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One Month!

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Today marks one month cigarette free for me! :thumbsup: According to my banner, I have avoided nearly 400 analogs! That is amazing. I have tried quitting so many times and nothing ever worked....until now. I am so glad that one day while surfing the net, I ran into Vapor Talk. I have met so many helpful and knowledgable people here. You have all played a part in my mission to quit smoking. I thank each and every one of you. Chris, I especially thank you for your vision and dedication to vaping and for having the most friendly forum I have ever been a part of.

My wife and daughter are so happy that daddy may have extended his life by quitting. I used to feel so guilty when smoking. I knew it wasn't good for me. I knew it was shortening my life. But today I am proud to say that I have lived the first month of my new life. Thank you all again!

Edited by BreakingBad
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congrats i came into the e-cig world with a little bit of knowledge from youtube. and ran across chris there and signed on to my first forum ever and im pretty dang sure that that was the best decision ever i didnt think i would like the whole forum thing and was not going to post much but look at me now im VIP and im loving every minute of this forum i love helping people out that dont understand some things and its just a great expierence to vape and be smoke free and be around so many nice people! congrats again and thanks to EVERYONE for making this such a great forum! wow that was pretty nice i think. lol

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