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I am so happy! My eGo arrived today from Wordupecig (what a pair of great customer service folks to boot... more about that in the vendor forum). I plugged it in charged it an hour and a half longer after the green light came on as recommended by Jeffrey, and what a treat! I'd had my last analog ... I swear my LAST analog ... moments before and I'm not going back. Mixed some American Spirit (my brand of analogs) and Cappuccino and I'm in heaven! I think I flooded my cartomizer a bit as juice dribble out. I guess 40 drops is a bit much, huh? :)

I've watched a few more videos on filling the cartos, and I'm just not sure what will work best. The idea of putting the juice in the "condom" and having it get pulled up seems logical, but messy. I "poured" it down like a beer, but I guess too much of a pour made it overflow. I also pull a bit of juice out when I drag sometimes; normal? I think I might consider the the eGo cartomizers that hold 2.5ml of juice and fill with a needle from Wordup; anyone have a great experience with that to share?

I did notice in the instruction brochure that came with the eGo package (Janty) that it should not be kept in extreme temperature conditions. So leaving it in the car like I do ... no DID... analogs and lighters is a no-no, huh? Hot or cold weather = bad? So if I take it in my purse, I guess I'd better have some of those rubber protective covers in case it leaks. And since it will be in my purse, it will be vertical most of the time; is that ok? Sitting here at the computer vaping (YEAH... no cigarette stink ... haha, I'm already thinking it stinks!), I've been placing it down on it's flat end rather than putting it horizontal, mostly so it won't roll; is that ok?

All of your feedback and the information in the entire forum has been such a help. I am so glad I found this site! :jump:

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congrats !!!!thumbsup.gif

I am so glad you are enjoying your ego. It really is an amazing piece of equipment. who would have ever thought anything could so painlessly replace smoking.

I have tried the condom filling method and it really isn't any messier than any other method. just make sure you have a tissue or cloth nearby to wipe off the excess. after you take a couple draws, the overflow leakage takes care of its self.

I keep mine in my purse (any which way it falls)--no problems with leaking etc.

can also use a reading glass case to keep it in while in your purse--

can set it on its flat end, horizontal--there really isn't a right or wrong that I have noticed.

Happy vaping !!!!

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Glad to hear you're enjoying the Ego. Don't worry you'll get the hang of filling before too long. (It's another one of those learning things) Haven't had too much trouble no matter how you set it. I put mine on end all the time. The cone will help keep the juice from making too much of a mess. Just remember to wipe it out once in a while. Here are a couple of ideas for taking your Ego with you.

1. You could buy a regular Ego carry case. They are nice but a little costly right off.

2. Use an old hard shell eyeglass case. The kind with the spring top.

3. You can get a small case from some vendors that will just hold the Ego. They look just like the ones at the store that have the cheapo reading glasses in them.

4. Go to your local video game store (ie. gamestop) and you can sometimes find a used carry case for the ps3. I got one for $2.00 and it's almost exactly like the ego case. You can hold lots of small bottles of juice and all your Ego carts, batts,drip tips etc.

Good luck and happy vaping. :thumbsup:

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with the cartomizers after you fill it up blow on the end that is not the threads. ( where you drip in the juice is where you need to put your lips on and blow out of the battery connection end.) into a paper towl. and you wont get the juice in your mouth and it wont bubble. i have been using cartomizers for the last 2 months or so now and love them i have not used a regualr attomizers anymore! lol oh and wipe the threads off after you get done giving it a little air.

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Congratulations! That's exactly why we all recommend the eGo now. Glad you're loving it. And leaving it in the car is a no-no. You'll ruin your juice that way. You do not want to ruin your juice. I've never heard it would hurt the device, but I might have missed that one.

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That is great news Aimee! I am so glad you like it. I use the cart condom method now all the time. I found pouring it down the side to be messier. Once you use the cart condom method, you will know how much juice to put in the condom to fill it just right. And yeah, just keep like a kleenex or hanky handy. If I am wearing a crappy shirt, I just use that. lol. There is usually just a little bit to wipe off. And mine has never leaked, so you should be ok. Keep on vapin' Aimee! :thumbsup:

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Hi, well, enjoy your eGo! Many good suggestions here. I believe you'll discover your preferred method of filling a carto, and carrying your eGo around. It can be a trial and error that gets you there, but you'll get there for sure! Good luck and have fun with this!

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What really sux is too little or too much juice produce same results, little vapor :)

Finding the right amount, now that's the trick.

Get a drip tip, it smokes carts and cartos!!!!

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Congrats - glad you're liking it!

I've found that the amount of filler is not always the came in all cartos. I've had some (most) where the filler comes up about 3/4 of the way, but I've had a few that are maybe a little more than 1/2. Most of the time I can get about 30 drops in a new carto, and about 20 in the ones with less filler.

Like benjamin said, I cover the end with a paper towel and blow through it until it quits gurgeling before I put it on my ecig. Agree with Jkimbo too - drips tips seem to make them work better, and also keep you from getting juice in your mouth.

Edited by Brian
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So it's been two days now and I still love, haven't craved an analog at all even. I already ordered some more liquids... can't wait for the lime and cranberry ones so I can hopefully make what might taste like my favorite adult beverage: cranberry juice with lime vodka. Thanks so much for all your help and kind words. :)

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