QuiksilverPR Posted August 31, 2010 Posted August 31, 2010 Are you a Mac or a PC. I just saw an I'm a PC commercial. I can not believe they still have these Mac Vs. PC war going on. I'm Mac BTW!!! LOL!!!
BreakingBad Posted August 31, 2010 Posted August 31, 2010 Yeah, I am tired of those commercials. I am a Pc. I am too poor to be a Mac.
ThaHodgehound Posted August 31, 2010 Posted August 31, 2010 PC here...started with that...it works for me....y change? One of my favorite sayings....."If it aint broke, don't fix it! " LOL
ddavelarsen Posted August 31, 2010 Posted August 31, 2010 M$ will never get a dime of my money for as long as I live. Same goes for my whole family. We don't support unrepentant convicted felons. I'm a Mac and a penguin.
MrsJaaxx Posted August 31, 2010 Posted August 31, 2010 We're penguins at my house. Currently running Mint.
mcquinn Posted August 31, 2010 Posted August 31, 2010 PC here,I am afraid Bill gets your money every time you buy something as most businesses in the world use PC's with Windows and pass the cost on to all of us.Sadly Microsoft is still trying to imitate Apple by removing the computer hobbyist from the scene.I can see a day coming where people get tired of messing with it and just do without.
Brian Posted August 31, 2010 Posted August 31, 2010 I'm a PC (built it myself). @Dave - About to install Windows 7 buddy!
Jolly Posted September 1, 2010 Posted September 1, 2010 neither because both are bloat ware! linux - Mandriva 2010.0 going to install 2010.1 at some point. apple costs way to much for the computers, OS, and Parts. pc is cheap! if you build your own you don't have to get windows thus letting you have the free range to install linux. depending on what linux distro you install it will run faster on the same specs as either mac or windows.
FTJoe Posted September 1, 2010 Posted September 1, 2010 My netbook runs OSX, Windows 7 and Ubuntu. Going to maybe put an SSD on it to make it scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Netbookinstaller lets you put up cute little icons as well on the startup screen. Anyway, I have 8 computers in the house, about 6 TB of Raid storage, 2B on my build, one on a Dell server running FreeNAS, daughter has a MAC cause she killed her HP (grrr), my Netbook and four ThinkPads. And ddave - while its more than a dime, I got the M$ Windows 7 student upgrade (daughter) for $25 or $30 bucks I think. Beauty is, you install it fresh, then install it again on top of itself clean, and it does a full install thinking its an upgrade!!!! OSX $30 also (upgrade) but they are still not used to people without macs installing it.
slightlyaddicted Posted September 1, 2010 Posted September 1, 2010 Currently im a pc.. but im looking into macs cuz lets face it.. they are just considered standard for those who want to go into graphic design (which happens to be my major). I HATE MACS just because of the fact that some people get them and think that they are "above" everyone who has a pc. Even though ill be rockin a mac for school i plan to always have my pc on deck for doing anything fun haha
Roober Posted September 1, 2010 Posted September 1, 2010 me and the hubbys are pc's!!! I'm proud to say I've been a PC since I was 9 ^^ And we may never buy a mac since at our last job there was a project in our call center where apple support tech was... and they were mostly stuck up fanboys who made us sick... Wouldnt even talk to anyone else that worked ther eunless they were apple, actually yelled at people for walking near their pods, and overall just turned us off to apple. w00t... besides that, pcs are easy to replace things on and you dont need to call tech support for evrything, and and and if a part goes bad, *GASP* you can fix it yourself!!!!! I dont need a PC for dummies (no offense to you macs, i still love ya)
Jolly Posted September 1, 2010 Posted September 1, 2010 i remember when they had iomega tech support over at the brownsville location.. talk about expensive junk. zip drive cost $140, 100mb disks were about 20 or 40.. i could not understand why people used those. burn a cd, 700mb and cost at the time was MUCH less.. about .30 cent for a disk and 40-50 for a drive. i did the apple tech support but more so for the iomega project. wasn't a fan of fixing osx problems. should try out mandriva heather.. you will like it. next time you come over you can play on my pc.
profbeard Posted September 1, 2010 Posted September 1, 2010 I use Mac on the desktop and Linux and Win7 netbooks (and an ipod touch)
BEERCITYVAPRZ Posted September 1, 2010 Posted September 1, 2010 I've had my PC since feb. 2010, first one!
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