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Nicotine Strength Just When You Thought I Was Done

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The e liquids come in 11 16 24 59 99 mg per I am assuming Ml, but doesn't this seem like a lot? I thought there were only like 2 per pack of cigs? Are we getting more nicotine this way or less? I am so confused, and yes before anyone asks I am blonde! lol! :sofa:

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You are correct it is per ML. But you have to remember a bottle doesn't go in one day. It usually takes a person almost a week to vape an entire bottle. Take 24mg for example. (The highest strength most responsible suppliers sell) That's 240mg of nicotine. Spread over 7 days that's about 60mg 34.28 mg a day. A cigarette has about 3-4mg of nicotine. Take 20 in a pack and your looking at about 80mg of nicotine. So in actuality your probably taking in less nicotine. :)

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Usually the highest I have seen a supplier sell is 36mg. When you see higher than that e. 60, 80, 100, that is for a bottle of nicotine. People buy this and then add pg or vg and flavoring to it to make it the mg they want. I use 30mg, it works for me. Any higher would be crazy.

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I always wondered why I got the jitters when I vaped, I thought it was because I was vaping too much. But now that I think about it, It might have been cause I was so used to getting the nic fix from cigarettes I was feeding myself less nicotine when vaping, thus, getting the jitters. :)

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Thanks for the breakdown Chris. All I ever could figure out was that if the nic was too high I got a headache and too low and I vaped like crazy and still didn't get enough. Now I know. tks :unworthy:

p.s. she probably is a QT

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