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Ivape Sweet Caroline 18Mg

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After all the hype I have seen about this juice I must say I am pretty disappointed. Maybe I just got a bad batch or maybe I'm just not into juice that tastes like a cigarette anymore but I have to give this stuff a 5.5 out of 10 over all.

The throat hit and vapor production are great. I can't say anything bad about those two and that's why i started with that as the only good point.

Dripped - It doesn't taste to bad, but it's definitely not anything to run out and spend all of your money on. It doesn't taste like anything that special. It's almost like an american brand cigarette with a touch of honey. I don't mind it this way at all, as a matter of fact it does have a decent taste when dripped, but it comes nowhere close to the Bobas. I would use this occasionally or for a back up juice in between orders but it's something that will get alot of shelf time.

Cartomizer - This stuff is just plain old gross out of a carto. Dry, burnt, all sweet flavor is completely lost. If you are looking for something that tastes just like a marlboro buy this stuff and put it in a cartomizer, but after vaping this is not the tobacco taste I was after at all. I would actually lower this stuff to a 3 out of 10 when put in a cartomizer. It's disgusting.

All in all this juice is alright if you're an all around dripper. But if you are a drip when I can/Cartomizer most of the time person I would not recommend this stuff at all.

btw I did this review using a fresh carto and fresh atomizer. Got 7 more flavors coming in today so i will review them when I can.

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yah there are a few of us that dont like that either. they say you need to get used to it. well i MADE myself vape a whole bottle of it and i never got used to it. it was still nasty and tasted musty. just not a fan of it. some people have said it tastes like sweet tea. and i had none of that in my vape. and i LOVE sweet tea,

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I'm so glad I'm not crazy. I'm going to let it sit for a week and go back to it. Maybe it just needs some time for the flavors to meld together. Good news my huge vaporbomb order came in and I LOVE EVERY SINGLE FLAVOR I ORDERED! I will post a review thread and go through each individually later today. Let me just say I brought the Mt. Mist and Cinna Danish Swirl with me and MMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

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Thanks for this review and the subsequent responses. Before I read this I was tempted to get a bottle. Now I'm not fo sure.

I wouldn't go out of your way. Want to maybe do a 3ml trade on something? PM me...I'm looking for good tobacco flavors.

Although like I said before...Bobas Bountry is still by far the best I've had. I might have to just get over my few little quirks I have with it in a carto and order a 100ml bottle. :)

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So I'm giving this stuff a second chance. Been vaping on it for about 5 minutes and it just tastes like dry, half burnt tobacco with a little honey.

Ok so if you smoke a full pack of cigarettes but short each one half way unroll them all and then use only the burnt tobacco at the end and add a splash of honey that is the flavor i'm getting from this stuff. Anyone on this forum actually like this stuff??? I have about 15ml left I would be willing to trade out for ANYTHING in a 10ml bottle.

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I revisited this juice today. Been using it on my ego with a LR atty. I used it last night when I came home from the bar and enjoyed it which is what made me decide to bring it out today. I must say I liked it as my morning vape, very light flavor with a slightly sweet taste and a nice throat hit. Nothing to over powering, but by the time I got to class it turned back into it's old self. Dry, very little flavor, reckless throat hit(not very strong, it just doesn't feel right). I don't know, I shook the bottle up and it's still bleh.

I guess I might just use this as a morning vape so I can get rid of it. I am never going to try it in a carto again.

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Ry4 and sweet caroline there is I guess a slight diference, everybody has different taste buds tho, its something I actually started to like it bcuz it was my last two bottles left and I was broke so I just vaped that up till I got payed and ended up ordering more. :turned:

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