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Silly me........I'm all about a bargain so I bought the 120ml 24mg tobacca with vanilla. hahaha. Kicking myself. I guess I can buy some 5ml flavors and mix my own, right?

  • 1 month later...

I've just started vaping. I started buying 30ml and luckily I do really like those flavors. I've started buying 5ml now though, just in case I don't like them. Most of my flavors are 16mg. nicotine, but I bought a 24mg. yesterday to try.


Silly me........I'm all about a bargain so I bought the 120ml 24mg tobacca with vanilla. hahaha. Kicking myself. I guess I can buy some 5ml flavors and mix my own, right?

I accidently mixed french vanilla with candy cane and it was great. I can continued mixing the vanilla with other flavors now; kiwi, strawberry, and they're really good also! I'd guess the vanilla tobacco would be good mixed too!


I've been sticking to 6ml bottles and have been keeping the nicotine to 6mg and 0mg. I like more of the sweeter varieties, with cotton candy as my new regular flavor. I'm still looking for a good cherry, but I may just have to make my own mix to get the flavor I want. I saw on sweetvapes.com that they have sweedish fish...oooooooooo, I wanna try that one.

  • 2 weeks later...

I smoke excessively and love it. I am working on smoking 0mg but I have 15 mg on backup. I used to smoke half a pack of stinkers a day, and I don't wanna gain weight like so many people that quite seem to do, so I may keep to nic permanently.


I smoke excessively and love it. I am working on smoking 0mg but I have 15 mg on backup. I used to smoke half a pack of stinkers a day, and I don't wanna gain weight like so many people that quite seem to do, so I may keep to nic permanently.

I fully understand where you are coming from. If I have rough day I know I can always borrow a higher nic from my husband. As far as the traditional weight gain from quitting smoking, I haven't encountered that yet, and it's been a little over a month. I can't say this happens to everyone, but I've actually been loosing weight since I started. Maybe it's the fact that I love sweets and I'm using sweet vapors, especially loving cotton candy. I haven't been eating candy like I use to, or anything really sweet for that matter. I've been getting my sweet fix from my ego.


  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Now that I found my all day Vape I wish I could buy it in bigger than 30ml but thats as big as my liquid supplier of choice, Sweet-Vapes, offers so I order 2 or 3 at a time. My wifes favorite flavor we order 100ml at a time from VapeDudes. All 24mg 80/20 mix.

  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

As I have said I DIY my juice mostly in batches of 10-15ml for testing flavor. When I get one I like I do a 50ml bottle. My main Tobacco Juice I make in a 250ml batch. I almost always do a 24mg nic. I chain Vape so making my own is best on my wallet. ;)


Okay, I answered 16 mg nic, but that's changing. I'm probably getting ready to drop to 12, since I dropped to 8 so easily on the kick ash. And depending on how much I vape that flavor, I might pick up a bigger bottle than 30 ml. Not this time, but last time I ordered Honey Wood, I went ahead and got 2 bottles of 36 ml, since that's the only size they carry outside the sampler pack.


Buying my first bottle of 12 mg tomorrow to see if I can tell a big difference from the 18 I use now.


I marked 24mg of nic which is what I have been using but all the new juice I just got is 18mg. I have not started vaping them yet. Do you think I will be able to notice the change much?


Buying my first bottle of 12 mg tomorrow to see if I can tell a big difference from the 18 I use now.

Did you notice a big difference when you dropped to 18mg from 24mg? That is if you ever were vaping 24mg.


Did you notice a big difference when you dropped to 18mg from 24mg? That is if you ever were vaping 24mg.

Honestly at times yes. I found myself chain vaping to get satisfied. I only used 24mg for 4 months and then switched. Thing is I used about 2ml of 24mg per day and I now use at least 3ml of 18mg per day so my nic intake is probably the same. Thing is I also switched to a Vamo running 7watts with 1.8ohms where I was using 2.2ohm with the Vision Spinners so I am bound to go through more.

Then again my main motivation for dropping is that nicotine tastes like crap to me now and flavors I sort of liked at 24mg I love at 18. It cannot be overstated the affect the nic has on flavor of liquids. Go in a shop and taste some of the flavors at their juice bar which will most likely be 0nic. Then taste the 18 or 24mg. Huge difference. I'm just wondering if I switch to 12mg if the flavor will be even better, as I assume it will. Not sure I will ever drop below 12 and am going to take the step to 12 slow and gradual. When I switched to 18 I just did it. Switching to 12 I plan to integrate 12s into my rotation over time.


I'm pretty much all 24mg now, I was way high on mg's way back when I was on the stick batteries. Used to have a few juices at 32 or 36 until recently just in case I needed the boost. I'll look to start getting some 18 soon, or make my own since I'll be diy experimenting starting this week.


I'm using a 12mg right now, but that was not on the poll. I really enjoy vaping and I seem to vape more than I smoked analogs (probably because I can vape in my office at work! :smoke: ) I had some 18mg but down graded to the 12mg because I vape so much and was getting too much nic in my system!! :sick:


In 6 months I have dropped to 12mg and 50/50 and it seems to be holding although when I drip I use 6mg. With each drop in nic I noticed flavor improvement. I would say I'm vaping a little more than I was when doing 24 mg but I haven't done 24 in a while.

Month 1-3 nothing but 24.

Month 4-5 mixing in 18 mostly

Month 6 - 18 rare mostly 12

Month 7 - 12 only

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