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Lots of people ask, "What E Cig should I get?" Because everyone is different and has different wants and needs, this is usually very tough to answer. I was just wondering what you favorite e cig was and why? I currently use and M403 and I am looking to upgrade. For a e cig that looks like a real cig, I like it. But I am looking to go into the pro-vaping world. Hopefully this thread will help many new vapers decide. Remember, this is not about other peoples needs, but it is about your favorite and why YOU like it so well! For those who prefer PV, just enter it in everywhere I said e cig. LOL.


I have had the Joker AV for 1 week now and love it. It replaces so many other devices out there. Variable voltage and very easy to change, just a few turns of a screwdriver and you have a totally different vaping experience. I am a zero nic vaper so I have no throat hit which I'm fine with. What's important to me is vapor production and flavor and man does this thing have a ton of both.


I would have to agree with James on the "variable voltage" part... except I tend to like The Buzz as my main "personal vaporizing unit". :thumbsup:


If your looking for something that looks like a real cig (witch was what I did when I got my first.....greensmoke, blucig and smoking everywhere....they all got returned on the money day back gaurentee) your going to get the look but for the money its better just getting a eGo at 3.7volts you cant go wrong and I think they are only 60 or 70 bucks compared to some real cig looking ones that are 120, When I first started vaping I wanted it to look like a real cig so people wouldn't think I was smoking pot using a bigger silver/black model that looks like a pipe, but if you think about the quality over the overall look I'd rather go with quality even if my tornado looks like a all black black and mild I think it looks bad---.


I use my eGo with mega batts at work because of the reliability, size and battery. I have been using my Joker AV exclusively at home and on the go because I have it dialed in exactly where I want it. It delivers tons o vapor and doesn't blow attys like my Silver Bullet.


I also use the Joker AV at home now and an eGo for on the go and work. I personally don't want anything that looks like a cigarette. I think it would be best if they weren't associated with the word cigarette at all. Most people will point you to the eGo. Great battery life and a reliable performer.


I have three favorites. My eGo, my Silver Bullet, and my Mark Mod. I use the eGo when I'm up and about doing stuff around the house and yard. It's small enough for my pockets, but still has great battery life. It's a classy looking PV and is great for stealth vaping. It's all around just perfect for me. I also love my Silver Bullet. It is large so isn't what I'd want to carry around in a pocket very much - although I have done that some. The battery lasts forever, so it's great to take on the road. Also, when I'm sitting still, I can use it with the PT and have a 5 volt unit and I love that. The Mark Mod is a fantastic device and I love it. It's lightweight, so beautiful it's a piece of art, feels great in my hand, and is very easy to use. It never leaves my house because I won't take any chances on something happening to it. When I'm not using it, it sits on a shelf in a place of honor where I can admire it. I don't use it as much as the other two, but only because I don't want to ruin it. Since I started vaping I've used several devices (M401, 901, 801, 510, VP2, VP/PT, Spade, DSE905, Indulgence, eGo, SB, and Mark Mod) and most of those I don't even own any more. The eGo, SB, and Mark Mod are all I need. To me, they are the only ones worth having.


This is great guys. Remember it is not about me, I just want to hear your personal preference. This should help out all new vapers. I am definately over the cigarette looking model, so no convincing needed there. Just want to hear about popular models from experienced users. It would also be nice to know where you purchased them. Silver Bullet and Mark Mod sound cool, but I wouldnt know where to find them. The ego, thats a different story, everyone carries them. I typically go by model names rather than nicknames, keeps it universal that way and easier to google. (M403, DSE905, DSE901, 510, etc.)


I have 5 PV's (Joye 510, Tornado, Screwdriver, Silver Bullet, Joker AV). I have only had the Joker AV for a few days, but it is quickly becoming my go to favorite. Adjustable voltage is where it is at. I have many different juices, and not all of them are good in one particular model, except for the Joker. If I am not getting a good enough throat hit, I turn up the voltage. Then I will try a different juice on the same setting, and it will be kicking too much. In that case, I turn down the voltage. It gives you so many options. I


Like Nana, I've tried a ton of different units in the market since I started vaping, Joye 306, M401, Joye/DSE 510, DSE801, DSE901, DSE905, PS Protege, PS Protege Passthrough, VP2, VP Passthrough, Joye/Janty eGo, Carlos Juice Box, Wetbox, and multiple other box mods. After a long time of using the PS Protege and PS Passthrough as my daily units, I finally came back to the Joye eGo with LR901 atomizer. It's my every day, all day vape.

Everyone has different preferences; I really don't like cartomizers and I'm still on the search for a good one on the go.


Well, I'm not as "experienced" as some others, however ive been around a while :) My current favorites are ego or marks mod when we go out, and around the house i use those or my juicebox i stole from jolly cause he doesnt like it. Think it came from Carlos, with a homemade atty. Let me tell ya, once you get this atty working.... its just awesome!!! I need to get better batts for it tho cause atm im using 14500 i think, with tinfoil... and it takes a way bigger batt... lol but it works!! and well, I may add!!

Oh, you can only get a marks mod by 1. winning it or 2. recieving it as a gift from mark. Hint: Do something to impress him and you may end up on his super long list :)

The carlos mod is also hard to get, if i understand correctly... but its worth it... its nom-tastic!


