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I love the convienience of my cartomizers, they always have pretty good flavor and always provide good throat hit. However, on my Riva, I cannot get much vapor out of them. I dont understand it. Any tips or tricks?


I was looking for advice at 3.7. The riva is such a good unit, that is easy to use. I will eventually upgrade to high voltage, but for now, I am looking for advice on 3.7. Do they make a unit that is 5V that has a sealed battery like the ego or riva?

Posted (edited)

They have LR cartos for about the same price as reg cartos if u shop around. They produce a lot of vapor and said to simulate 5v vaping.

Alternately you can also try a 80/20 ratio of PG/VG or 70/30. VG produces more vapor.

Also be sure you are putting in exactly the right amount not too little or too much. Finally drag slower and longer and try some direct inhales too. Over all I have not probs with my ego which looks very much like a Riva, even on a standard carto.

Edited by Jkimbo

No lr cartos are not hard on 3.7volt bats, they work fine also have you ever try a mega carto, those put out good vape and reg. 510 cartos on my eGo also I get a good enuff amount of vapor production, I don't need insane amounts of clouds of vapor anyway! Just enuff to keep away from analogs! :beer:

Posted (edited)

Are you using a drip tip on it? May just be my imagination, but seems to get better vapor with a drip tip (drawing more air through???).

Would also ask if you're using the silver threaded cartos, or the gold ones? I hear the gold ones don't work as well.

Edited by Brian
Posted (edited)

I love the convienience of my cartomizers, they always have pretty good flavor and always provide good throat hit. However, on my Riva, I cannot get much vapor out of them. I dont understand it. Any tips or tricks?

I hated the first batch of LR cartos that came out. Very harsh and hot but I think 1.6-1.7 ohms was just too low for a carto. Now I'm a big fan of the 1.8 and 2.0 cartos found here and here and here. There were also 2.4-2.6 ohm medium res cartos I used to get but I dig the 2.0s and wife likes the 1.8s.

Medium res can be found at vaporsetc and V4L. The tru-vapor ones at vaporsetc are medium (page down, different colors) and if V4l have medium 901 cartos but you would need an adapter to fit the Riva and I don't see them anyway.

Edited by FTJoe

I drip most of the time, no problem with vapor from the stand point. But sometimes a carto is conveinient. I really like the vapor, it adds to the effect of vaping. I am using silver threads.


I drip most of the time, no problem with vapor from the stand point. But sometimes a carto is conveinient. I really like the vapor, it adds to the effect of vaping. I am using silver threads.

What I meant was try putting a drip tip on your cartomizer. I think that gives you better air flow when you take a drag and creates better vapor (as I said before, it could just be my imagination, but I seem to get good vapor from cartomizers with drip tip).


Are LR Cartos hard on 3.7 volt 650mAh batteries?

They hit harder and warmer. I didn't really like it. Perhaps it was just the brand I used. I prefer taste and hit over vapor if I had to choose. Regular cartos are ok with me. I can get clouds of vapor if I want or the best bad *** hit ever if I hold the vapor in longer. I vape at 36mg.

For example, try holding in the inhaled vapor longer. You get way less vapor but man a much better hit :)

For flavor inhale exhale faster, also produces more vapor.

Posted (edited)

Are you sure about that?? http://www.madvapes.com/Low-Resistance-Refillable-510-Cartomizers-17-ohm_p_2605.html

Am I missing a different LR carto somewhere or something??

I hope.. because I've had those before... the GOLD THREADED ones.

Also, i just saw this:

not recommended for use with eGo, 016 batteries, regular e-cig batteries or any mosfet driven style battery. Use with larger battery capacity mods

I would assume that the Rive battery fits under this doesn't it??

Edited by DAYVAPE

Well if it is the gold threads, the reviews bear out the issues already spoken of. Any low res carto (and that's pretty low) should be fine in the ego./riva. I prefer the 1.8 from electronicstix and 2.0s from nhaler. I think clouds have 2.5 medium res ones I kind of liked.


Oh sweet... because I have some 1.8's from Jason on the way as we speak. I figure they will work great on my MarkMod that I JUST got today! Jason said he finally got the same people to make the LR that make his regular ones. Is it Boge or something?


HMMM your right, they are gold tip. I just looked though and my 2.5s are gold tip, but they never leaked for me. Of course I only used one for awhile, before I figured out they suck on 3.7v. It is wierd, they still deliver great throat hit, just little vapor. I am going to try out the 1.8 and let you know how they do. Leaking may not be an issue with me, as my 510 attys all leak like crazy. I just hope they are not battery killers.


HMMM your right, they are gold tip. I just looked though and my 2.5s are gold tip, but they never leaked for me. Of course I only used one for awhile, before I figured out they suck on 3.7v. It is wierd, they still deliver great throat hit, just little vapor. I am going to try out the 1.8 and let you know how they do. Leaking may not be an issue with me, as my 510 attys all leak like crazy. I just hope they are not battery killers.

My wife uses the 1.8s, no issue. I use the 2.0s from nhaler, I like them better. Give them a whirl at some point in time. I have plenty if you want to just try a couple, PM me if so. I have 1.8s from ENS as well. Happy to send a couple of each if you would like before committing.


My wife uses the 1.8s, no issue. I use the 2.0s from nhaler, I like them better. Give them a whirl at some point in time. I have plenty if you want to just try a couple, PM me if so. I have 1.8s from ENS as well. Happy to send a couple of each if you would like before committing.

Have you found many of these to be duds? I open them up, fill them, and they have that burnt thing going on, like atty primer burning. The most recent one I opened up today, I filled it just a little, it did that same thing, and I thought, "Well, maybe it DOES need to be fully filled before being ok." Then, not so much. Still burnt primer nastiness. Ugh. I have 25 of them. I loved the first five I had from nhaler, but this recent batch (received Monday, October 4) may be a bummer. Thoughts?


Ummm - no. Just filled another one today (I go through them once a week or two), seems great. From the last batch I got which was 9/13. So now I'm a little scared, thanx!!! ;-) 1.8s are okay as well from ENS (or at least the last batch I got was)!!


Have you found many of these to be duds? I open them up, fill them, and they have that burnt thing going on, like atty primer burning. The most recent one I opened up today, I filled it just a little, it did that same thing, and I thought, "Well, maybe it DOES need to be fully filled before being ok." Then, not so much. Still burnt primer nastiness. Ugh. I have 25 of them. I loved the first five I had from nhaler, but this recent batch (received Monday, October 4) may be a bummer. Thoughts?

Thats really strange... are you able to draw good through them like you are supposed too?? The only issue is the burnt taste you are getting... but you are able to get good vapor?


Thats really strange... are you able to draw good through them like you are supposed too?? The only issue is the burnt taste you are getting... but you are able to get good vapor?

No, not a good draw either. I take the first hit like I usually do, about ten seconds worth (long, I know, but that's how I smoked analogs too), and then bleck-ich-nasty primer burnt taste. I try another shorter toot, and it's terrible too. I may just send an email to nhaler. The first batch of five I had were great, but this batch (and I ordered 25 because I liked the LR so much) has been terrible through the first box of five (two of the four opened are like this). :iiam:

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