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Dripping Questions

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I know, I know, but this is what this forum is here for. I'm really sorry but I cannot get the search function to work. I have found answers to a few of my questions on other forums but I just have a few other things I need to know before switching to a DD system(cartos on the go).

So I will be running a Joye Ego with low resistance attys(and like I said, carts on the go). I know how to clean my attys, I know to remove the threads on the bridge before dripping so I don't ever have to know what "that taste" tastes like, I've watched TONS of videos and know I'm ready to give this a whirl without any problems when my Joye gets here(and I feel like a kid who is stuck on December 24th everyday since I have ordered it).

I do have a few questions I have not been able to find any real answers to though so bare with me. I swear I am getting this thing in a day or two, I will have time to play with it and figure it out for myself BUT refer to the last sentence in the () in the paragraph above :)

1. How often will I have to actually drip onto my atty. I know I need to when I get a slightly burnt smell and less vapor production, and I know that 3 is what most refer to as the perfect number. I am just thinking that if I'm direct dripping and producing twice the ammount of vapor I produce on my current unit won't I burn through juice alot more quickly? Going through 3 drips of juice every 15 minutes just seems like it is going to make me burn through the stuff where as 15 drops in a carto will almost get me through the day.

2. If I am dripping on one certain flavor of juice and I want switch over to something else is there anything special I need to do to my atty??? If I am craving a few solid rips of my bobas I want it to taste like bobas, not blueberry cheesecake bobas. Should I clean the atty out when switching between juices and if so will over cleaning my atty kill it faster?

3. I have watched plenty of different videos on cleaning atomizers and some say to do a dry burn after cleaning, others claim it kills your atomizer faster. What's up with this? I want to clean my atomizer efficiently so I get as much life out of it as I can and not risk blowing through atomizers like crazy. Also I have heard I should clean it once a day, once every 2 days, once a week. What is your prefered method and time span to give my atomizer the most life I can give it.

I'm pretty sure that is it. Also I am pretty damn sure this is going to be my last noobish thread. After I get this guy in It should be all I need(yeah right, maybe for a month :) )and I can actually start contributing a little bit more to this forum.

Thanks all and happy vaping

p.s. Today is my one week anniversary. Got my bobas, blueberry cheesecake, and irish cream in today. Here is what bobas + the esmoke can put out :)

Thanks everyone

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1. How often will I have to actually drip onto my atty. I know I need to when I get a slightly burnt smell and less vapor production, and I know that 3 is what most refer to as the perfect number. I am just thinking that if I'm direct dripping and producing twice the ammount of vapor I produce on my current unit won't I burn through juice alot more quickly? Going through 3 drips of juice every 15 minutes just seems like it is going to make me burn through the stuff where as 15 drops in a carto will almost get me through the day.

Dripping does burn through juice faster. but the hit is more consistent and the flavor is a bit better with dripping. This will be one of those things you will have to play with to really know what works for you. how frequently you need to drip, really depends on how often you are vaping and the length of the draw.

2. If I am dripping on one certain flavor of juice and I want switch over to something else is there anything special I need to do to my atty??? If I am craving a few solid rips of my bobas I want it to taste like bobas, not blueberry cheesecake bobas. Should I clean the atty out when switching between juices and if so will over cleaning my atty kill it faster?

some people have designated atty's for different flavors. For me, I use the corner of a paper towel or kleenex, twist and push into the open end of the atty. let it sit for 10-15 minutes to remove any excess liquid. reprime the atty with 3 drops and vape.

3. I have watched plenty of different videos on cleaning atomizers and some say to do a dry burn after cleaning, others claim it kills your atomizer faster. What's up with this? I want to clean my atomizer efficiently so I get as much life out of it as I can and not risk blowing through atomizers like crazy. Also I have heard I should clean it once a day, once every 2 days, once a week. What is your prefered method and time span to give my atomizer the most life I can give it.

I gave up boiling etc. the only thing I use the the papertowel/kleenex to remove any excess liquid. knock on wood, I have had very little atty trouble. my atty's last 1-2 months. I have a few that are 8 months old.

I do rotate atty's every week or so or for different flavors.

Make sure you let the atty cool down if you are vaping heavily or use two units and rotate between them. I think one of the many atty problems is overheating and staying over heated.

Don't let the atty get dry--over heats and burns out.