Hi, quite a range here from the beginners to the veterans. I started out with the Joye 510 which I still use and graded up to an eGO. Those are the two pvs I have currently. I love both, but especially the eGo for the longer battery life. I am beginning to get every so slightly curious about variable voltage units, but I think I still have a ways to travel. I continue to read and learn on the forum.


I'm with Lily; I started with the Joye 510 and upgraded to the eGo. I love both. The eGo with a LRatty is great and battery life is wonderful. I haven't had any problems with either product. I may change, but I doubt it, I'm satisfied with the two I have. Love vaping!jump.gif


This is great guys. Remember it is not about me, I just want to hear your personal preference. This should help out all new vapers. I am definately over the cigarette looking model, so no convincing needed there. Just want to hear about popular models from experienced users. It would also be nice to know where you purchased them. Silver Bullet and Mark Mod sound cool, but I wouldnt know where to find them. The ego, thats a different story, everyone carries them. I typically go by model names rather than nicknames, keeps it universal that way and easier to google. (M403, DSE905, DSE901, 510, etc.)

Are you a reporter?


I am one of the few 3.7 volt people here and I kind of prefer DSE 801 manual batterie andty Kissbox passthroughs ,as far as atties go I use low bridge 801/302's,901's and 510's.And I have been using the 510 carto's with the aluminum threads as a second device.They all work just fine for me.I do not have the refined pallatte that some do,and I cannot tell all that much difference,as long as I get big clouds of vapor and the flavor I am a happy camper. :thumbsup: Its all good.


A "Mark Mod" while an elegant and well crafted device, probably has limited use in this thread as it is not available for purchase.

My primary device is a Joker AV using a 510 fitting. It allows me to use relatively longer battery life with the ability to adjust the voltage output. Available at www.vaprlife.com

When I am traveling (out of town trips) I will use an eGo with a LR atomizer.


Torn between my Black SB (altsmoke.com) and the Joker AV (vaprlife.com). Still use the BSB most so I guess it's still my favorite. Running 6V with 510 on the BSB, 5V with carto on the Joker for driving.

Posted (edited)

I dig threads like this because you can get so much information from them. Like many others I've used a ton of different devices and finally settled on the Saber from Vapor Moon. It's very similar in size to the Silver Bullet, but has a touch-sensitive switch rather than a mechanical one, and comes with a five year warranty. I've been using my Saber for a couple months now and have had no problems. I vape it at 6V with my own DIY liquid for a perfectly tailored vape. I get clouds of vaper, great TH and flavor; what's not to love? Anyone could do this with any 6V device, I just settled on the Saber (which was a very close run to the SB).

I'm definately a high voltage guy; 3.7 will never do it for me again, unless I'm running a LR atty and even then you have to live with the short useful life of the LRs. Nope, voltage rules in this household!

When she vapes, my wife uses the VP PT at 5V with a cartomizer and is very satisfied with that.

Edited by ddavelarsen

I have: Screwdriver(s) Mk1 (from trog), Screwdriver(s) Mk2 (from TW), and the Super Six from Super T

They all have been completely reliable - my daily device is my old silver Mk1 Screwdriver which I bought in April 2009 - it is still going strong, shows no signs of wear and has never let me down.


That's great info Prof, so many devices fail early. We all need to know what the most reliable ones are, which could save many early vapers from potential frustration and budget issues. Thanks!


Just ordered my eGo today. Cant wait. Have lots of extra attys, blanks, and cartos coming with it! I went with the 900 mAh battery.

Someone asked if I was a reporter, not sure why or what type of reporter you mean, but the answer is No. I am in love with the vaping hobby and I was asking for opinions. I find it easier for someone to explain what they like rather then try to guess what I would like based off of what I purchased in the past. For instance assuming I want a e cig that looks like an real cig just because I own one would be incorrect. It just happened to be the first one I purchased. I tried several really cheap and junk models, then I got an M403 and a 418 manual. Like them both, but ready to set up to the big leagues and to something that is easier to get parts for (like 510).


well i really like my mark mod for just at home. and i love my homemade passthrough for home use too. and also love my box mod for going out of the house. thats about it. lol


I started out with a crappy cigarette look-a-like, which I sent back within 24 hours. Next I went with a 510 and loved it, except for the battery life. Moved up to a Vyper and that was gold. I wanted to try higher voltage so I went to the Joker AV and found where I really wanted to be. The Vypr is now my backup. HV is king.


Congrats on your purchase of the Ego. I and many others think you'll be happy with your choice. It really is a good and reliable device.

I started out with one of the mall "SE" type e-cig. Cool for starting but not a really good unit.

Moved on to the usual..801..901..510. All good for what you get. Got a lot of harassment about the vp/pt until I finally had to get one. It's great at 5v plugged into the wall. Also have a kr808 passthru that I keep in the car for trips. Also "had" a cheap 510pt that lasted about 2 weeks. But my ego/tornado has become my everyday pv of choice. Love the battery life and size for taking along every where.

My "Mark mod" is my stay at home and enjoy the finer things in life pv. It's a piece of artwork from a good friend.

I guess my next unit will have to be a variable unit just not sure which one yet. But this thread has given me lots to look into.

Enjoy your Ego and let us know what you think. As always..

Good luck and happy vaping.


I own a m401, joye 510 and an eGo. Once I received my ego and used for the first time I was amazed by it's performance. It's my main used unit now,I got some LR Atty's and try them and know i cant put it down for more than an hour! LOL! Great flavor and great amount of vapor. I think my next pv is going to be a Joker AV!! :thumbsup:

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