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The Maserati

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What have you guys heard of the still coming Maserati?? DietSmokes has been keeping most of everything a secret but, has released some news. What have you been able to find out? What do you expect to see from the Maserati? What do you hope to see from the Maserati and DietSmokes?

Here is exactly what they have stated on their site about the Maserati "It will have the same sleek lines and curves like a Maserati

and will not look like the normal personal vaporisers on the market today !"

Edited by Sean
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I felt the same way but, Parked made sure to say that it was not going to be like a screwdriver at all. So then what???

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Lol, well I guess no one really cares about the Maserati, at least not anymore. Perhaps Parked has made the wait for his new product waaaaaaaayyyy toooooooooooo long.

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Lol, well I guess no one really cares about the Maserati, at least not anymore. Perhaps Parked has made the wait for his new product waaaaaaaayyyy toooooooooooo long.

I cared when I first saw the mysterious "coming soon" thing when I clicked on the maserati link at dietsmokes. Then I checked back every few weeks, and still nuthin released so I just got bored and stopped caring. I think I'm gonna go with a 510 as my second ecig unless parked pulls somtin crazy out his *** and soon :ph34r:

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I think it's safe to say that the "Maserati" is not going to be coming out very soon, if at all. I think Parked is working hard and wants to put it out but, for whatever reason I just don't see it happening any time soon. I think you would be safe going with a 510, at least for the mean time.

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