Hope that helped, if not, just keep asking !!!

alot of this is trial and error hand on experience. It will all come together once you get your Ego, but you will still have to suffer through the learning curve. worth every ounce of effort !!!!

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1- If you remove the bridge from the atomizer, you will find that 2 drops are better than 3, it will flood quicker with 3 drops. Really not a big deal, as you find

#2 and #3, I think investing in a bottle of PG is very useful. I use it to change flavors and also to clean the atty. I place about 10-15 drops of PG in the atty and blow out of the battery end. This is great for removing juice from the atomizer. I am also in the practice of doing this each night and then storing the atty overnight (or longer) battery side up to drain.

I stopped boiling, fussing and messing with the atties a couple months ago once I started using PG as a cleaner.

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1. i dont direct drip i use cartomizers. but i know you have to do it alot. and its messy. so i just use cartomizer 24/7.

2.for just switching between juices just vape it untill its gets to a nasty taste then blow it out and clean it off with a paper towel. and drip aome of the new stuff in and vape away. you might have some of the flavor in it at first but once you vape more it will get more of the old stuff out.

3.check this out for cleaning! thats what i do i do it every couple of weeks or whenever i get bored. lol


hope this helps

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My ego just came in...this is freaking awesome. Got the wick and bridge off of 2 attys successfully(they still work), have been dripping on this thing for the last 5 minutes or so and holy ****. Peace out Esmoke, hello awesomeness.

Vapor production, taste, hell everything. Worlds apart...I can't believe I didn't just start this way to begin with.

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Ya, that's how most people feel about the eGo. Enjoy!

You know what though...even though dripping does have it's points of pure awesome I prefer the carto(with the cone)and a drip tip. Been vapingf one loaded with Bobas Bounty for the last half an hour or so and unlike the esmoke it doesn't lose it's flavor after 5 or so hits. Its the same as it was when I put it in there.

Although the Blueberry Cheesecake dripped straight onto the atty is...I don't know...I can't even explain it. It's incredible. I keep switching back and forth between dripping and the carto and even though I like dripping, i can see myself burning through juice WAY to quickly. I will drip occasionally just for pure taste and vapor production reasons but I will stick with the carto as an all day, on the go vape.

Thanks to everyone on here for helping me out and pointing me in the right direction. If it weren't for you guys I wouldn't know what the hell a Joye 510 was and would have never experienced vaping like this.

Analogs can kiss my butt...hello delicious blueberry cheesecake flavored nicotine concentrated vapor!!! :)

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Okay - I guess I'll have to try one with the wick and bridge out, I use 901 LR attys but have to stock up first. Where are those videos on taking them out?

I just tried one with the wick and bridge on vs. the wick and bridge taken off...with the wick and bridge on it was, ehhhhhh, well no it tasted like crap actually after getting used to the modded atty.

Videos right here

first remove your wick...I also found this to be much easier if you go in with your tweezers, have one on the outside of the atty and grab the bridge with the other. Squeeze until the bridge(with the mesh)is slightly pushed in the oposite direction of the way the wick if coming out. You will see when you look in, the wick is sticking out of one side of the bridge more than the other.

2nd remove your bridge

Also when removing the mesh it is WAY easy if you grab the hunk of mesh and twist your atty. DO NOT twist the tweezers. Just twist the atty as if you were screwing it into your battery and the mesh will break right off.


Edited by bobthesalesclerk
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Also just throwing this out there. Today was the first time I have ever touched an atty and used those videos to mod them with no problems at all.

I would however reccomend trying this with a broken atty first because there where atleast 10 times during the process of doing this(the first time...second time it was cake)that I thought crap, I just destroyed this thing.

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Congrats on you "seeing the light"... cartos are the way to go if you ask me!! :thumbsup:

I agree, I have been dripping for roughly 2 and a half to 3 hours now. It's good but not practical(IMO). I will drip occasionally but I spend alot of time out of the house.

I have actually(have no idea why)found the drip taste to be ALOT better on the ego with the cone removed. No idea. But with a carto I much much prefer the cart on. I have read that alot of people think the air flow is not great enough with the carto/cone on but I feel as if the airflor is actually way to much without the cone. So no cone while I'm dripping, cone with the carto, I'm guessing I will be using the carto about 80% of the time.

p.s. I cannot put this damn thing down haha :):):thumbsup::thumbsup:

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LOL !!!

Now you have joined the wonderful world of vaping. I am so happy it is working (understatement) for you. It really and truly is just the beginning. I love my ego--amazing when working a 12-16 hour shift.

