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I've smoked for 15 yrs and my father for 40, We both quit for one year and after a drunken night recently started again. I am wondering what can I buy that gives me the battery life of a 1-2 pack a day smoker with ease of use ( Old man has no patience) changing cartridges or what not. And Has the most realistic draw and smoke of a full flavored cigarette? I don’t really need it to look real but not to out there either. More worried about it lasting all day and performing pretty close to the real thing. Also easy to use. Were are just some simple hillbilly’s that want to be a little healthier. I would greatly appreciate any help. I've been looking for quite a while but there are just to many choices. Thanks again in advance.


Welcome to the forum! You're making a wise choice, switching over to vaping. As far as long lasting battery and satisfying vapor, good flavor, and not easily lost or destroyed by the great outdoorsman.... I would suggest a Black Silver Bullet. It's a workhorse!

There are many others out there, but I'll let those with experience with those pv's fill you in on them.


I have a 510 mega called a 520 at wordup. It's great feels pretty close to real thing but this is going to be different so you have to view it as a new habit. I am not into playing with stuff either so I ordered an eGo 900mah with a jumbo atomizer. There are some 2 piece units out there that are easy and I hear the 510 cartos are sweet. I was confused at first after buying a cheap mini kit that could not keep up with me. Jeff at wordupecigs, is wonderful with matching your wants and needs to the right ecig and he won't sell you stuff you don't need. He's a straight up guy. My best advice is to cruise around this forum ask questions when they come up, go to wordup, Jeff is a supplier here so go to that area and click on his thread you can go to his website from there, email him and he will hook you up. Most importantly check out reviews on VT and read and ask. You won't be sorry this is a great site and the people are warm, friendly and very helpful. Everyone will be happy to assist you so your purchase will not disappoint you. Everyone is different and we all have our own opinions so sit back, browse and enjoy. Welcome!


Welcome to the forum! You're making a wise choice, switching over to vaping. As far as long lasting battery and satisfying vapor, good flavor, and not easily lost or destroyed by the great outdoorsman.... I would suggest a Black Silver Bullet. It's a workhorse!

There are many others out there, but I'll let those with experience with those pv's fill you in on them.

Good point! I tend to go more girly, black is about as male-like as I go LOL. I forget about guys doing guy things and needing tough stuff. See we all try to help out.:):construction:


many mods to choose from.

any mod that takes 14500, cr123a, or 18650 is going to be good

both cr and 14500 last about the same time, 18650 lasts quite a bit longer.

if you get a mod and are expected to shell out over 120, it better be a multivoltage device.


Thanks for the replies so far. I'm still reading as much as I can, What about the totally wicked titan tornado? Also not much on flavor just good old hard core cheap cigarette taste.


Hi, welcome to the Vapor Talk Forum!

Everyone has their favorite starting point. From what you've posted, it would make sense to start out with a Janty/Joye eGo, and then move forward if you need and want to. The eGo is 6-12 hours between charges. Using a cartomizer, which is an atomizer with filler in one unit, would be a simple and easy plan for your father. There is a lot of information here on many different pvs. Going through the Supplier link at the top of this page will be helpful.

Most of all, don't hesitate to ask questions! We are here for that very reason! :)


Thanks for the replies so far. I'm still reading as much as I can, What about the totally wicked titan tornado? Also not much on flavor just good old hard core cheap cigarette taste.

I think that's an eGo uses 510 attys. Joye and Janty stuff is popular. I have a Joye and my eGo is Joye. Check and see if Tornado is 900mah. If not the eGo XL should last longer between charges. Wordup also has a 1300mah 510 battery which isn't Joye brand, I'm getting one next order to try and to build up my stock. Kind of like switching flavors you sometimes like to switch up your ecig. Wordup has huge selection of reg. tabacco flavors, I don't care for reg. but you can pick closest to what you like. Just try small sizes in case you don't like flavor.


eGo's rock! You can't go wrong with an ego. I highly recommend an eGo for beginners and novice alike. The XL batteries last an hour or two longer than the original battery. The eGo is especially well liked for the flavor it produces, as well as the nice vapor and battery life. It's a nice looking unit, easy to use, easy to hold and is elegant enough for a night out on the town.

I misread your list of what you wanted from your vape earlier. The eGo will be great for both you and your Dad. Pick up some cartomizers to make it all easier, and you're good to go. Best of luck!

(the tornado and eGo are same thing, just different vendors and warrantys).


Welcome !!!

would put my vote in for the Ego/Tornado. the 900Mah lasts me all day. for less filling--cartomizers and drip tips. I think your dad may prefer drip tips. no fuss, no muss. just add 2-3 drops directly to the atomizer as needed. usually 5-6 draws. vape and repeat.

The cartomizers hold more liquid and need filling less often. good for when out and about or driving.

It usually takes a bit of trial and error to figure out what works best. personally, I prefer drip tips or atomizer/cartridge with blue foam.


