe!) and get us set up proper for emergencies like this.

Dad's off into the woods again today with 2 fully charged batteries, his standard atty, a full bottle of juice and NO analogs in his pocket!!! Freakin amazing!



:thumbsup: Saaaaweeeet about your Dad leaving the analogs behind again! I am so happy for you guys!

Bummers about the LR popping up cold already. That's happened to me before too... so I swore off of them until I have at least 30 of them stocked up lol. In the meantime, I do have my black Silver Bullet and can vape it at 5v by plugging the passThru into the puter. All is well.


WOOT! I can feel your excitement and pride! Just the fact that he didn't take the cigs with him "just in case" says a lot. It says he is committed to giving the Ego a fair try, and I think that mental aspect is one of the most crucial things.


Grats to both of you. If you can he should try some of the lower resistance cartos, 1.8s and 2.0s. I loved LR attys, I have a ton but stocking up on the latest batch of LR cartos instead. 1.8s from electronicstix and 2.0s from nhaler, just so much easier. PM me if you wish to try something.


I agree Joe, LR are WAAAAYYY better. I almost bought a bunch of atty's yesterday (had my cart all full) and then realized it didn't specify if they were LR or not. All these different stores list their atomizers a bit differently and it's very confusing.

Some call them 510 atty's, some call them Joye 510's or Janty eGo (I thought it was called a Joye eGo?) and none of them tell me if they are HV, standard or LR. Or if they do, they're not clear about it. The LR on my eGo now is silver but it appears some of the ones I AM able to identify as LR online are black. So yea..... <_< I got overwhelmed and didn't pull the trigger.

I'll PM you about the carto's cuz I think that is definitely something I should get for dad. I may try one just to see what it's like but worried about the burnt filling taste. Plus, since I work from home, DD works just fine for me.



Congrats to both of you for switching to a healthier alternative, the eGo will absolutely keep you guys away from the analogs and thats the main goal here to get healthy and BREATHE better, good luck on your e cig ventures! :beer:


Ok, I just went for it. I ordered from electronicstix.com as it looked like they were having a sale on all of their supplies. I got a pack of 5 LR510 cartomizers (I'm going to try one and give the others to dad), 8 LR510 atomizers (4 for me, 4 for dad), and 2 button protectors for the eGo so they don't get pushed when they are in a pocket etc.

That plus all the other sampler juices I got the other day is enough purchasing for awhile! LOL!!



Ok, I just went for it. I ordered from electronicstix.com as it looked like they were having a sale on all of their supplies. I got a pack of 5 LR510 cartomizers (I'm going to try one and give the others to dad), 8 LR510 atomizers (4 for me, 4 for dad), and 2 button protectors for the eGo so they don't get pushed when they are in a pocket etc.

That plus all the other sampler juices I got the other day is enough purchasing for awhile! LOL!!


Believe me purchasing becomes an addiction itself, I got to the point where I remembered all the #'s on my debit card, even the exp. date and code on back by heart, its just the beginning, LoL!! :thumbsup:


Ok, I just went for it. I ordered from electronicstix.com as it looked like they were having a sale on all of their supplies.

Cool - so you went with the 1.8s. Let us know how you like. You can still try nhaler 2.0s (Low) and clouds 2.5s (Med) if you want. FWIW, I think VTALK10 still get 10% off at ENS. Most of these guys have at a 10% code.

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