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Special Interest Prefers 20 Million Americans Die

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Another decent article pointing out hypocracy in attitudes about e-cigs:

E Cigarettes - Special Interest Prefers 20 Million Americans Die Instead Of Profits And Taxes

Author: Aydan Corkern

While the act of smoking has been a part of cultures around the world for thousands of years, only recently have smokers had an opportunity to smoke without the smoke. The answer is the e-cigarette and even though they are available at mall kiosks around the United States, most e-smokers get theirs through online vendors.

Touted by most e-smokers as a safer, healthier way to smoke, many health officials have stated misguided grievances with the products, such as there are no tests confirming e-cigarette safety. There have in fact been at least two separate health studies that confirm that e-cigarettes are safe for their intended purpose and are not a danger to bystanders. These studies come from New Zealand and the United Kingdom from two different e-cigarette manufacturers and both studies concluded that e-cigarettes are much safer than smoking tobacco cigarettes.

The CDC announced in 2004 that their study on the chemicals found in tobacco cigarette emissions came to the conclusion that there are over 4,800 chemicals and 69 carcinogens in tobacco smoke, but even though they contain in most cases less than 20 chemicals, the Food and Drug Administration has proclaimed an import ban on e-cigarettes.

Comments made by e-smokers on forums, news articles, and blogs indicate that e-smokers and even non-smokers alike are outraged by the FDA stance toward e-cigarettes. The lives that the products could save are astronomical, since 1 in 2 people who smoke tobacco cigarettes will die due to smoking-related illnesses. With the death rate being 1 in 2, many people are perplexed by the FDA attitude toward the breakthrough, but some are not surprised.

The United States brings in millions of dollars in cigarette tax revenue every year and e-cigarettes are definitely a cheaper alternative to tobacco, since they are not taxed above normal sales tax. In a freefalling economy, the government needs all the money it can get its hands on, but at what cost?

Others point out the effect the products could have on the pharmaceutical and anti-smoking industry. Anti-smoking coalitions will crumble after losing their reason to exist and pharmaceutical companies will no longer see a demand for the stop smoking aids they produce, such as suicide-inducing Chantix, manufactured by Pfizer.

Where does the line get drawn and what is most important to the America people? Putting money in the pockets of the now unpopular Federal Reserve private bank and death-dealing pharmaceutical companies or saving the lives of millions of people who have an addiction they were duped into years ago with cartoon camels and cowboys?

Source: http://www.articlema...p?id=1021086004

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Wow. A very good article.

Corkem pretty much summed up every issue that there really is with the e-cig. It truly has nothing to do with the perceived health concerns.

IMHO, It is a time for a shift in thinking (and an end to demonizing a group of people for an action that they can continue to do without harming those around them) and hopefully, some of these anti-ecig claims will be brought out and shown for how ridiculous they really are.

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