The eGo/Tornado is all fine and good... but you might want to think of using some low res/medium res cartos with it. I never did like the vapor, etc. I got with 3.7 volts. Especially if your dad isn't too patient and smoked full flavor smokes! Someone will point you in the direction of the different cartos. I highly recommend them for ease of use when vaping. The main thing is just matching the correct carto to the voltage you are going to be using. :thumbsup:

Posted (edited)

Welcome to Vapor Talk. The eGo and/or tornado are great devices (same thing, different name). They aren't much bigger than a cigarette, fits nicely in your hand or can be carried in a pocket. They use the 510 atomizer which is awesome for vapor production. Although, I do recommend the low resistance atomizers (LR atty) because they produce so much more vapor and I do love my vapor. I use my eGo/tornado for about half of the day and my Black Silver Bullet the other half of the day. The Black Silver Bullet is much bigger and takes an 18650 battery, which holds a charge for about two days. If you want to someday try 6 volt vaping, you can use two RCR123A batteries in it. Plus, you can purchase the pass through for it, plug that into the wall and vape at 5 volt. I use mine all three ways. (be aware that you cannot use a LR atty with either 5 or 6 volt - it would have to be a regular 510 atomizer)

I would suggest direct dripping with a drip tip. You can add drops of your e-liquid into the hole of the drip tip and not have to mess with removing a cartridge to drip and there is no refilling the cartridge all the time like when you use the filler that comes in cartridges. All you would need for a day of vaping is your device and a bottle of eliquid and you're good to go.

None of the liquids taste just like a cigarette - mainly because you are no longer lighting something on fire and breathing in the burning smoke. Vaping has a much cleaner taste to it. But there are some liquids that do taste somewhat like tobacco. There are many liquids to choose from, so I suggest trying several until you find the one that works best for you. Several places even carry a "marlboro" flavor. You might want to start with those.

I also have to tell you about backups. You NEED backups. You need backups for your backups, too. I recommend at least 3 batteries. You don't want to be vaping and have a battery die and be left with only one. You can't vape while the one is charging. That is a very bad thing, because then you will want to smoke while that battery is charging. And you have to wait a few days to get a new battery delivered. If you have 3 and one dies, you're still good to go. Then order some backup batteries. It's not a bad thing to have even more as backups. You'll also need to have several atomizers on hand. They tend to last about a month, but you do get some that would only last a week or so. You need to have LOTS of them on hand so you never have the last one burn out and have none on hand. That's a bad thing because you'll be back to smoking while waiting for new ones to come in the mail. Same thing with liquid. Keep plenty of that on hand, too. And a second charger (as, you guessed it, a backup) is a good idea, too. Just in case.

Good luck with whatever you choose. Let us know how it's going and ask any and all questions you have.

Edited by nana

You said you were looking at Totally Wicked. I have their Titan 510 and just ordered an extra kit for my mom, LOVE IT!!! I also just ordered their Tornado :thumbsup:

Wow, you are on a roll huh? :thumbsup:


I've smoked for 15 yrs and my father for 40, We both quit for one year and after a drunken night recently started again. I am wondering what can I buy that gives me the battery life of a 1-2 pack a day smoker with ease of use ( Old man has no patience) changing cartridges or what not. And Has the most realistic draw and smoke of a full flavored cigarette? I don’t really need it to look real but not to out there either. More worried about it lasting all day and performing pretty close to the real thing. Also easy to use. Were are just some simple hillbilly’s that want to be a little healthier. I would greatly appreciate any help. I've been looking for quite a while but there are just to many choices. Thanks again in advance.

Many are going to tell you the Joye EGO, and I agree with them. Though it is the only unit I have used, I did do a ton of research. I found that most units have some issues, this includes the EGO. Many issues are battery life and atomizors. The ego has increadible battery life. I have only been vaping for 36 hours now, but the first battery I used (partially charged from the factory) lasted the whole time, really I just changed it 5 minutes ago. I used it a lot too, all day at work and home. Here are the issues of all the units, they are heavier than a cig, this is an obvious issue and one that should be expected, the flavors are abundant and hard to find good ones, this is also a positive becuase the flavors are abundant and there is a lot to choose from. The Ego really has helped me overcome cravings, I mean really overcome the cravings. The morning smoke, the night smoke, the drive to work smokes, and the walking out the door of work smoke are all taken car of by the e-cig. I have also read about people still smoking analog in the morn and at night. Ease of use well it is not difficult to put a few drops onto the atty and puff a few times, though the 10 to 12 puffs out of 2 or 3 drops is unrealistic. I get 5 to 8 puffs then burnt taste so I just add a drop or 2 more if needed. I use 24mg nicotine liquid and this is not enough, but a few extra puffs helps that out. I was using the unit at work and had questions but no complaints, and the people asking usually were wondering what it was if it helped bc of a loved one. My suggestion is the EGO becuase of battery life and feel of the vapor (really get the "throat hit"). There are many websites that offer, the forum vapor store was out of stock so I ordered from greenhouseone.com cheap and quick. The unit came directly from china and was at my door 5 days later, that includes sat and sunday. Customer service is great and excellent communication I mean immediate return of email, and not translated (hard to decifere) from chinese. Good luck with the vaping, and there are a lot of knowledge people on this forum all willing to help and give advice. I just want to say thank you all again for the help.


