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Emma Woollacott | Fri 27th Aug 2010, 09:08 am

"A New Zealand researcher is claiming that the tobacco industry may be using YouTube to push its products surreptitiously.

Dr George Thomson of the University of Otago says that despite vehement denials and a voluntary industry agreement, tobacco companies may be uploading videos with pro-smoking content.

YouTube says it doesn't accept paid-for tobacco advertising, but it doesn't ban smoking related content.

Thomson searched through the first 20 pages of video clips containing any reference to five tobacco brands - Marlboro and L&M, marketed by Philip Morris; Benson and Hedges, marketed by both British American Tobacco and Gallagher; and Winston and Mild Seven, marketed by Japan Tobacco and Reynolds."

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Those sneaky buggers. In all honesty, I really dont care if they advertise.


I don't much care either, I like freedom of choice. The only thing that should be banned from anyone/anywhere is banning itself.


I don't much care either, I like freedom of choice. The only thing that should be banned from anyone/anywhere is banning itself.

Or those who talk about banning the banners of banned stuff.

Wait..... what?


I figure if alcohol can entice young children to drink by advertising on TV--cigarettes should have their fair shot at corruption !!

people(politicians) only care about the children when they think they can use it to get votes.


I agree, if they can advertise booze why not Tobacco. That's why I can't stand Google they block all campaigns relating to anything e-cig or tobacco ;(


I think they ought to be promoting smoking and drinking and perhaps legalising pot ,just imagine how much tax money they could collect.And if the users die early they get to keep the Social Security money those folks paid in.We could go to a low flat tax and have plenty of revenue to support the illegal aliens in the manner in which they are acustomed to.

Posted (edited)

kids are gunna do what they wanna do, whether its advertised or not... theres lotsa lil potheads runnin around and i see no advertisement on that... sooo.... and thats just one example...

Edited by jeffb
Admin Edit

I hate bands..especially those marching ones at the football games. And those ones that play at weddings with their ugly tuxedos. And...oh wait you said BANS...that different...never mind!


I agree, if they can advertise booze why not Tobacco. That's why I can't stand Google they block all campaigns relating to anything e-cig or tobacco ;(

That was cool that the captins son said that on the deadliest catch about ecigs, I just seen that episode in fact alot of episodes thats another show I like. Google would make alot of money if they let ecigs advertized on the web, I seen blucig advertised on a torrent file site thats about it.


What!? You two don't care about the children?!!! LOL! :hrhr:

Hope everyone realized that I was joking.

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