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Which One Should I Get?


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Oh, btw total noob and have never used any e-cig-trying to quit "analogs" (that totally makes me feel like a trekky btw) But I do know (or think I know) that i want an e-cig that is the closest to real cigs-guess that's probably the same for everyone. Oh and the lowest maintenance possible:O) Oh, and a million buck lol!

Whats up girldragon, When I first started vaping I too wanted it to look like a real cig, but honestly and im sure alota people would agree with me that either of those dont produce that much vaper, and to keep away from analogs you'll probably need something like the Tornado from TW or the eGo from Janty, If you like the real cig look go for it, as I did the same but returned it bcuz I realized that there are better models out there and ive been smoke free for 5 months now. GOOD LUCK! :turned:

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