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I was reading some of the other post and read about not covering the hole in the side?

I dont see a hole anywhere on mine, I have a couple of the dse801 and was just curious!





I believe that you may have misunderstood or misread something somewhere. I only say that because the 801 aka. "Penstyle" does not have any holes on the side of its atomizer, at least not that are easilly viewable. The 901 however, does have an easy to see hole right on it's side and can be covered. If by chance you are sure that what you said didn't say 901 then it still could have been the 4081 aka. "PeeWee", in which case you can easilly cover one of the holes in the atomizer as well.

Don't get me wrong, you can cover holes on an 801 atomizer too but, the holes are not as easy to see on the 801 and 801 atomizers tend to work fine without needing and sort of extra coverage.

If you are sure you are not mistaken or were miss-led, then please respond with a link to the post(s) that you are referring to. Either way I hope that I have helped to answer your question and that we can help to "un-confuse" you and/or get a definitive answer to this problem.


Thanks Sean,

I may have been reading about the 901!! I have never seen a 901, but didnt see a hole anywhere except

a very small slit at the end of the batt on the 801 where the glow tip attaches to the batt case!



Sean is correct the models that have the holes on the side are the DSE901, and the RN4081.

The Penstyle has 4 holes but you have to unscrew the atomizer from the battery to see them.

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