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Good find, Chris.

I find it hard to believe that the dem can sit there and proclaim with a straight face that "it's all about health care", when the bill is setting us up for no legal alternatives to analog smoking.

I'm more and more of the opinion that our forefathers screwed up by creating a legislative branch of government. Ever since this nation was formed, these elected nicompoops have been curtailing our liberties one law at a time. Here we are two-hundred-plus years later, and we're so hamstrung with lobby-bought legislation we can barely move. Arg!


I fully agree. Chris and Royce and I have all been taling about this for quite a while. It seems as though our great country was created for the simply idea of good and justice but, as time continues to pass little changes continue to take a affect damaging that original idea and creation. It's sad to see and sad to say. I wish there was a way that we could get someone in office who actually cared about our countries reason for creation and wasn't there for their own personal gain and siding with whoever gave them the most money, which is exactly what's going on here with the FDA. There are not thinking about what is best for our countries people but, what's best for their pockets.


There is no doubt that tobacco should have some regulation. But I feel that giving regulation to the FDA is a serious mis-step. First, the FDA already has enough on their plate that they simply cannot keep up with. Their very own scientists were screaming foul not 12 months ago (which seems to have been brushed under the rug). Claiming that profit has become more of a concern than actual science.

What has happened over the past few years, with the US manufactured food supply becoming tainted and the drugs that have been approved that probably shouldn't have been, the "FDA Approval" stamp has become very diluted and many Americans are simply not having trust in this agency.

Secondly, and probably my biggest concern, is that the FDA is not an agency made up of elected officials, but appointed and that means, they literally can do whatever they see fit, without having to account to the people. This concerns me because they have a direct affect on the free market and as we are seeing with this tobacco bill, aka "The Philip Morris Protection Act" or "The PM Monopoly Act of 2009", legislation like this, which is a ruse, can be devastating to the free market.

When/If this passes Obama's desk, it will be very interesting to see the fall out, how long it takes, and what exactly the FDA decides to enforce and who they go after first.


There is no doubt that tobacco should have some regulation. But I feel that giving regulation to the FDA is a serious mis-step. First, the FDA already has enough on their plate that they simply cannot keep up with. Their very own scientists were screaming foul not 12 months ago (which seems to have been brushed under the rug). Claiming that profit has become more of a concern than actual science.

What has happened over the past few years, with the US manufactured food supply becoming tainted and the drugs that have been approved that probably shouldn't have been, the "FDA Approval" stamp has become very diluted and many Americans are simply not having trust in this agency.

Secondly, and probably my biggest concern, is that the FDA is not an agency made up of elected officials, but appointed and that means, they literally can do whatever they see fit, without having to account to the people. This concerns me because they have a direct affect on the free market and as we are seeing with this tobacco bill, aka "The Philip Morris Protection Act" or "The PM Monopoly Act of 2009", legislation like this, which is a ruse, can be devastating to the free market.

When/If this passes Obama's desk, it will be very interesting to see the fall out, how long it takes, and what exactly the FDA decides to enforce and who they go after first.

I can't agree with you more Lacy.

Has anyone ever sat down and thought about what it would be like to go back in time and speak with Washington and Franklin and explain to them just the way America works now? Could you imagine telling them the hoops you have to jump through to build your own home? Or the red tape it takes to create a business? Or how many police officers have gone from "protect and serve" to "withhold and harass"

I love this country, but I see our colors are starting to run. There is something even more valuable to civilization than wisdom, and that is character


The good thing about situations like this, is it wakes a lot of people up. I am certainly awake. I have always voted. Always participated... but now, I am trying to really participate. Many of us non-military forget that because we don't necessarily choose to fight for our country in uniform, doesn't mean that we aren't still responsible for fighting for our country.

What Washington and Franklin would probably ask you back: What are you going to do about it? Are you going to sit there and let your colors run or are you going speak out and make a change? They would certainly insist on the consideration of a revolution.


No doubt and I agree, I don't think "well I started a forum would count" :lol:

But seriously I really do hope everyone does their part and contacts the necessary people, if and if push comes to shove, get off the couch and march around whatever building we have to.


What Washington and Franklin would probably ask you back: What are you going to do about it? Are you going to sit there and let your colors run or are you going speak out and make a change? They would certainly insist on the consideration of a revolution.

Man oh man you hit it on the head here!!!! We must act and act now! I refuse to be dominated by a goverment that rules out of Greed!

Sorry this is a soft spot of mine! I was a teen in the 60's and I guess I'll never change!

No longer is it for the people and damn sure not by the people! Tea Party!!

I hope I dont get banned for this!




Huh, it's funny you mention the Tea Party. I only have one thing to say about the FDA regulating tobacco, F_U_C_K THAT NOISE!!!!


