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Smoke Free Counter Question


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Are there any smoke free counters that offset the "$ saved" value by the costs of vaping?

Is there anyone who can make one? or should I just average out my vaping costs per day and subtract that from the cost per pack in the existing counter?

Anyways thank you...

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There are none that I"m aware of. The reason I assume this has not been done is because it wouldn't be automated. Your constantly buying vaping products so you would need to update it daily. This would also be more information stored in the database, of which, someone needs to host at not cost to the user :)

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yeah, that is the first counter i ever used. though my calculations are wrong because i don't always buy what i put into the system from the start.

that's good for just a quick glance online. if you really want to get down to the brass tax of it all. keep a text file with what you bought, where you bought it, cost of the item, shipping cost, how long it lasted, dates of hardware purchaces, when you started using said hardware, when it went defective.. etc.

that way you have a detailed list and will also provide you with the needed info to figure out when/quantity you will need to order later.

like predicting the weather, you might be off but it's not like planning for the wrong season.

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Congrats to both of you for earning your VT counter !!!!

don't underestimate your wife........

however its easy enough to ball park how much you have spent and can see the counter for how much you have saved. takes a while to actually see a difference.

with my hubby I explained that I was spending 200.00 a month on smoking, so try to keep my expenditures (the first 3 months don't count) less than what I would spend smoking. I have no doubt in my mind that if i hadn't found vaping, I would still be smoking.

after a year he is resigned to the vaping expenditures. he just never realized how much I actually spent on cigarettes.

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The problem I have with the wife is that she can't really understand how I'm saving any money if I spend say 60 or 100 dollars at a clip on supplies. She doesn't realize that that is good for about a month or two and that I spent about $50.00 a week for my analogs. All she sees is the big cost all at once. And really compared to some people that's nothing for an order.

I'm sure when I get back to work my ordering will get bigger and a little more frequent but still nothing to some.

I'm not one that has to have every new device that comes along or try every juice flavor on the market.

So am I saving money? I think so but to be honest with you...not sure yet. :o

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Well I know for a fact I'm saving amounts of money!

I sent 130 for my eGo starter kit, passthrough, and 125ml of juice. My eGo supplies should last as long as my attys do (I'm just dripping with a blank cart for a tip) and my juice should last me about 4 months. Next payday ill be buying a carton (50) of cartos, probably 2 more attys, a couple more 30ml juices and a drip tip or 2. Which will run about another 130. So after 260 invested I will have enough supplies to last me approx. 220ish days. Now I know I will make other purchases here and there so ill estimate $300 and up the supply to 250.

At those prices I'm vaping for $1.2 a day opposed to $6-8. Avg being $7 that's a savings of $5.8 a day so by oct. Vaping will have paid for itself and by april I will have saved roughly $1100

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