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What Should I Know As A Noob?


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I know requesting a pinned thread for my first post may seem odd, however, I was not able to locate an FAQ type thread in the noob area. So I'd like to start one and will even update the thread to help folks with a 10-25 question FAQ-style doc.

Let's start here, these are the questions I was looking to answer! :)

1) What are the e-cig facts as related to use, acceptance, health, odor?

2) Who do you think is the most reliable manufacture for e-cigs?

3) Are e-cigs a cessation, alternative nicotine delivery or traditional cigarette replacement?

4) If they are, why are e-cigs safer than traditional cigarettes?

5) What made you try and continue use of e-cigarettes?

6) What should I get to start my e-cig experience?

7) Who has the most reliable and best value in e-cig distribution?

Thanks all! The feedback is much appreciated and I will update the post with the answers in the event that that mods do grant a pinned topic!

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(1)Most of us beleive vaping is far safer than smoking.The odor of most liquids is pleasant for most bystanders.

(2)Joye/Janty seems to be the standard,it is the brand that all the copycats are copying.

(3)They have worked for that purpose for a lot people but they have not been scientificly proven and FDA approved as a cessation device.Chewing gum would be in a similar catergory,I don't think you could legaly sell Juicy Fruit as a smoking cessation device.

(4)The liquid is made of food grade products there is no combustion so none of the byproducts of combution.

(5)I just was trying to ge a nicotine fix at work when they instituted a tobacco free policy and it just got good for me and I no longer needed to use tobacco.

(6)I would recomend a 510 cartomiser kit and an assortment of liquids.

(7)Any one of the certified suppliers listed at this forum .

The main thing is vaping is not smoking and while it will help with the nicotine fix and the hand to mouth habit ,you will never find a liquid or e-cigg that tastes like smoking.You should however find a few pleasing flavors and the right nicotine level to help keep the desire for smoking at bay.

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1) What are the e-cig facts as related to use, acceptance, health, odor?

it's nicotine on demand, you don't have to "inhale" as much to get the same effect.

usually with a cig you feel the need to smoke the entire thing. putting one out and then finishing it taste nasty

with an ecig you vape what you want and stop.

most places i go they don't care that i vape. they tend to think "oh he is smoking" because of the clouds i produce, but if you talk to the people and explain what it is, they don't care if you do it there.

health risks, as far as we know there aren't any health risks other than being addicted to nicotine. yet nicotine in and of it's self doesn't really have health risks. it's like caffeine. when you drink a lot of caffeine you can go threw withdraw, being that it also is a drug.

oder, isn't really noticeable. you have to blow it into someones face for them to smell it. i tested this and a friend said it smelled like a watered down jolly rancher.

2) Who do you think is the most reliable manufacture for e-cigs?

joye/janty, is the peoples choice. on the other side of things you also have people that make them out of different things for those that want larger power or battery life. tend to be called modders.

3) Are e-cigs a cessation, alternative nicotine delivery or traditional cigarette replacement?

that is more defined per user. some people don't even use nicotine in their devices.

4) If they are, why are e-cigs safer than traditional cigarettes?

many of the testomionals of e-cig users will state how they can taste foods, smell, breath, and over all just feel better.

here is the break down of what i put into my juice.

LorAnn Oils Glycerine

LorAnn Oils Flavoring

PG nicotine @ either 18 or 24mg depending on what i feel like using that day.

take also into account that there is no burning.

ramp up the amount of what you have to a closed off room with a barrel of anything burning vs a room with a fog machine using just glycerine (pg). the fact is your not making it out of the smoke room.

5) What made you try and continue use of e-cigarettes?

i don't want the lug and cancer issues that go with smoking

6) What should I get to start my e-cig experience?

the normal reply would be the ego. it is a 510 kit and people love it.

the smaller kits with the almost identical shape of an analog cigarette. just don't pack enough battery life.

7) Who has the most reliable and best value in e-cig distribution?

i sway more to the modders, you use batteries with a higher mAh (life) in mods. and the batteries tend to be $20+ less than a brand name with high mAh.

Thanks all! The feedback is much appreciated and I will update the post with the answers in the event that that mods do grant a pinned topic!

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Thanks for all the GREAT info folks! I will put this together and see if we can get it pinned as I am sure many people have these same questions when they join the forums, it is kind of why I came here.

As far as nicotine having no health risks, as a 26-year smoker I was shock to read the following today. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotine However, yes I would have to agree the e-cigs are "safer" than a tobacco product. I'll be jumping on this bandwagon today. I would buy from a forum supplier, but I am a "buy local" kind of guy.

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As far as the Wikipedia thing goes you would really have to do some seriouse vaping to get the lethal dose of nicotine.I suppose DIY'ers could get exposed if they got a hold of really potent niquid and did not follow safety precations.You can however get yourself buzzing around and having trouble sleeping @ night if you do like I do and vape the whole time you sit at a computer .If you find yourself unable to put it down you might consider some low nic liquid.

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I've had a buzz or two when I vape a lot at one time, like everyday...all day....I just can't seem to put it down.

I'm as bad with this as I was with analogs. Last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Geeejj :rolleyes2:

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