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I got some juice recently from Viking Vapor. I got a few small bottles of various flavors. (great prices and good flavor btw) One of the flavors I got is Watermelon (which is yummy) and it was a deep pinkish color the last few days as the bottle sat on my desk. I vaped it a few times from my desk too. Well, today I grabbed that bottle to take it with me to the store and within minutes, it turned a light orange color. I asked my daughter who was with me, "is mom losing her mind, that was pink right?"

What would cause this? It almost seems like the sunlight or maybe the heat from outside caused it. It's like 96 degrees outside here. Has this happened to anyone else?


Yep, that's happened to me too. I don't think it's affected the quality of the liquid though. Unless it tastes radically different, I wouldn't sweat it too much. It's unsettling though, to be sure. Anyway, you're not crazy. :)


Yep, that's happened to me too. I don't think it's affected the quality of the liquid though. Unless it tastes radically different, I wouldn't sweat it too much. It's unsettling though, to be sure. Anyway, you're not crazy. :)

I'm glad it wasn't me and my eyes. :)

Yes, it is kind of unsettling. When you consider there could be some sort of "chemical??" reaction going on with it. The taste didn't change or anything, just color. And not just one shade I might add.

The colors of the liquids when you get them are sort of cheezy and syrupy looking almost. Maybe, like you said, it's the quality. I just emailed them asking for an explanation. I would also like to know the ingredients use for flavor and such.


I don't know what Viking Vapor uses, but I bought a lot of liquid from My Freedom Smokes before I started DIY in earnest. I think MFS uses Lorann's flavorings for a lot of their liquid, just based on my experiences using Lorann's. It was MFS watermelon that I noted the change in too, for what that's worth. And yes I believe it was temperature-induced. I think you're okay but I'll be interested in hearing what VV has to say.


The same thing happened to me Lori. My watermelon juice went from pink to amber color. I left it in the car on a very warm day.:withstupid:


Okay, here is the response from Viking Vapor

Hi Lori,

In short it is the UV light that does this and watermelon is one of the quickest

to change. In fact if left in direct sunlight it will change color in a matter

of minutes usually. Other than the pigment change this has no effect on the

liquids and is why most flavorings from the store will come in the brown UV

proof glass bottles. Unfortunately dropper bottles of the nature used for

e-liquids are typically only available in solid or clear. We find our customers

tend to prefer the clear bottles in order to keep tabs on how much is remaining.

Hope that helps and thank you very much for your business,

Larry Knudson

Viking Vapor

Then I asked what were the ingredients they used


Lorann is one of our many flavoring suppliers and with most of our flavors they

tend to be a mixture from multiple suppliers in order to obtain a flavor

desirable for vaping. Our ingredients list is as follows and of course depends

on the options selected.

Candy strength flavoring

USP food grade Vegetable Glycerin and/or Propylene Glycol




Larry Knudson

Viking Vapor


This has happened to several of my liquids, Not to worry it's just the temp and light acting on it. As you have already found out. But wanted you to know you're not the only one. Also I had some clear nic liquid that I left out and it started to change to a slightly amber color also. Still works ok just a color reaction.

Good luck and happy vaping.

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