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I'm still a noob to vaping, but I decided to venture into the world of 'direct dripping'. I think I have found a level of awesome! There is a whole new world that has been opened for me. The flavors are even more amazing (I took some advice from the VaporCast podcast and got some RMV Juicy Peach). I now will have to tell EVERYONE I know about this, lol. Cartridge? I don't need no stinkin' cartridge!

That said, I have noticed something since I've left the analogs behind and joined the "Vaping World". I actually vape more than I ever smoked. The one thing about smoking, was the fact that you are often forced NOT to smoke. This could be due to where you are, laws, or other circumstances. The other thing I noticed is that through vaping more, I have started to get headaches that must be akin to the headaches I would get if I smoked loads of analogs in a short period of time.

Question? Is this is a normal thing? Should I now learn a way to cut back on how often I vape, (I pretty much keep my PV in my hand ALL the time). Could the strength of the nicotine in the e-juices I have be more than I can handle? I currently vape at a level between 12 and 18 coming from a Marlboro Ultra Lights/Silver Box smoker.

Oh great Vaping Gods and Goddesses, I seek your counsel! Thanks in advance.

(If this is a redundant and/or daft set of questions, my apologies are sent sincerely for the gross negligence)


Oh yee, heed my counsel :D

Most likely the headaches are caused by too much nicotine. I would lower your mg or cut back on the amount you vape. This is common when people just start out vaping. You will learn what works for you over time. :)


Many of us vape way more often than we smoked. but if I were to figure in how many drags per cigarette X 30 cigarettes--it would actually be about the same in the end. my e-cig is never far from my hand.

you may want to look at a littler lower nicotine liquid. much easier to lower the nicotine level than the frequency of vaping (constantly).

Happy vaping

Yes, direct dripping is really amazing !!!


I concur with the others. Try a lower level. I vape 30-36 mg but I don't vape constantly. I am glad you have found and appreciate direct dripping. Do you have a drip tip that you are using?


I always tell folks to try and start out as you did with smoking (go outside, don't chain, etc.) to get an idea of what level you need. What you posted seems okay, I would even drop it more if you are vaping a lot. Maybe get a jolt a couple times a day of the 18 to make sure you don't nic fit, but if you are more of an addict out of habit than nicotine vape low levels. When I started dropping the level of nic I started vaping like a fiend as well. not saying it was the same but various things popped up for me as well, headaches, sort throat, swollen glands.

If you are using PG make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids.


Thanks everyone for your replies. All things of which I will take into account and try.

BreakingBad - No, I'm not using a drip tip yet. I was a little unsure about how to use one, but I plan to order one in the next couple of days and return here for advice and more guidance :)

Thanks again all! You are all ten shades of AWEsome here!


drip tips are about as easy as it comes. took me a while to try drip tips. the end is open--drips directly to the atty. used instead of carts. they really do work best for dripping--I didn't think removing and replacing the cart was too tough--until I got a drip tip.


Drip, Vape, Repeat. :thumbsup:

I vape more than I smoked. I've always had pretty regular headaches... haven't noticed any difference with vaping.

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