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Nicotine Strength


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I was wondering if I was vaping the right strength. I smoked lightly. 1/2 a pack of Marlboro lights at my height. Then I only smoked when was drinking on the weekends. I though 12mg would be a good starting point. I have tried 5 different juice from a few manufactures and a really would like more throat hit. Do I need to up the nic, or am I just buying the wrong juice/flavors?

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welcome to vt.

there are two ways you can go.

1.) up your nic

2.) up your voltage

either way will help with throat hit.

when i started i got 12mg and was in the same boat.

right now i use 24mg at 3.7v - 4.2v


5v at about 15-18mg

sometimes i do 24mg on 5v but it is like getting kicked in the throat and lungs by a horse.

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Would your M402 battery be able to handle the LR atty though?? Needs to be over 420mah... or something like that... someone will clarify shortly. All I know is that you aren't supposed to use them on regular 510 batts because the mah rating is too low.

I'm sure you can probably do it and it would work... but I think they say it can shorten the life of your battery.

Edited by DAYVAPE
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Would your M402 battery be able to handle the LR atty though?? Needs to be over 420mah... or something like that... someone will clarify shortly. All I know is that you aren't supposed to use them on regular 510 batts because the mah rating is too low.

I'm sure you can probably do it and it would work... but I think they say it can shorten the life of your battery.

DAYVAPE is right. You really want a battery with over 420 mah for it to work effectively. Right now I use them on a 650mah and a 900mah units. I love 'em.

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before you ask where to get a higher mAh battery.

you can go with a mod that accepts 10440 and above batteries

tornado or ego battery, these are a 510 model.

if you do go with a LR atty, make sure you read about them.

the life of an LR, is typically a lot shorter than a regular.

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These are all great ideas. I think you would be happy if you upgraded to a better device like the ego/tornado but if it's cost reasons then I'd say just try upping your nic level to say 16 or 18 first and see how it goes. Since you weren't a real heavy smoker any way this might be all you need to do. Keep us informed.

Good luck and happy vaping. :thumbup:

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good god! i would drop that 48mg and go with a 5-6v mod.

Back off, these guys know what they are doing.

Goes to my theory on two addictions/habits. Nicotine is an addiction, all of us get that first blast and the brain remembers how it felt. Under stress and whatnot, we remember that good feeling and go back to it. Some people I believe are more addicted to the nicotine than that habit the nicotine started. I went to 0 after a few months and the addiction kind of went away. I still do it but not often, I always wondered how my wife only had to smoke on weekends when drinking or under stress, she could go for weeks. I thought I was a nic fiend, almost missing planes to sneak one more, etc. Kind of embarrassing that it was really mostly a habit for me at least.

But my point is a some of us really do need that nic coursing through their bodies. How else can you explain they couldn't leave the cigs behind unti lthey got to a certain level?

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i cant do 18 unless its on 5v, 24 on 5v is like swallowing rocks but i do it anyways

mornings, i only do 3.7v, till i have coffee or i'll be coughing all morning.

pretty sure if i did 48, i would have to vape on a 1.5v battery, lol.

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i cant do 18 unless its on 5v, 24 on 5v is like swallowing rocks but i do it anyways

mornings, i only do 3.7v, till i have coffee or i'll be coughing all morning.

pretty sure if i did 48, i would have to vape on a 1.5v battery, lol.

I'm vaping 48 mg and it doesn't even feel like an ultralight to me. It would probably take 100 mg to feel like swallowing rocks. I'm not willing to find out though.

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I am just simply looking to up the throat hit a little, not feel like I am being kicked in the throat, or swallowing rocks or even coughing. I will try a nic increase and see how it goes. I have a lot of 12mg to vape up first!

You can get 24 mg juice you already have in 12 mg. If you mix them 50/50 then your juice will be 18 mg. That way you could increase to 18 mg before you vaped all the 12mg.

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My dad ordered some 24mg ejuice and got it in. I vaped it and that was the trick. Excellent throat hit, and might I say, tastyvapor.us, makes some good stuff... a review to come later.

It's really great when you start finding the stuff that works for you, isn't it? Well, other than flavors. I think that one is a never ending search.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some one correct me if I'm wrong, but cigarette (analog) nicotine ratings are different then vaper nicotine ratings.

For example,

Newport soft pack 100's is about 19mg, and newport lights around 11

But if you tried vaping at 16 - 18mgs you might think your smoking a light or even ultra light.

Also, the nicotine in e-cigs and juices is a lower grade then analog, its classified as food grade nicotine. Your getting more pure nicotine from analog.

So in order to satisfy your craving, you need to up the intake by nicotine AND vapor consumption to equal or surpass analog.

For me I need at least 16mg but since I'm using a standard ecig no mods and 3.7 volts, any thing under 16mgs si like smoking a ultra light. It takes several big hits to equal one regular analog hit at that rate.

Which is why I go thru batteries and juice so quickly lol.

Yes I will be upgrading soon.

Is any of this correct or am I off base?

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