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Hello. This is my first post and I probably should have read more before posting but I've been searching the net for a couple of weeks and haven't found the answer to my question, so here goes. (if I'm in the wrong area, someone please redirect me). I have been smoke free since 07-25-10 when my first battery got charged on my enjoys. They are wonderful and any time I crave a smoke I just whip that little thing out (actually I carry it around all day & ape like crazy!). I keep getting holes in my pre-filled cartridges and feel like I'm spending more money on pre filled carts than I did on smokes. Additionally, the battery life on these things is awful! I have bought 3 or 4 starter packs and have to recharge the battery every hour or so. I have been looking for a new longer lasting battery and have decided that the janty ego will be my new ecig of choice. The problem is, I don't understand what I need to get in order to NOT get the pre filled cartridges. Does the ego starter pack come with pre filled only? Will I need to order an additional atomizer and/or cartomizer? If I get just the atomizer, do I have to order a cartridge too? The njoys that I have been using say that the nicotine is 1.8. Does that equal 18 in the e juice? Finally, I was smoking black & mild pipe tobacco cigars. Is there any flavor of juice out there equivalent to that? Sorry for the long post


Hi Kilani, welcome to the Vapor Talk Forum! Congratulations on being analog-free since the end of July! I ordered my eGo from Janty USA! The eGo is a great pv, and you will love the 6-12 hours between charges. Yes, the kit will come with five pre-filled cartridges however, In addition, I recommend ordering at least a 10ml bottle of e-liquid to replenish the carts. When you get situated, you might consider direct dipping e-liquid into the atomizer (there are videos that will help you) or perhaps you'll want to check out using a cartomizer which is an atty and filler in one unit. There are also videos on filling cartos. I can't really help you with a cigar-like tobacco flavors, but they are out there. Others here may recommend some and answer your question regarding the nic equivalent of what you're vaping currently. You might want to check out the Supplier Link at the top of the page here. Good luck! Don't hesitate to ask questions!


Hi Kilani, I split your post off the other topic so you can have your own. :)


Hi Kilani, I split your post off the other topic so you can have your own. :)

Oh thanks! I was wondering where it went. Figured I did something wrong & lost it!


Welcome to Vapor Talk. The eGo is a perfect choice! The battery life is wonderful. I'm sure you'll be a lot happier with it. So many people are. I have yet to hear of anyone that doesn't like it. It's that good.

As far as the pre-filled cartridges go...if you don't like the taste of the juice that comes in the cartridges, you can take the filling out, rinse it off and blot the filler dry with a paper towel. Then you can add your own juice to the filler and vape away. Direct dripping is another option. That's what I do and what a lot of people here do. For me, it's much easier than refilling cartridges all the time. I also use a drip tip so I don't have to remove the cartridge to drip.

I can't help you with the flavor, but I'm sure someone will be here soon who can.

Good luck and happy vaping!


Welcome to Vapor Talk! Can't argue with getting an ego. :) You'll definatley want to get eliquid and refill carts... that will save you a ton of money.


Are the carts that come with the ego metal or plastic? The plastic ones from njoy keep getting holes burned in them!

They are plastic, but if you align them with the bridge of the atty they shouldn't burn.


They are plastic, but if you align them with the bridge of the atty they shouldn't burn.

Bridge? This is all very confusing and janty doesn't really give any info on what goes with what on their website


I feel like a big dummy on this. The enjoys you just screwed on a new cartridge & go. Could I be doing something wrong with them to get them to burn?


Bridge? This is all very confusing and janty doesn't really give any info on what goes with what on their website

It's hard to explain, you'll understand when you see it. Inside the atty there is a wire mesh that covers the coil, it's called the bridge. The end of the cart is shaped so that it will go over the bridge when aligned correctly. The link below is to a pic in the gallery that shows the inside of an atty.

My link


I feel like a big dummy on this. The enjoys you just screwed on a new cartridge & go. Could I be doing something wrong with them to get them to burn?

Don't feel that way, we all started at the beginning. :) I'm not sure what model you're using. Is it a three piece model (battery, attomizer, cartridge) or a two piece unit (the cart and attomizer are one piece)? Is it the NJoy Pro?


This is a really good vid that explains in detail how to use a 510. The eGo uses the 510 attomizer, so this is basically the same as the eGo except the eGo has bigger batteries that will last you much much much longer.


Don't feel that way, we all started at the beginning. :) I'm not sure what model you're using. Is it a three piece model (battery, attomizer, cartridge) or a two piece unit (the cart and attomizer are one piece)? Is it the NJoy Pro?

It's the 2 piece unit. I have some of the 3 piece units but they don't taste the same & I don't care for them but can I refill the 3 piece units?


The ego really is a great battery and lasts much, much longer than the standard batteries. The kits doe come with atomizers and carts. The carts can be refilled without problem. occasionally the edges of the carts can melt if the atty gets too hot, but will still work fine.

You can also look at ordering some cartomizers--if you get the blank ones, you can fill with your own liquid.

No matter what you order, you will want an extra battery, and maybe a couple extra atomizers (as budget allows), liquid. drip tips are fairly inexpensive and handy to have if you would like to try dripping.

We all know there is tons of information, and initially it is pretty confusing.

keep asking, it will all make sense eventually !!!



I see no one has responded to you pipe tobacco flavor issue. I am familiar with black and milds and I haven't found that flavor yet but I have found a pipe tobacco flavor you may like. It is called Boba's Bounty and it is available at alien visions e-juice @ www.avejuice.com. It tastes just like cherry pipe tobacco. Good luck. I love it.

Paul S.


It's the 2 piece unit. I have some of the 3 piece units but they don't taste the same & I don't care for them but can I refill the 3 piece units?

Can you post a link to what ecig you have?



I see no one has responded to you pipe tobacco flavor issue. I am familiar with black and milds and I haven't found that flavor yet but I have found a pipe tobacco flavor you may like. It is called Boba's Bounty and it is available at alien visions e-juice @ www.avejuice.com. It tastes just like cherry pipe tobacco. Good luck. I love it.

Paul S.



Of course the ego is sold out at jantyworld. Any other place to buy it? Also what's the difference between the classic the dura ego and the mini fogger on the carts?


VaporTalkStore (here at the forum) started carrying eGo's a few months back due to popular demand. Check there!


This is a really good vid that explains in detail how to use a 510. The eGo uses the 510 attomizer, so this is basically the same as the eGo except the eGo has bigger batteries that will last you much much much longer.

Excellent tutorials by the great Doctor Vapor! I'm so happy he decided to do these.


I use the DSE 901 automatic with blank cartriges and the e liquid juice in 36. These seem to at least equal the cigarettes that I was smoking and gives a great throat hit and pretty good amount of vapor. You can get replacement parts and starter kits at a lot of different places. I found the cheapest is www.ecigarettecigar.com. They have a pretty good selection. and the starter kit is only $36.00 and includes 2 batteries, 2 atomizers, 5 blank cartridges and a wall charger. The e liquid is only $6.00 for a 15ml bottle and if you spend over $75.00 total the shipping is free. I have 4 batteries and 11 atty's with one for each flavor that I use. I have bought 3 staerter kits to get all of this and now have 3 chargers with 2 at home and one at work so that I never have to worry about having a charged battery. The DSE 901 seems to last about 4 hours on a charge and only takes about an hour to recharge.


VaporTalkStore (here at the forum) started carrying eGo's a few months back due to popular demand. Check there!

Thanks for the tip! I looked there and they only had the joye ego. Not yet jaunty ego. Is there a difference?

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