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Those look pretty good.

Loranns and flavour art still remain my most frequently used.


I have now officially made it 24 hours. even made it through a 12 hour shift without killing anybody.

honestly, I really don't notice a difference without the nicotine. I will be playing with more flavors as I go--I think I will mix a batch liquid--I will also mix a batch with 0 nic.

I know I can do 0 nic if I have to. Currently, I have tons of nicotine to use up. I think I will just start alternating with the 0 nicotine.

I really thought is would be harder. Having liquid with a good throat hit and vapor for me really does seem to be the key.

I actually feel less anxious about the possibility of being cut off from nicotine. I still plan on fighting to keep nicotine--but it's nice to know I can do it. kinda like going without caffeine (except I didn;t get the headache)

ok, just took a draw using nicotine (same flavor-apple pie)--The throat hit is stronger with the nicotine (16mg ish), but not drastically stronger than the 0 nic...

But for this die hard nicotine addict--for the first time in my life--I went 24 hours without nicotine and really was ok with it......

I know, I'm rambling--I blame sleep deprivation (worked last night).

I felt the same way the first time I went down to 0 nic. It just totally blew me away. After all those years of smoking and all the failed attempts at quitting and I went down to 0 nic after only 3 months of vaping. I couldn't believe it!! Like I said before, I did go back to nic a few times, but it was easy to go back to 0 again. And now I'm sure I only use the nic because of wanting to use up the liquids in my backup stock. I only use them now and then and only for a flavor change. I would be able to survive a ban easily enough - as long as I can get or make the attys.


So I have finally taken a step into the 0 nic territory. for me throat hit is mandatory and I have always heard that 0 nic provides much less throat hit. Im pretty sure I can live without nicotine, but I can't live without throat hit.

2mls of VG (wordup)

.5mls of Raspberry (Lorann)

3 drops of menthol (Flavorart)

All I can say is that I am very, very happy with this flavor and of course the throat hit. The throat hit is a little less than when i vape my 18mg, but I actually have to be concentrating to notice the difference.

I have used it with my VP/PT and my Ego and it workded great with both devices.

I think the key is the little bit of menthol.....

hopefully later today I will be trying some 0 nic Tiramisu !!!

i made this one!! very nice!! yummmmmo!!


Those look pretty good.

Loranns and flavour art still remain my most frequently used.

Is Flavour Art in Italy? I went to a flavour art site and it looks foreign. Is that the one?


Is Flavour Art in Italy? I went to a flavour art site and it looks foreign. Is that the one?

Yes, they are, but you can buy flavorart at freedomsmokeusa, ecigexpress and libertyflights (and I'm sure some others). :)






I use Liberty-Flights or Freedomsmokeusa

The other benefit of the 0 nic--when I get some in my mouth, it doesn't burn and I don't have to rinse my mouth out. The 0 nic tastes really yummy !!!

I Think I may next try some 0 nic pina colada.......

This morning I am going back to nicotine--but only because I got some champagne liquid from wordup and it really is so very yummy. I think I will just keep alternating the nic and 0 nic. I have tons of nic flavors I love that I will need to use up.

Honestly using nicotine doesn't really bother me--I still drink plenty of coffee too( hate decaff).


Thanks for the flavor info. I have some but I'd like to get some more to make cost effective liquids. :) I don't know about 0 mg right now but I've already went from 24 to 12-15...it's a start

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