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Just in. The FDA is starting to send cease and desist letters to suppliers informing them they are breaking federal law. This is an important article that needs to be read. This is what we've all been expecting. This is NOT good news.

From the Food and Drug Administrations website:






That sucks!!!! I guess i better stock up with batts, atty's and eliquid. i better prepare for the worst.


Well it looks like they might not be going after companies that sell none nicotine, at least not yet. Perhaps that's the future, no nicotine in your E Liquid. I'm still getting information in from other suppliers but I'll be sure to keep everyone updated on anything new. Looks like the FDA is really starting to flex their muscle.


ok, time to get pissed.....

the FDA approves drugs for treatment of arthritis, erectile disfunction, high cholesterol etc..etc...ALL of those drugs that the FDA approved have side affects that have been documented, yet there are no reports of any of these kinds of side effects fro E-cigs, yet they want to target this industry?

Somewhere there is a check from Phillip Morris or RJ Reynolds written to the FDA....just gotta find out whose desk it's on.

Posted (edited)

I think that, before we freak out, some context is needed - particularly after reading the WSJ article I saw some reasons for concern and would agree with the FDA's decision.

To quote the article:

The FDA said it also cited Johnson Creek Enterprises, which markets Smoke Juice, a liquid solution used to refill depleted cartridges in e-cigarettes, for deficiencies in its manufacturing processes and cited E-Cig Technology for using tadalafil, an erectile dysfunction drug, and rimonabant, a weight loss drug that's not approved for use in the U.S., in some of its products.

The RUYAN RAPP E-Mystick is similar in design and function to the other RUYAN products, but instead of containing nicotine, it “contains the active ingredient lobelia . . . an herbal remedy/dietary supplement.” RUYAN RAPP E-Mystick is “marketed exclusively to smoking adults as a tonic” whereby “[t]he product provides smokers quick and effective relief for a number of conditions commonly attributed to tobacco use.” The RUYAN products are offered, among other things, as aids to deter or cease smoking when one cannot or chooses not to smoke conventional tobacco products.

Yes, they should *not* be allowed to sell products that contain these things. It will be interesting to see whether or not reputable vendors are also sent cease and desist letters. If the FDA is only trying to shut down vendors who are putting extra things that don't need to be there into their liquid then I whole heartedly agree with them. I am concerned about getting more than I pay for in my liquid and I definitely don't think companies should be allowed to put things in there without disclosing it.

If the FDA sends cease and desist orders to companies who are selling liquid that contains nothing but PG/VG, nicotine, water and flavoring then we should start to be concerned.

Edited by three_sixteen

  On 9/9/2010 at 7:32 PM, bmeyer46 said:

ok, time to get pissed.....

the FDA approves drugs for treatment of arthritis, erectile disfunction, high cholesterol etc..etc...ALL of those drugs that the FDA approved have side affects that have been documented, yet there are no reports of any of these kinds of side effects fro E-cigs, yet they want to target this industry?

Somewhere there is a check from Phillip Morris or RJ Reynolds written to the FDA....just gotta find out whose desk it's on.

Looks like someone just nailed it on the head. I just got this in from Rob at Altsmoke.

The Consumer Opinions Center (https://www.consumeropinioncenter.com/) Is holding open registration for ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES. Tonight (Thursday September 9, 2010) at 6:00PM.

Questions Call: 1-800-926-7COC (1-800-926-7262)

COC is paying $150 for your time if you are chosen to help.

Consumer Opinion Center

600 Block of N. 5th Street

Richmond, VA 23219



They have "healthcare liquid". I've seen the marketing videos from Johnson Creek. Their juice factory at least looks very impressive, clean rooms and all. I am sure the FDA will use what they find to springboard to more bans, it actually can prove their "unhealthy, unsafe and untested" claims.

I still believe there is no overt bribing. This is a push from legislators, via the FDA, backed by lobby money from tobacco and pharma, as well as a fear of dwindling tax revenues.


  On 9/9/2010 at 7:20 PM, michealprater said:

This is a clip from that article that should been seen as a positive.

"But in a letter to the Electronic Cigarette Association, the FDA said the actions against the companies were not meant to be seen as a larger effort to ban e-cigs. The agency encouraged the industry group to work with the FDA to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the devices to help people quit smoking traditional cigarettes through usually expensive clinical trials.

"We are interested in finding out whether e-cigarettes can be proven safe and effective," FDA compliance lawyer Michael Levy said in a conference call."


  On 9/9/2010 at 7:49 PM, LoriHNC said:

This is a clip from that article that should been seen as a positive.

"But in a letter to the Electronic Cigarette Association, the FDA said the actions against the companies were not meant to be seen as a larger effort to ban e-cigs. The agency encouraged the industry group to work with the FDA to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the devices to help people quit smoking traditional cigarettes through usually expensive clinical trials.

"We are interested in finding out whether e-cigarettes can be proven safe and effective," FDA compliance lawyer Michael Levy said in a conference call."

I think it proves that the FDA is looking out for us, and I'm glad that they are. I definitely do not want to buy products from vendors that add mystery ingredients that I do not want. Regulation and taxation is a good thing, as it legitimizes the industry. Yes, it increases the cost to us - but when it's proven to be safer and vendors follow strict guidelines that are made to protect us in the production of the liquid I will feel a lot better about vaping.

