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That's right my fellow vapors, I now enjoy the same great taste I did smoking analogs!

I searched various juice flavors! Tried dripping! But nothing seemed to come close to true analog taste.

Mother nature has come to my rescue!

I now have a cold and vaping finally tastes like analogs! :)


It's going to be hard to duplicate that taste. Vaporizing liquid with a couple chemicals compared to burning analogs with tons of chemicals...


I can't taste any thing right now because of the cold. Darn it! I have some new juice coming too! About the only thing I can test right now is menthol. :)


Think about this....if a cold makes it taste like an analog...what does that say for an analog???

Pretty nasty huh???


I think my biggest hurdle was accepting that vaping is not smoking and none of the liquids will ever taste like that magical flavor I remember when I first started smoking.For the record analogs lost that magical flavor many years ago.I have since found a lot of liquid flavors I like real well and look forward to .

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