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Just got my Joker AV in the mail and am confused about the adjustable voltage. I was confused since they sent it to me with no instructions, and was wondering how you guys know what volt you are vaping at? I thought that when it said to turn to the right that they meant to unscrew it and turn the silver piece to the right, which I'm thinking I was wrong on b/c after many many turns of the screw to the right to loosen up the piece I got frustrated and took a hit :blink: and got quite the throat hit haha! So I screwed it back to where it doesn't make me hack up a lung but I have no idea where I am at. Also, I'm not sure how the LED light is supposed to work, right now mine flashes blue for a second when I hit it, but not sure what it means.........I love it already, just trying to figure out the fine tuning. Thanks guys!



You can download the instructions at vaprlife (link below... then scroll to the bottom of the page).


I ordered the DVM (digital volt meter) from vaprlife also:

Vaprlife DVM

I believe turning it to the right increases the voltage, left decreases. I'll play with mine a bit and get back to you on how to know about where it's at on the setting.

What atty are you using? The light turns blue when the voltage from the batteries drops below 5.2V. With a Joye 510 atty, the LiFePO4s cannot sustain a 5.2V under load, so the light will turn blue. I use cartos mostly on my Joker the the light stays green until the batteries start getting low.


I am using a Joye 510 atty. Not sure what it means when you drop below 5.2 volts though? Is it a voltage indicator or a battery life indicator?


Well, it seems that the adjustable screw never stops turning. I turned and turned and turned. My plan was to turn it as far as it would go and then give you the voltage going back one turn at a time, but that won't work. You're going to need a volt meter or the DVM to know where you're starting.

Sorry! :wallbash:


I am using a Joye 510 atty. Not sure what it means when you drop below 5.2 volts though? Is it a voltage indicator or a battery life indicator?

The voltage that controls the LED is measured from the batteries. When the voltage drops below 5.2, the light will turn blue. Even though your batteries are charged, the voltage that the batteries can deliver will drop below 5.2 with a Joye 510 atty.


Not really a rookie toy sounds like.

Yea - I think they should include the DVM standard and switch to the 3.7V batteries. It can use either the 3V LiFePO4s or the 3.7V RCR123A. Changing the batteries would eliminate this confusion (I think). Or, they could change it so that the light turns blue when it drop below 5V instead of 5.2V.


So if it's above 5.2 then will it turn green? I read the "instructions" on vaprlife and just got more confused haha, but I think I'm getting it now! Thanks guys yawl are the best!


Yeah - the "instructions" are pretty weak. LOL!

Yes, over 5.2V keeps the LED green.

Just to make sure no one is confused, Brian is talking about the battery voltage not the output voltage of the unit. You can set the output voltage to far lower and that will not effect the LED color. As long as the Battery voltage stays above 5.2v the LED will be green, and will change to blue when the battery voltage drains to below 5.2v

Now some info on the atomizer you are using. The standard 510 atomizer is only 2.2ohms, and will load the batteries down more than some other choices. I use a 302 atty, and that is typically between 3.0 and 3.3ohms, but if you have a 510 fitting on your unit that won't be an option. You might get away with using an adapter on an 801 atty, and that would have similar resistance to the 302. I'm not sure, but I think a carto might be slightly higer resistance than a 510 atty. Just understand that lower resistances will put more drain on the batteries, so the higher resistance attys will vape longer before the LED goes blue.

As Brian said before, going to 3.7v cr123 batteries might also be an option. I've used them in my Joker, and they seemd to function just fine with no difference in what the LED tells you. That should give you longer vape time on your 510, but I would also keep an eye on how warm the 3.7v batteries get.

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