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3 houses, 1 month, and a few to many hundreds of dollars later I am finally in my new apartment. It's in a rougher neighborhood of Pittsburgh but with three people living here and all utilities included the rent total out to $225 each per month. Also...EVERY ROOM IN THIS PLACE IS HUGE! First time I have ever had an eat in kitchen and I am damn excited about it. :)

I got all my stuff here using mah ladies car and a friends truck. My 40+ inch projection TV was the biggest pain in the ***. It weighs a ton and isn't to comfy to grip. We left it at the bottom of the stairs and I plan to get it up here tomorrow or wednesday.

I went Ikea shopping and picked up a new table, dresser, some shelving units, and other misc crap(new lamp, chair, storage things). I don't have internet here and wont for another few weeks(It comes in if I place my computer on the window ledge in my room and nowhere else)so I won't be online to much. Plan on getting internet asap and I will poke around when I am at school but wont be in video chat to often.

Ok I have a huge exam that I am only 1/4 of the way done studying for.

Take care...just wanted to share my excitedness with you friendly folk!


p.s. I know excitedness isn't a word :)...it should be.


with three people living here and all utilities included the rent total out to $225 each per month.

Are you serious?

My NYC Apartment rent is 1,000 a month, not including utilities. Damn this city lol.


Woohoo!!! Glad to hear it, big congrats!!! Was it shark bait or shark butt? LOL


Are you serious?

My NYC Apartment rent is 1,000 a month, not including utilities. Damn this city lol.

Wow New York is an expensive city to live in, well so are alot of cities, I live in Milwaukee and on the southside its cheaper to live, even cheaper on the northside but you will get shot real quick over there, anyway I pay $620 a month for a decent sized 1 bedroom and it includes heat, water, locked underground parking structure, locked lobby, free cable TV, and they are sound proof, this place is built like a frickin bomb shelter!!!!! :wallbash::construction:


Congrats on your new apartment! At least your rent is cheap. I own a house but there's always some kind of maintenance involved. Something is always breaking and I have to keep nagging my brother to fix everything!

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