To be perfectly honest, I wish there was a way to test and report on the juice that I do buy, because I worry constantly about hidden ingredients that I don't want and I think people deserve to know exactly what's in the juice they buy.


That may be the case but I have a feeling this is big tobacco. I mean what are the chances that Phillip Morris would be doing clinical trials ON THE SAME day that this comes out? Sure perhaps in a couple of years an approved electronic cigarette will be released, but I can tell you right now I'm not buying it from Phillip Morris.


  On 9/9/2010 at 7:54 PM, three_sixteen said:

I think it proves that the FDA is looking out for us, and I'm glad that they are. I definitely do not want to buy products from vendors that add mystery ingredients that I do not want. Regulation and taxation is a good thing, as it legitimizes the industry. Yes, it increases the cost to us - but when it's proven to be safer and vendors follow strict guidelines that are made to protect us in the production of the liquid I will feel a lot better about vaping.

To be perfectly honest, I wish there was a way to test and report on the juice that I do buy, because I worry constantly about hidden ingredients that I don't want and I think people deserve to know exactly what's in the juice they buy.

Like many of us, I agree that regulation would be tolerated. I mean, there will never be anything we can do about taxation. It's here to stay. But, the FDA needs to perform testing before just closing the doors.

It seems that these articles are pointing to suppliers that don't provide information to the consumer that ecigs are not a proven smoking cessation device. That, and suppliers adding other things to their liquids. Seriously, why would you use your ecig to get an erection? I thought the cig was afterwards. :censored:


"We are interested in finding out whether e-cigarettes can be proven safe and effective," FDA compliance lawyer Michael Levy said in a conference call."

Okaaay, I don't get it. In order to find one bad apple or questionable apple, one needs to sort through the entire barrel of apples. Where are the stats on all the good apples they tossed aside in their haste to find a questionable apple?

Aren't they having to do "tests"? Show us the test results of the ones they tossed aside. .


I agree, I only want a safe as can be product, or at least a warning list for informed choices. Where's our choices? Why are they "banning" instead of just coming out with "warning: this product might make you horney, unhorney, fat or skinny, happy or sad..." like they do the mile long warnings on tv and radio commercials.

dbl grrrrrrrrrrrr

I better go get my old dog avatar back, she has a meaner growl than I do



I agree if they are only going after companies adding weird crap their E Liquid then they had it coming. But if they start going after regular E Liquid (remember the FDA is also going after PG/Nicotine mixes as well) Then it's a matter of time before the letters start trickling down to everyone else. I HOPE this isn't the case but let's hope for the best.


  On 9/9/2010 at 8:00 PM, Christopher said:

That may be the case but I have a feeling this is big tobacco. I mean what are the chances that Phillip Morris would be doing clinical trials ON THE SAME day that this comes out? Sure perhaps in a couple of years an approved electronic cigarette will be released, but I can tell you right now I'm not buying it from Phillip Morris.

Im not sure I see the connection between PM testing new dip, cigars, non-menthol cigarettes and electronic cigarettes. If PM was testing a brand of their own e-cig you could make an argument that they're trying to stifle the competition. Frankly it sounds to me like some shady vendors got busted for poor marketing practices and putting mystery ingredients into their liquid.

e-cigs should not be marketed as:

  • a cure to anything

  • a smoking cessation device

  • 'tonic'

They should be marketed as:

  • a potentially safer alternative to smoking

  • a product for people over 18

Ingredients in the liquid should be disclosed and vendors should test to make sure the products they import from China have had nothing added to them. How much would it suck to find out that vendors were selling liquid that contained some incredibly dangerous element in it? I don't want an ED drug or weight loss drugs in stuff I'm inhaling, do you? Sure, labs can look clean - but that doesn't mean nothing is going on behind the scenes. I'll say it again, regulation and taxation is a good thing that will legitimize the products we love and make them safer for everyone.

As best as I can tell right now, e-cigs are only believed to be better than analogs - something I also believe. Any time something comes out that shows we're getting more than we bargain for it dings that reputation of being a cleaner, safer alternative.


  On 9/9/2010 at 8:04 PM, Christopher said:

@Three_Sixteen. I agree if they are only going after companies adding weird crap to E Liquid then they had it coming. But if they start going after regular E Liquid (remember the FDA is also going after PG/Nicotine mixes as well) Then it's a matter of time before the letters start trickling down to everyone else. I HOPE this isn't the case but let's hope for the best.

I hope so too, only time will tell!


It was/is inevitable that regulation will come. There is money being made that the government doesn't have a big enough piece of(yet). Until they get their take and control there will be witch hunts. Happens in every industry in one form or another.


  On 9/9/2010 at 8:00 PM, Christopher said:

That may be the case but I have a feeling this is big tobacco. I mean what are the chances that Phillip Morris would be doing clinical trials ON THE SAME day that this comes out? Sure perhaps in a couple of years an approved electronic cigarette will be released, but I can tell you right now I'm not buying it from Phillip Morris.

I unfortunately do not have time to write more to this at the moment...but I could not agree more with this assessment...it is a no-brainer to follow the money trail and political connections for the impending regulation of the e-cigarette industry by big tobacco. This regulation and harassment by the FDA has nothing and will have nothing to do with our safety and future well-being. You might think it does and will, but trust me, if you do the research on how lobbyists work in government, the truth will be there. This is all about money!

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