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Crappy Mall E-Cigs

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I went to the mall nearest my house the other day. I was walking through with my wife and daughter when I noticed a kiosk with a group of people around it. This mall isn't particulary very busy, so when more than 2 people are standing in the middle of the main isle, something must be going on. So I peaked over to see what was up. It was a guy selling Elite X brand e-cigs. People were surrounding this guy like it was a free peep show! They were all in awe of the device. It basically looks like a Blu or any other of those stick battery models. The guy is demonstrating it to people. He takes a puff, opens his mouth and a teeny bit of vapor escapes. Everyone around is enthralled. The whole time I am thinking to myself about the Tornado I have in my right pocket with a LR atty. I so badly wanted to pull that bad boy out and show the people what a very good e-cig is like. My wife asked me not to and well you know how that goes. It just kind of angered me because this guy was selling this thing for $90 for the kit. That is such a rip off! These people could order the same kind of piece of junk online and spend $60 with free shipping. Or they could buy a Tornado/eGo for less than this guy was selling his wares. I just wanted to help these people spend their money wisely. The guy doing the demo for these people kept saying that it was releasing harmless "smoke". Ahrrrrggg! This guy was bothering me so I walked away and grabbed a slice at Sabarro's. I like pizza! :thumbsup:

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Heck ya coulda just yelled "GO TO VAPORTALK DOT COM INSTEAD" lol I wish we had a kiosk for me to show off to... people here are weird, they say oh good idea i want one, then never get one. heh

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I would have called out Sbarros for charging so much for their crappy pizza and showed the patrons a real slice of pizza from an actual pizzaria at a better price!!

I dont have anything against Sbarros but I am pointing out what it looks like to interfere in another merchant's sale, even if it is clearly inferior. The dude has a right to sell that stuff without a peanut gallery interfering with his business.

Now, I do have a strong distaste for the vermin that peddle these devices but I think you have to respect their right to free enterprise. Props to your wife. (lucky for you, your daughter looks like her!) =)

Now, if the slimeball was selling to a minor, which is the real huge issue with Mall kiosk sales, then GAME ON!!!

don't EVEN get me started about Pizzaria Uno or Pizza Hut.....

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im always messing around with the smoking everywhere people here. i see people walk away from his booth saddened by the price or the product and send them to this website. and ill walk by blowing out clouds of vapor. and i would have corrected him and said its vapor. not smoke. and i would have made a scene! lol

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i would have showed him up with one of my 5v mods.

tend to carry two on me at all times, the wiivape and the duravape. sometimes i swap the dura for the 3.7v for noobies that want to try.

Dude I saw your wiivape. That is cool as hell. Is that 5V? I gotta get me one of those.

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I would have called out Sbarros for charging so much for their crappy pizza and showed the patrons a real slice of pizza from an actual pizzaria at a better price!!

I dont have anything against Sbarros but I am pointing out what it looks like to interfere in another merchant's sale, even if it is clearly inferior. The dude has a right to sell that stuff without a peanut gallery interfering with his business.

Now, I do have a strong distaste for the vermin that peddle these devices but I think you have to respect their right to free enterprise. Props to your wife. (lucky for you, your daughter looks like her!) =)

Now, if the slimeball was selling to a minor, which is the real huge issue with Mall kiosk sales, then GAME ON!!!

don't EVEN get me started about Pizzaria Uno or Pizza Hut.....

I hear ya! I don't necessarily think Sabarro's is all out crap (I have had worse) but damn is it expensive. The only difference with the Sabarro's stand and the e-cig stand is that I know I am getting ripped off for the pizza. People generally know how much pizza cost. They don't know much about e-cigs and are like lambs to the slaughter. Unfortunately these people are spending their hard earned cash on an inferior product when they could be spending much less.

I also agree that he has a right to sell his wares. I have no problem with that. He has to make a living like everyone else. I am merely suggesting just referencing the customers to other options.....not making a scene.

Yeah my daughter got my wife's looks. Lucky her! But she has her daddy's genius :innocent:

Oh I had some Mr. Scribs pizza later that night. They are a small local chain. Fantastic pie!

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We had two "SE" stands at our mall. Now we have a White Cloud stand instead. I don't usually make a seen but I will stand off to the side and vape on my Tornado or a regular 510 while the guy gives his pitch. I'll catch someones eye and just shake my head NO and then start to walk away. Usually the people will catch up with me an ask me what I have or a question and then I send them to VaporTalk and a few other vendors that I have cards for.

One time a young lady was working the stand and while she was giving the "lasts as long as a pack of cigarettes" speech I walked up with my ego and while letting out a big cloud of vapor ask her how much her units cost. She said "$120.00" and I gave a chuckle in front of them all and said Way too much. Then as I was turning to walk away one of them asked if she carried the same thing I was using.

They caught up with me later in the mall and another one saved from over priced junk.

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Amazing as it seems, many folks actually seem to say if it wasn't for the crappy mall ecigs, they may never have gotten involved. Luckily I have the same story, but it was because my brother had one and let me try it and I thought this could work. I went googling and finally found this site. Awesome, my brother took the hit and I got the bene!!

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As crappy as it is and a rip off to, I'm glad it's happening. It brings public awareness to vaping and once you get started you move up. I started off much the similar way! very few people decide to actually research some thing first, specially if your out shopping any way. I'm sure the prices of those crappy stick ecigs will drop.

Edited by Jkimbo
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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to the mall nearest my house the other day. I was walking through with my wife and daughter when I noticed a kiosk with a group of people around it. This mall isn't particulary very busy, so when more than 2 people are standing in the middle of the main isle, something must be going on. So I peaked over to see what was up. It was a guy selling Elite X brand e-cigs. People were surrounding this guy like it was a free peep show! They were all in awe of the device. It basically looks like a Blu or any other of those stick battery models. The guy is demonstrating it to people. He takes a puff, opens his mouth and a teeny bit of vapor escapes. Everyone around is enthralled. The whole time I am thinking to myself about the Tornado I have in my right pocket with a LR atty. I so badly wanted to pull that bad boy out and show the people what a very good e-cig is like. My wife asked me not to and well you know how that goes. It just kind of angered me because this guy was selling this thing for $90 for the kit. That is such a rip off! These people could order the same kind of piece of junk online and spend $60 with free shipping. Or they could buy a Tornado/eGo for less than this guy was selling his wares. I just wanted to help these people spend their money wisely. The guy doing the demo for these people kept saying that it was releasing harmless "smoke". Ahrrrrggg! This guy was bothering me so I walked away and grabbed a slice at Sabarro's. I like pizza! :thumbsup:

Yeah I saw the same thing at my mall today. I pulled out my ego and demonstrated it for him and he loved it. I wrote down the forum name and where he could buy one.

He told me the batteries lasted 10 hours or so on them ROTFLMFAO! I tried them em and they sucked.

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I appreciate their advertising though. Without them, I'd have never heard of them and researched them. I found Chris at Youtube and the rest is history. I thank my lucky stars every day that our wonderful vendors here aren't trying to recoup their booth rental fees, Those mall booths are expensive, and the radio and tv adds are outtathisworldexpensive.

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MALL ECIGS SUCK, nuff said!

YES they do!

For all that money spent on getting the product out there they could at least invest in a decent ecig to sell. (I'm glad they don't though or I'd have never met such wonderful posters and vendors!).

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