I still use a combination of dripping and carts--depends on my mood at the time.

Happy, happy vaping thumbsup.gif

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I just did the mesh removal--

If I can do it--anybody can do it !!!

I used an atty that just wasn't performing very well. Multimeter was reading 2.3, so should still be good.

had already removed the fibers.....then removed the mesh......

The atty is actually working better than it ever has. The throat hit and flavor is amazing !!! using it with my ego. I'll see how this holds up over the next couple days

Excellent help Bob !!!!

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I just did the mesh removal--

If I can do it--anybody can do it !!!

I used an atty that just wasn't performing very well. Multimeter was reading 2.3, so should still be good.

had already removed the fibers.....then removed the mesh......

The atty is actually working better than it ever has. The throat hit and flavor is amazing !!! using it with my ego. I'll see how this holds up over the next couple days

Excellent help Bob !!!!

Yeah man it's like day and night. I only used a non modded atty once and after getting used to the modded atty it just wasn't the same. I would strongly not encourage doing this mod with the LR 510 attys. Removing the wick yes, but keep the bridge on. I now have 2 un useable 510 LR attys from doing this mod. They work just fine, but the taste is just, well not good at all.

Glad to be of service. Phees videos are veryyy helpful.

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So do I really have to remove the wick before the bridge? Or will that kind of take care of itself when I remove the bridge. I'm thinking of doing that know as I have 4 more LR 901s on the way. And in case something horrible happens, I have about 20 LR 510s for backups.

Too late - I've invented another lazy method. I just wiggled out the bridge first, then picked/twisted out the mesh after the fact. No site of a wick except for one piece I think. Not sure I like this though. Little hot, perhaps too hot for me. Thank goodness createvapor already started the shipping process for my new 901 LRs. But I'll give this a little longer before bailing.

Edited by FTJoe
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So do I really have to remove the wick before the bridge? Or will that kind of take care of itself when I remove the bridge. I'm thinking of doing that know as I have 4 more LR 901s on the way. And in case something horrible happens, I have about 20 LR 510s for backups.

The wicks are slightly connected to the mesh in the bridge. I am guessing that if you do not remove the wick before removing the bridge, pushing back the bridge would cause your wick to fall onto the coil. Picking around on your coil=bad news bears. I would reccomend removing the wick prior to removing the bridge. It also really helps to push the bridge a little bit out of the way to expose the wick a little bit more. Just be really really careful not to touch your coil to much AND if your atty starts pulling up slightly push it back down. It can come almost to the top without breaking but I wouldn't reccomend letting it get that far.

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Just tried this on a used but good atty. Swore I broke it when it moved up about 1/4 inch, but it is working better than ever now! I had not removed the wick beforehand, but as soon as the mesh was pushed out of the way it was easy street to take it out. The bottom bits of my wick were black... So that explains half the flavor improvement right there :P

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i am finding significantly less burned flavoring as the liquid burns off. I had previously removed the wick, so not sure what was burning. I swear the flavor is better and I am getting less leakage.

so far, I have to say--this has made dripping much, much better. The vapor did seem a bit hotter initially, but now it seems normal. the throat hit and flavor seems much improved to me.

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Just tried this on a used but good atty. Swore I broke it when it moved up about 1/4 inch, but it is working better than ever now! I had not removed the wick beforehand, but as soon as the mesh was pushed out of the way it was easy street to take it out. The bottom bits of my wick were black... So that explains half the flavor improvement right there :P

The same thing happened to me the first time I tried it lol. After the first time it's cake though. The taste is out of this world!

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Removing the wick and bridge is easier than it looks! I just did it to one of my cone shaped atomizers. I've been in electronics ever since I was 18 (assembly, final test, PCB design then supervisor later on) but I was a little afraid to mess with these. Small area and I've never worked with these before. I just took a micro flat tip screwdriver and separated the wick across the center of the bridge and moved each half from on top of the bridge. Then I pulled the bridge straight off and upwards. After the bridge is removed the two sections of wick can be wiggled off clean from where its connected to the body of the atomizer. Easy! More vapor! WAY WAY better taste now! Thanks to everybody's posts in here, I gave it a try! :thumbsup: Now I'm drippin MORE easily! (WHY DON'T THEY SELL A BRIDGE-LESS ATOMIZER FOR DIRECT DRIPPING?) Or do they?

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