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A Funky Thing With The Ego Battery, And Question About Eliquid


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okay... The battery, I charged it up, the light turned green... i used it for about an hour, and the button light flickered like 20xs and wouldn't turn off anymore.... using a low resistance atty too. I know they drain your battery quicker, but an hour? (it was full too(the battery)).

Eliquid, I got some cheesecake, and some... mint and chip, it was very very good. But then after a little bit, it just turns NASTY, makes me sick. The quality doesn't go down, still same flavor, it's not burnt or anything. It's just the same taste as the first hit, i think it's like i got sick of it...

I think this is common with these type of flavors? What are some good flavors that don't do this? i'd assume more of the fruity flavors...

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I have found that I grow tired of the more exotic flavors quicker than your standard flavors. I could vape Dulcis & Bobas Bounty all day and not get tired. I have found the fruity flavors loose their punch after awhile. Thats just my experience, your mileage may vary :D

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Somethings wrong with your battery. I would notify the supplier and arrange for an exchange if it's still under warranty. Toss it otherwise.

Yah, some of the fun flavors can get tiring. I like to use mine in between my tobacco flavored vapes. Once you build up a spice cabinet of flavors you can always add more of this or that to it and make it more to your liking for longer vape sessions. You'll get the hang of it in no time before you know it.

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Hey, sorry about your eGo battery. Can you recharge it or is it actually ded? Definitely try to get a replacement if you can.

I'm in complete agreement with jeffb. Can vape RY4 and Dulcis all day long forever. Something just happens with the fruit, beverage and candy flavors...my tastebuds have become very particular as well! Good luck in finding your faves :)!

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I just got it yesterday, got my ego, with 2 batteries. Yes I can charge it up, i am using a battery now, not sure if it's the one that acted funky, or maybe it just wasn't charged all the way... It was in the charger the light was red, then after a few hours the light turned green, then I took it out, started to vape with it, lasted about an hour if that, the light blinked alot (the button light on the battery) and it stopped working, so i charged it again... not sure if it's okay now or what, i could be using it now, because i am nto sure which battery i am using...

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okay thanks guys, yeah i am just going to finish my current battery, and then try the other one... (because i am not sure which battery i am using right now) the one that had the minor glitch, or the other one. So i'll go through both of them, if one acts funky again, i'll contact the supplier.

thanks for your help everyone

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I can't vape anything but tobacco flavors for more than 10 minutes or so before they lose appeal. Bobas Bounty I could(and have)vape on all day and not get tired of it one bit. But my Strawberry Cheesecake from the same supplier gets no longer than 5-10 minutes before I have to switch back to Bobas.

Also as stated contact the supplier and get yourself a new battery.

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