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I'm so excited! I just ordered my Joye 510. Genetic, FYI, thanks to the suggestion you put in my head, I decided against the analog style after all, which I had thought I definitely wanted. Now I'm thinking, I may as well make a change from the analog habit, and also to not look like I'm smoking a cig in an inappropriate place, when I'm vaping this cool black thing. Even holding it, it looks like a pen or whatever.

I looked on each supplier site recommended here, and all had various choices. A couple or three places, though, when I went to the 510 starter kit, they were out of stock. I went with Vapor Station in Texas. It said $52 for the starter kit, but when I added in the juice, it was $61. I also got two additional juice flavors. It has two batteries (one manual, one automatic), two atomizers, the charger, five empty cartridges, a bag of filling, and the juice. So I'll DIY from the start.

I got all low-dose nicotine, but now I'm thinking darn, maybe I should have gotten one medium, to judge the difference for myself. But I'm a rather low-key smoker -- not many, and lights -- so we'll see how this goes. ("Not many" but I assure you, I take each and every one I smoke seriously :)

Okay, so I had a list of questions. As I said, I have done a lot of research, and I found answers to some of my questions. For instance, the difference between manual and automatic, and other aspects. But I still have a couple questions.

When a battery life says "three hours," does that mean three hours of actual use, or three hours just sitting there not being vaped?

This is not a technical question, but a subjective one: Do you find yourself vaping for a certain length of time such as the five to ten minutes it takes to smoke a tobacco cigarette? Or do you find yourself just occasionally or intermittently puffing? Someone said he is smoking more (and thus more nicotine intake), since he doesn't have to go outside, etc.

I like the idea of cutting the juice with glycerin. Which I have at home. I also have polyester batting. (Boy, do I not like the sound of sucking through polyester...but then, what exactly have I been sucking through all these years?!)

I am hoping it's easy to get the various parts when needed. That's partly why I got a common or best-seller type model.

So, I can't wait to get this...and try it out...and I'll report in! Thanks to everyone here -- I couldn't have done it without you :) Well, I haven't done it yet...but taken the first steps.

This is just so cool. I'm surprised I didn't tune into the vaping thing sooner. And now, on the day the Senate has passed the more-control-over-tobacco-products thing. The FDA, the CDC...I'm outta here! Jumping ship just in time I could say. But now I need to keep up on news about potential regulation or worse of e-cigs.


Posted (edited)

As far as "3 hours" goes, it all pretty much depends on how much u smoke it. I, personally, dont like to put the thing down. So one battery of my dse103 will usually last about 3-5 hours. If u were to smoke it like a regular cigarette, u could go almost the full day with just one battery. It is ALWAYS a good idea to carry around your two batteries though. Since you're looking to quit, you should always have a backup battery when you need your nicotine. You dont want to have to resort to lets say, bumming an analog off someone. If you have to go to work, you should bring your charger with you, or if you sit a computer almost all day like I do, you should get a manual usb battery. Your other question, about the vaping like 5-10 minutes or intermittently, I pretty much vape it whenever. I smoked a little bet less than a pack a day, and I'll vape for like, 2-3 minutes, every 20 minutes to an hour. Sometimes ill smoke it for like an hour straight, but there is less nicotine per pull than a normal cigarette, even in the high level. I believe its the 36 mg thats a normal strength cigarette. Personally I like the 18mg, and 24mg, and I used to smoke camel lights. BTW, im glad you got the black one, you'll realize soon enough how much it really wont bother you that it doesnt look real. It still feels real so its not much of a bother at all. Good luck with quitting, I really hope you do :D

O and any questions at all, just feel free to ask, honestly, even if u wanna message me, go for it.

Edited by Genet1c
Posted (edited)

Congratulations on your purchase; sounds like you got a good deal!

I've had the 510 for a little over a month now, and here are my thoughts:

- When it says "3 hour" battery time, my experience is that this bears a loose resemblance to actually using the battery. That is, I've never had a battery go dead from just sitting around. But in actual practice, I maybe get two hours of vaping out of my 510 battery.

- I was a pack/day 100's smoker before e-cigs, and my habits have definitely changed. I used to go outside every hour or so when I smoked analogs. Now that I don't have to go outside, I vape about every half-hour when I'm busy, and about every 10-15 minutes when I'm just watching TV or surfing the net.

But you're right, the activity just isn't the same. Now, rather than smoking for five minutes straight, when I vape I take two or three drags off the 510 then put it down. If I feel like vaping continuously, I just put in some zero-nic liquid. (Otherwise it's 36 mg., but I'm working my way down to the 24 mg.)

All in all, I'm probably taking in more nicotine through the intermittent vaping method, and because I use the 36 mg. liquid because of the throat hit I get from it. After enjoying the act of smoking for twenty years while being variably conscious of the harm it was doing to me, I feel set free with e-cigs to enjoy vaping without the anxiety.

As for getting a black e-cig, I think you're doing right. Who wants to be mistaken for a smoker, now that you're on e-cigs and off the cancer sticks? You can whip out your e-cig and take a drag almost anywhere and barely anyone bats an eye! I loved FloridaKracker's story about going to Disney and Epcot, before and after e-cigs.

Good luck with the 510, I know you're gonna love it!

