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A Lot Of Reviewing Comin' Soon

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OK...I have not been on here all weekend for a couple of reasons. It was my birthday last week as some of you may know;I've been playing all weekend. (and) I got a lot of liquids from 3 different places.

I will be taking some time with some of these b/c they really need to be studied in my mouth (like midnight)

I will post reviews after I know what to say and figure out my own little rating scale. Just to let you know I got;

From VT store: all at high nic. choco java, sweet dawn, cola, ex. tobacco, mignight

from Mad Vapes: butter rum, roasted butternut, maple cream, virginia blend tobac, amaretto, grandpa's mix, vanutla

from Indy vapor: French toast, blueberry cheescake, crispy cola, chocolate, cream, granny's apple pie, camel

Now that is a lot but the mad vapes only cost me like 30 bones w/ shipping and a pack of cartos (most disappointing of entire order) plus they are in NC and I am in SC so I think that caused the shipping to be cheaper and faster; like next day fast.

Indy vapor was all on sale (cheap) and hardly cost me a thing cause a friend paid for most of it for my bday.

I will say that nobody sent me any free samples and I keep hearing how people get free samples all the time and I guess its just cause I am a jerk and nobody likes me!

So stay tuned to the same bat channel, same bat time, or whenever I get around to it! Plus not this channel I guess cause I will put them in the liquid review area, at any rate just check out my reviews coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!

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LOL Light-- somebody must have dropped you on your head when you were little.......

I am really looking forward to the reviews.

Blueberry cheesecake...........mmmmmthumbsup.gif

people are killing me with talk of cheesecake.....thank goodness there are no calories in vaping.........

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