Man oh man you hit it on the head here!!!! We must act and act now! I refuse to be dominated by a goverment that rules out of Greed!

Sorry this is a soft spot of mine! I was a teen in the 60's and I guess I'll never change!

No longer is it for the people and damn sure not by the people! Tea Party!!

I hope I dont get banned for this!



It's funny you mention the 60's because I probably should have been a teen in the 60's. Not even a twinkle in Dad's eye... however, after reading a lot about the 60's and all of the progress made, this is really just the next step in that evolution and as history repeats itself, we are due for another. I just hope my generation gets off of their arses and does what needs to be done.

I cannot stress enough the importance of everyone writing letters, contacting their elected officials, peacefully standing up for their rights... and when it is time, painting their yard signs, duct taping that yardstick to it and finding their way to peacefully demonstrate that they will no longer take this complete and utter lack of respect... because that is what it is. Officials telling us that we are so stupid, let's just parent you, even though you are an adult. As someone just finding their real understanding of American politics, it seems that we major in the minors way too much.

Last night on the Daily Show, Stewart made a great comment regarding the gentleman who walked into the Holocaust Museum and opened fire: "We can't shield the world from crazy". And for a government to think that they can protect all of us by taking everything away, well that just leads to a mad group of rational people and that is worse (for the government) than a mad group of crazy people!


But then again without starting a forum, I doubt anyone would have a chance to talk to others.... spread our reach of understanding. And Lacey is right. You don't have to wear ACU's (Army Combat Uniform) to take it to congress. Although we in uniform should do our part as well. I did in fact go to our Medical Command here on post. Introduced it as not just an alternative, but cost effect alternative to smoking. I brought to the board the findings of the military paying for patches to give to soldiers vs. the joye510 i have. A few of the LTC's almost flipped.


USASGT I really hope you can push this in the Military. Could you imagine if our armed forces adopted the ecig?

@Lacy our generation get up and fight? But then they would miss "My Sweet 16" on MTV, what about Deal or No Deal? They could miss a winner! But seriously I agree and do hope we do something about this mess. I don't think it's going to happen any time soon to be honest, but I do feel that if the government keeps pushing, we will eventually stand up and kick some ***, it's just how America rolls and it's bound to happen.


@Lacy our generation get up and fight? But then they would miss "My Sweet 16" on MTV, what about Deal or No Deal? They could miss a winner! But seriously I agree and do hope we do something about this mess. I don't think it's going to happen any time soon to be honest, but I do feel that if the government keeps pushing, we will eventually stand up and kick some ***, it's just how America rolls and it's bound to happen.

You are too funny. Maybe I am getting old (just turned 32) and being part of the "MTV generation", I hadn't even noticed that MTV was still on! LOL. I graduated to TLC, Discovery Channel, and of course Dexter! I like to watch programming on history, science and serial killers. Go figure ;)


Are you a John and Kate plus 8 fan? Wonder how the show is going to turn out. I don't really feel bad for her, she was always kinda of a Bi...to John.


Are you a John and Kate plus 8 fan? Wonder how the show is going to turn out. I don't really feel bad for her, she was always kinda of a Bi...to John.

I do watch that. It is my brainless entertainment. At first, I thought that was just the dynamics of their relationship because he did appear to just let that type of stuff happen. And with 8 freaking kids... I can only imagine that life is difficult!

However, going back and seeing some of the old episodes, she is kinda mean. I mean, I get that she is probably stressed out... but... if I ever talked to my man the way she does sometimes... I would be knocked off of the little pedestal he puts me on quite quickly. But I don't think I would ever talk to him like that anyways because well... you just don't talk to people like that.

I hope for their kids and the lives they started out building together, they can work through their issues. If you go into it with, Well a divorce will fix everything, then it will. If it isn't an option ever, then you just see the lows as that, fix your issues and become a better couple in the long run.

/marriage counseling thoughts for today ;)


Yup same here, I treat my wife well, but if she cut me off like that I'd throw my 510 right smack at her four head. :D

I think it would be wise for them to try and work things out, I mean they seemed ok until money was brought into the picture you know? I do think she needs to learn to listen to him once in a while, but I also think it wouldn't kill him to whip out his balls once in a while. Just my 2 cents.

Anyway back to ecigs :lol:


Yup same here, I treat my wife well, but if she cut me off like that I'd throw my 510 right smack at her four head. :D

I think it would be wise for them to try and work things out, I mean they seemed ok until money was brought into the picture you know? I do think she needs to learn to listen to him once in a while, but I also think it wouldn't kill him to whip out his balls once in a while. Just my 2 cents.

Anyway back to ecigs :lol:

apparently, they are doing a big special tomorrow (Monday) night where they are going to announce their divorce.

Either way, you can tell in some of the recent interviews that they are both hurting. Very sad.

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