Edited by DarthVaper

Thanks, Genetic and Darth! It's so interesting, how the "habit" will change. I know it's a whole different mode than lighting up a tobacco cig every so often. Right now, I have one in the morning before leaving for work, and I go outside at about 10:00 and again after lunch at around 12:30 (and I love the social thing that goes on around the espresso cart). Then I have one driving home. So that's four, but then I can smoke 6 or 7 in the evening at home. And I can smoke up to a pack on the weekend days. But I'm curious how much I will really want the nicotine, the hit, the vaping. For instance, when driving. I do look forward to finding out!

It's just such a hassle, smoking -- when traveling, visiting people who don't smoke, you name it. It's too difficult to smoke these days. And the smell in my home, ugh.

Anyway, Genetic, you're so right about the classy black style, as opposed to looking like just an analog. (I love all the lingo :)




I definitely hit the ecig more minutes per day than I spent smoking. I get an ecig that's tuned up and vaping big time, and me sitting in front of the plasma watching House or Burn Notice or Saving Grace, and I get this circular breathing thing going... next thing ya know, I'm topping off during the commercials, vaped up an entire penstyle cart, and no harm done. Vaping more, and enjoying it more. Now, after being away from analogs for awhile, I realize that I enjoy vaping much more than I did smoking. Knowing you aren't killing yourself one coffin nail at a time helps, o' course. But I really think the hit you get vaping is superior to what you get smoking. It's like... refreshing, I guess you could say. I don't think many smokers would ever describe smoking ciggies as refreshing.

Breathing better every day, energy level getting better every day, being free of the tobacco bans, sin taxes... hell, the only downside to vaping is explaining to virtually everyone you meet about this slick little device you're using. But I'm enjoying even that, cause I really believe in ecigs as a damn fine alternative for smokers who need help shedding the monkey. Now, the anti-smoker crowd will huff up and declare I haven't quit anything. But vapers know better. There is a clear distinction and deliniation between smoking and vaping. I consider myself an ex-smoker, health nazis be damned. I don't need them defining success for me... does anyone?


Well going with the 510 is a damn good choice. I would almost like to give you a money back gaurantee on it but, I won't cuz everyone's different. Eventhough I've yet to hear of someone being dissappointed with their 510. When will you have it??? I bet you can't wait!


I definitely hit the ecig more minutes per day than I spent smoking. I get an ecig that's tuned up and vaping big time, and me sitting in front of the plasma watching House or Burn Notice or Saving Grace, and I get this circular breathing thing going... next thing ya know, I'm topping off during the commercials, vaped up an entire penstyle cart, and no harm done. Vaping more, and enjoying it more. Now, after being away from analogs for awhile, I realize that I enjoy vaping much more than I did smoking. Knowing you aren't killing yourself one coffin nail at a time helps, o' course. But I really think the hit you get vaping is superior to what you get smoking. It's like... refreshing, I guess you could say. I don't think many smokers would ever describe smoking ciggies as refreshing.

Breathing better every day, energy level getting better every day, being free of the tobacco bans, sin taxes... hell, the only downside to vaping is explaining to virtually everyone you meet about this slick little device you're using. But I'm enjoying even that, cause I really believe in ecigs as a damn fine alternative for smokers who need help shedding the monkey. Now, the anti-smoker crowd will huff up and declare I haven't quit anything. But vapers know better. There is a clear distinction and deliniation between smoking and vaping. I consider myself an ex-smoker, health nazis be damned. I don't need them defining success for me... does anyone?

Love your post :) It's just incredibly cool, you and all of you here, and everyone who has given up smoking for vaping! I'm just proud of you, happy for you, all of it. I think it's an awesome thing going on here. And I'm glad we're in the time of the internet, when we have global sharing.

I love how you say vaping is "refreshing." Indeed, that is not exactly what we experience with analogs! And it's just interesting to see how one's habit changes, from the nicotine dose of smoking one analog, to however you find yourself wanting or not wanting to vape. But absolutely most definitely yes, enjoying every hit knowing you're not nailing the old coffin, as you said.

Yeah, yeah, I know, the anti-smokers will say we still haven't given up the habit. Well, excuuuse me! And besides, we are WAY closer to giving up puffing altogether from vaping than from smoking, if that is our goal.

Personally, I enjoy being in at the beginning of the hoopla -- I don't know what "they" are going to start wanting to do about e-cigs as they become more popular, but I know what side I'm on. (Unless we get some new breaking news that PG vapor is even worse than tobacco smoke or something!)



Personally, I enjoy being in at the beginning of the hoopla -- I don't know what "they" are going to start wanting to do about e-cigs as they become more popular, but I know what side I'm on. (Unless we get some new breaking news that PG vapor is even worse than tobacco smoke or something!)

Well Kathy, with regards the relative safety of propylene glycol, if you didn't catch this thread, check it out:


Lotsa links there pointing to some serious studies on the topic. When naysayers claim there's insufficient research on vaping PG, you can see that in fact we've been studying inhaled PG for decades. It would hardly be in Asthma spray otherwise.

Some will scoff, "oh PG, that's in antifreeze". Big deal, so RVers use it to winterize their water pipes. You can't bust it just because it's versatile. The worst about it I've heard is PG makes some folks gain a little weight. Still better than becoming a premature skeleton, eh?

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