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Due to the recent announcement by the FDA there will be a special edition of VP Live this Sunday, September 12th at 9:00pm est. My guests will be two representatives from CASAA:

yvilla: Yolando Villa and Cit-e Steamer: Ron Ward.

Both of my guests are also practicing attorneys and will be able to answer any questions and clear up many misconceptions within the community. I have also invited JustJulie to help me co-host the show. For the record, Julie is not on the show to represent any group or organization. She is on purely to be a co-host. So for those of you out there that want to have a better understanding of what is actually going on with the FDA or just have questions or comments for our guests I suggest you listen. Thank you everybody.


Posted (edited)

Lots of new thoughts to chew over. I like the coalition idea, I hope the Vendors can swing that.

As soon as I am stocked enough to free up some $$, I'll be donating every payday! (and I agree with Julie, I too would have donated to SE too had I of know about them back then).

Mystery guest that will floor us ....

Johnny Depp?

Matt Damon?

Katherine Heigle?

or my, the list is growing!

Obama>??? Has he finally tried one yet???

Oh I give up.

edited: guest! not gift lol...

Edited by Uma

It was worth tuning into this show! I wanted to understand what is going on and try to stay current with the issues. The overall message for those who didn't listen in is don't panic, but pay attention!

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