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I am now 10 days into vaping (Joye eGo 3.7 volt, 12 mg juice, direct drip). Analog smoking I was having 3-5 cigs a day. And other than one little mishap last weekend where I didn't vape enough and got into MAJOR crave mode and had one cig, I have been analog free. BUT, I had an experience on Thur. that absolutely blew my mind.

Thur. I had a helluvu work day and I vaped my way through it (I work from home). Got to the end of the day, hubby came home and we had a beer together and I was telling him about it. Was still pretty amped up and I got one of those "just gotta do it and don't think about it" moments and went outside to have an analog.

I took 3 puffs and was totally and absolutely disgusted. Not mentally. PHYSICALLY! The taste, the feel in my throat, the feel in my lungs?! I literally was in shock about that and WILLED myself to take another puff because I just simply couldn't believe it. And with that 4th puff, I coughed it out and promptly put out the cig. I literally snuffed out a 3/4ths of a cig. (say whaaaa???) I know you all have talked about that experience on here but I simply didn't believe it. Until I experienced it.

And just because I still couldn't believe it, I tried it again last night. Had ONE puff and started choking and coughing. I literally cannot smoke analogs anymore! HAHAHAHA!!! That just simply blows my mind to kingdom come.

So, vaping is now my new smoking for good and I am soooo happy about that! Man, to wake up in the morning and suck in fresh clean crisp fall air outside WITHOUT coughing...holy canole what a treat. But I have some questions:

1. What is the experiential difference between VG and PG ( I know factual difference but what is the difference in how they vape?). Does one tend to dry you out more than the other? (that's the biggest "negative" to me is how it dries out your throat).

2. Has anyone ever experienced getting heartburn from vaping? I seemed to get that a lot with the PG but just a little with the VG. Especially on an empty stomach. Never got that with analogs.

3. I have 2 complete Joye eGo sets (came as a package deal) and on one of them, the juice seems to leak at the connection to the battery. I thought maybe I was putting in too much juice. (I use 3-4 drops). So I tried the other one with the same filling of juice and it hasn't done that at all. Defective?

4. I'm curious to know the longest someone has been vaping. From what I can tell, the longest I've seen is about a year. Anyone been vaping longer than a year?

Oh and as for the eGo battery...HOLY CRAP! I charged it on the first day and that bugger lasted a whole week! (I was a light smoker to begin with so I really only vape like 4-5 times a day with about 10-15 toots each time). ROCK!!!



Edited by Jodie


1.VG just makes more vapor and some people seem to be allergic to PG other than that no real diff.

2.You has to drink plenty of water while vaping

3.I doubt it ,it might have had more primer in it,blow through it into a tissue to remove excess liquid and try again.

4.I have been vaping for over a year and a half.I cheated a little at first but have for the most part lost all interest in smoking.Takes a while to find flavors that you like and look forward .Just have to try them all.

We are here for you.Good luck.


Great news! I know I was shocked the first time myself, the smell even gags me now. VG is less drying, a little sweeter, more vapor, smoother, less TH. I only order VG I may try 50/50 for hubby but I like the VG better. I'm using the last of my Rum and Coke from WU right now. I should have ordered more last week when I ordered eGo, I have to wean myself to other flavors:)


Your taste will change with time as your taste buds and sense of smell heal up ,so some flavors you like now may suck later and some you don't like now will rock .

:thumbsup: Congrats on being an official ex-smoker!! I'm so happy for you, from your joy of the vaping to the disgust of the analogs. I agree, nothing beats that crisp morning air and a good vape! Thanks for the update, it's so good to hear happy stories! McGiver, errr, I mean McQuinn, already answered, so I'll just toss in another :thumbsup: and a :)

I personally find that VG is more drying to me, but that is me. I cannot do a lot of VG it makes my throat and lungs hurt, again I am the odd one out, most ppl don't have this problem.

I did at the beginning find I had more heartburn, but it did go away, I think we suck in more air but I could be wrong.

I don't know about how to solve the leaking thing, because I am always flooding atty's and leaking, so I just switched to cartomizers.

Today is 6 weeks of vaping for me and I tell you it gets better in all kinds of ways. I knew I had crossed a line when I did not want an analog, because I wanted to wait to vape.

Glad it is going so well for you.


  On 10/2/2010 at 5:25 PM, owutaqt said:

I personally find that VG is more drying to me, but that is me. I cannot do a lot of VG it makes my throat and lungs hurt, again I am the odd one out, most ppl don't have this problem.

I did at the beginning find I had more heartburn, but it did go away, I think we suck in more air but I could be wrong.

I don't know about how to solve the leaking thing, because I am always flooding atty's and leaking, so I just switched to cartomizers.

Today is 6 weeks of vaping for me and I tell you it gets better in all kinds of ways. I knew I had crossed a line when I did not want an analog, because I wanted to wait to vape.

Glad it is going so well for you.

And another main stage that it got better for you was when you switched to cartos as your mainstay, huh? I know it was for me!


A couple weeks into vaping I tried an analogue at a football tailgate. About a year ago. 10 secs after I grabbed a water and started rinsing my mouth out. I now knew what licking an ashtray meant. Then I did it again 20 minutes later (yes alcohol was involved) and I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Congrats on becoming an ex-smoker. like you, tried a smoke a few days after starting vaping and again at a week--have not had a single craving since--couldn't smoke again even if I wanted to.

Been vaping for a little over 16 months--and can never go back !!!

I do have some atty's than leak now and again--sometimes if you remove the cartomizer or atty (depending on what you are using)--wipe off the connections on the atty and the battery connection. reattach--seems to help the leaking for a while. some just don't seem to have the best connection.

PG does seem to by more drying for me, but it seems to carry flavor better. I really seem to like a PG/VG 50/50 mix. VG is much better vapor and a bit sweeter.

Very glad you are loving vaping !!!!

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