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Mail Man Gets Rath Of Jolly


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so the one off mark mod comes today.. my mail man is usually here about 2:45pm each day. it is now 3:30pm..

the rest of the packages i get, couldn't care less. even the order coming from china with a bunch of stuff, couldn't care less.

he better get here soon or i'll go postal on him.

by the off chance that it's someone filling in, if they forget the package.. oh the wrath, the mayhem, the hose, lotion, and pit that will ensue.

going back outside to check the mail. pray that he has, for his sake.

watch the news for, "tonights top story, post-man beaten for late delivery of e-cig-art".

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came, just ripped my old 5v to shreads to toss this booster board into the uber-epic mark mod.

right now this is just going to be a 5v, but later i plan on installing a slide switch to make it multi.

this is going to be sick!

as to keep this from turning into a total mod thread, later i'll post video and pics of what marks mod looks like and what it ended up looking like inside.

for now the post man is safe, but the plotting is in the works.

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mark this thing looks a billion times better than i thought it would.

your cam does not do your work justice!

when i opened it i was like, woah.

it seems thiner than heathers mod.. i like how slim it feels.

It really doesn't, there are intricacies in his mods that a camera can't really capture.

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all done, waiting epoxy to dry now.

had an issue with the switch i used. it was working and after everything was together it wouldn't work.

it's sort of pressed into the mod so that was a pain to take back out.

i need to charge some batteries to test and make sure the booster board is still working good.

it works and had the ego mega atty on it. going to use cartomizers on it i think.

will post pics and everything once the epoxy is dry. then do a video about marks stellar work. will be dubbed in 720p so i can try and capture the epicness of this slick rook.

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