Wow, you are on a roll huh? :thumbsup:

LOL yeah got a refund back from overpaying insurance and hubby told me to spend it on ecig stuff :D I think he is just ECSTATIC that I'm not smoking anymore ... he's a non-smoker ROFL


Although why not buy it within the country? I doubt a whole lot was saved anyway. Besides, we need to support OUR country. LOL. :thumbsup:

I do not want to start an argument here, but in reality if you bought an E-CIG you purchased a product manufactured in China. If you want to support the corrupt American if you have cash you can succeed if you do not well have fun in your small house small car can barley afford your mortgage because these monster corporations hold you down, then smoke a real cigarette. However is someone has the knowledge, background, ideas, tools, and money to design one of these things I will buy it. When I first posted I asked which is the best unit, everyone said Joye EGO I purchased it from the source, I paid shipping, just like everyone else. I saved a few bucks because I did not help someone making a buck from someone else, plus nobody had it in stock not even the vapor store which everyone said to buy from. I was not going to wait another week or month to go digital. Also these are the same reasons we need to help fight the ban of e-cigs, because of our corrupt money hungry nation who cares more about being billionaires the the wealfare of our middle and lower class. You want to do something great for this country and spend more money on organic foods, buy products from only your town store, and fight the bs laws thrown at us for not spending money on analogs.

Sorry for the rant and again not a fight, just very passionate about this subject again sorry. So back to the E-cig Joye EGO rules no matter where you buy it.


Yeah well I like to support the small mom and pops businesses... because I know what it's like to try to keep a business running these days. You go right ahead and buy from China... I don't care one bit. :thumbsup:


Well I think I have made up my mind to go with the titan tornado for me and my dad says the blu for himself.

My qustions now is everyone says get the 900mah battery but totally wicked and janty and joye all say 680mah? The titan tornado mega is 1000mah. Do i need it? Or any of the mega stuff for that matter (atomizer and carts). Also the tornado comes with 10 pre filled carts, I was gonna order 5 more prefilled. I can refill these right? The PCC comes with 10ml of e liquid thats why i'm asking. Also a car charger. Do i have everything covered. I work on the railroad and cant really just charge a battery that easy, so thats why I was thinkin the PCC.

My dad wants the blu for the simplicity and the pcc, also the carts are 25 to a pack and he will probably pitch them as the run out. He really doesnt want to refilling anything. Thanks again for the help this site has been awesome.


If you want to try something that won't break the bank, check out the Hello 016. The battery is rated at 1300 mah and you can get about 1.5 days of heavy vaping per charge. I bought a couple of the batteries for about $20 each from Madvapes. They have a 510 connection.


Well I think I have made up my mind to go with the titan tornado for me and my dad says the blu for himself.

My qustions now is everyone says get the 900mah battery but totally wicked and janty and joye all say 680mah? The titan tornado mega is 1000mah. Do i need it? Or any of the mega stuff for that matter (atomizer and carts). Also the tornado comes with 10 pre filled carts, I was gonna order 5 more prefilled. I can refill these right? The PCC comes with 10ml of e liquid thats why i'm asking. Also a car charger. Do i have everything covered. I work on the railroad and cant really just charge a battery that easy, so thats why I was thinkin the PCC.

My dad wants the blu for the simplicity and the pcc, also the carts are 25 to a pack and he will probably pitch them as the run out. He really doesnt want to refilling anything. Thanks again for the help this site has been awesome.

Most eGo users report 8+ hours on the standard battery and a kit comes with two batteries. As for all the other mega stuff, I don't think you need it. I'd start with a kit and look into other options down the road. Yes, carts are refillable, and you may want to check out direct dripping (and get a drip tip if that interests you).

I'll warn you - once your Dad see's how the ego perfoms compared to the Blu, you're gonna have to hide it from him. :)

What is Direct Dripping


The Blu is super easy to use but the batteries only last maybe 1 hour at best. If he is a heavy smoker he'll burn right through them. If he goes that route buy lots of extra batteries. I have 4 and only 1 1/2 work, the 1/2 has to be taken apart between vapes cause it won't shut off. The pcc does a pretty good job but after 2 months I find it has to be charged more often. Never leave a battery in it after it's done charging either it'll drain both. They do have nice attys and are more like analogs. If you go eGo route you can get jumbo or mega carts and attys then fill them for him. I fill hubby's and it works fine, except for his Blu battery, yes I fill those carts. The Blu is easy and that kind of makes you spoiled for the ease of use:)


Thanks for everyones help.

I went with the tornado kit, also got a pcc, drip tip, and cartomizers. My dad went with the hello 016 carto kit, and 5 extra carts. we also got 100ml of e liquid I think Marl 24mg.

Again thanks for the help. I post up some feedback when we recieve them.

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