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Cleaning Controversy


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I have been reading a lot on cleaning and I've seen dry burns, vodka soaks, boiling, draining, blowing, qtips, hankies, etc.

Then there's every night, once a week, when vapor production slows, never, etc.

I have read that cleaning could very well be the major contributing factor to atty failures.

It was recommended to me that I should just wipe all threads and exterior surfaces and just turn the atty batt side up over night to drain. What are the opinions on this?

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The way I look at it is if you have an atty that is not working/tasting very good you don't have anything to lose by trying to clean it.Fix it or finish it off.You really shoudn't do any harm to one as long as you don't poke around or use high pressure air or water in there.They will dry out and be good as new.I have used hot water from my coffee maker ,denture tabs and an ultrasonic cleaner with mixed results.I think if you get them soon enough you have a better chance of doing some good as what I think kills them is a carbon buildup on the element that is indestructable and insulates the element from the liquid.This either cause them to burn out or get hot but not produce vapor.

Edited by mcquinn
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So true. I've tried lots of things from vinegar, mouthwash, alcohol, sonic cleaner, and None of them have really been great.

They help some if you get it soon enough like Mcquinn said. But honestly if you let them drain at night and keep them from sitting for too long that's about the best you can do.

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I gave up on cleaning for the most part. I use a paper towel or kleenex twisted and pushed into atty to remove any excess liquid. I usually do this when the flavor is off or vapor production is down or just over all not working well. otherwise, I just let them be.

but like mcquinn posted-- if it's not working well--there is nothing to lose by trying to clean them.

draining over night certainly won't hurt them--just remember to reprime the atty with a few drops of liquid.

you will find this issue is very individual--we all have our favorite way of doing things. Lots of trial and error to figure out what routine works best for you.

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I don't think they are making atties as good as they used to I have tried a lot and I simply cannot find any that will wick from a cart .I use 302/801's,901's and 510's and they just aggrevate the heck out of me.Perhaps they are trying to force us to use carto's by making atties so crappy.

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Well I have just been cleaning all surfaces and draining my attys trading them out mid day. And I think my attys are on their way out. The vapor production has fell off something fierce and what they do produce only lasts an hour tops before I have to slow drag straight into my lungs to get a TH... ugh.. shoulda went carto off the bat.

Are there any attys anyone has found to be more reliable? I would still like to at the house and such but don't feel like replacing attys every few days.

Btw my eGo kit came from nicotine nirvana and has their logo on it if that makes any difference at all.

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this is a quote direct from the atty manual, from janty (i think).

Take your atomizer, - put it under hot water and rinse it. You dont have to do it excessively, just rinse it out over the course of 20 seconds or so.

Then blow at both ends of your atomizer till it appears dry, and you cant see it "sprays" out water on a piece of tissue.

Then insert your atomizer into any vaping device you have - THAT RUNS 3.7 VOLT (do NOT do this with higher voltage devices )- and in the case of a Jantystick, then push the button and let it hit cutoff, WHILE you blow air into the atomizer with your mouth. Do not have the filter on for this ofcourse.

Now, this will smell funny - none the less, keep a finger on your atomizer, while you do this (if it gets overly hot, let it cool down for a bit before continuing), and do it up to 4 times - till the cutoff is hit ( for those without a cutoff, thats around 12 seconds ) - keep blowing air from your mouth onto your atomizer during the entire button-pressing-stage of this.

Once youre done, you drip 5 drops of any liquid you want into the atomizer, - let it rest for a minute, then try to take a hit. If it still tastes bad, put two more drops in - if it still tastes bad, add one more drop and do this until it tastes good.

Notice: After you put in the 5 drops, after initial burn-cleaning, make sure you DO taste if its good, this varies on atomizers. Some work right there, some dont. Also make sure you dont drown your atomizer. If the taste is there, and you get almost no vape, then its almost drowned.

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I sometimes clean out my atties with a water pick, blow them out, and then put them in a daily pill box. Most of the time I just let the atty drain trough the night on a hankie. Another thing I do is sit my atty battery side down on a hankie and half way fill it with glycerin. the glycerin drains out through the holes taking out much of the flavoring and ejuice.

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Ya so... did the remove fibers under bridge "mod" and with my old e-liquid my atty is back in action! lol. I have to say I am sorely disappointed with the vaporenu nu-juice. I got double shot with an aggressive TH and I had to drip every 2-3 vapes to be satisfied. now I'm dripping one drop of the nu-juice and one of my old stuff (free sample from nicotine nirvana) just to conserve my good stuff and use up some of my nu-juice.

I'm hoping if I start messing around with voltage my nu-juice will be good but otherwise I may have to just sell it off or throw it away... :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok... been pretty busy lately but I'm going to update my sitrep. I'll probably end up doing it in a couple other threads I've started so bear with me.

My nu-juice is still under powered, I got a bottle of RY4 from VGalaxy and hate it... I don't think anyone else here knows what cocaine tastes like (maybe you do) but the RY4 had a very strong cokey after taste. Before everyone starts thinking I'm a coke head I worked law enforcement in the military and have tasted coke a couple times.

Anyways I mixed my Hazelnut, tobacco(nu-juice), and RY4 together at about a 20% RY4 40/40 nu-juice. That was alright and it has definitely given my nu-juice new life.

Now though I am going to start mixing my own stuff and use my nu-juice as a cutter for flavors that I think would go good with the makeshift 555 liquid (the mixed stuff tasted surprisingly similar to the 555 I ordered from nu-juice). Oh and I now have an LR atty and just bought some LR's from xtremevaping.com

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