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Mega Cartomizers ?

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Whats up to everyone in the forum, yeah so I got these blank Mega cartos & im pissed, you need like 2 or 3 inch syringe to fill these things, that sucks, DOES ANYONE in here know if there is any other way to fill these mega cartomizers for the tornado/ego.....I appeicate the feedback!....

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Thanx but I dont have access to a drill, I guess im off to the pharmacy to show my pharmacist the issue, hes cool I already got syringe droppers from him for free, but where I live pharmacies dont just go out selling syriges unless you have a script for them, but im sure this guy will understand...still though if you know another way besides syringe or drill...let me know....thanx my fellow vapers....

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Jolly: that video refers to a regular cartomizer. He is referring to the larger Mega cartomizer which operates a little different.

BEERCITYVAPRZ: I just took the cap off the top, then the piece below it; lastly, I just dripped drops into the hole one at a time. It takes a little bit of patience but you can also do this from the bottom side where the threads are.

Edit: You can puncture that hole with a needle or something sharp.

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I just opened an empty Mega Cartomizer, dripped 20 drops into the bottom where the hole is, and it works great. Messing with syringes is a hassle. It took me less than a minute to do this.

You still need to pop the 'bubble' under the top caps though with a needle or the like.

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Jolly: that video refers to a regular cartomizer. He is referring to the larger Mega cartomizer which operates a little different.

BEERCITYVAPRZ: I just took the cap off the top, then the piece below it; lastly, I just dripped drops into the hole one at a time. It takes a little bit of patience but you can also do this from the bottom side where the threads are.

Edit: You can puncture that hole with a needle or something sharp.

Thanx, yeah im a try that to, I thought about doing that but was worried id fry my battery....

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I sent you a pm...I have a few syringes I believe...maybe you can live off the NeRo9k method until I can get one to you. I know I have at least one, probably two. never found a use for them. Let us know if you ask your pharmacist. Maybe find a dirty needle and see if they have a needle exchange program nearby? kidding...

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It won't ruin the battery. It will soak the Juice up like it would as if you used a syringe or dripped from the top. Also, since you're using a manual tornado battery it has sealed connectors so you won't get juice in the battery.

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I sent you a pm...I have a few syringes I believe...maybe you can live off the NeRo9k method until I can get one to you. I know I have at least one, probably two. never found a use for them. Let us know if you ask your pharmacist. Maybe find a dirty needle and see if they have a needle exchange program nearby? kidding...

They do, I know its sad, milwaukee is a :censored: city in some parts, but overall I love it, born and raised here, there is alot stuff to do, summerfest, wisconsin statefair, beaches off of lake michagan :offtopic: , yeah i'll take you up on that offer if my pharmacist for some odd reason dosent see eye to eye about this situation, he shouldn't tho, I hope hes working today...i'll check the pm, thanx for the offer I appreciate it...

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Jolly: that video refers to a regular cartomizer. He is referring to the larger Mega cartomizer which operates a little different.

BEERCITYVAPRZ: I just took the cap off the top, then the piece below it; lastly, I just dripped drops into the hole one at a time. It takes a little bit of patience but you can also do this from the bottom side where the threads are.

Edit: You can puncture that hole with a needle or something sharp.

Thanks alot, I dropped about 40 drips in the side with the threads, wiped any access liquid off with a paper towel and im VAPIN, thank god these 3.7volt bats have those enclosed threads or whatever bcuz I was a little skeptic about the batery, I dont know why I didnt just do this right away bcuz I do alot of direct dripping in my atty anyway, thanx again!!!!

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Your welcome. Personally I don't really like using cartomizers, but I had ordered a couple to test and left them at work. After reading/replying to this topic I figured I would give them to a co-worker since I wasn't using them and he is loving them! Enjoy, I know a lot of people really like those Mega Cartomizers!


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If they made these with a removable top that unscrewed or snapped on it would be easier to get to the large chamber the packing is in,I have used the syringe method and find its easy to overfill, I will have to try to dripping in it and see how that works.I still find other types of cartos put out more vapor so far but I have only used two of the Ego mega Cartos.I got mine from Wordup with a syringe in a kit of 5.

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NeRo9k: Yeah I got a five pack of them, there great for on the go, work, in the car and the bar,(I'll be there tonight) yeah I like the way the mega cartos look they remind me of a cigar, im glad a didnt have to drive to the pharmacy and buy some syringes, I might later on get one of those plastic tip weird ones, thanx for the info...Is your site on this forum in the supplier section, I'll check out your site and place an order for some liquids, ect......

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If they made these with a removable top that unscrewed or snapped on it would be easier to get to the large chamber the packing is in,I have used the syringe method and find its easy to overfill, I will have to try to dripping in it and see how that works.I still find other types of cartos put out more vapor so far but I have only used two of the Ego mega Cartos.I got mine from Wordup with a syringe in a kit of 5.

Yeah TW dosent sell syringes, and when you call them there customer service is a bunch of idiots it seems like they dont know nothing about vaping, thats why I like to support U.S. suppliers, the up and comers, bcuz there going to say "oh your getting blank mega cartos, you'll need a syringe" and they send you one...what im tryin to say is smaller U.S. suppliers are just more helpful bcuz they are true vapers themselves....

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BEERCITYVAPRZ, I appreciate the support. I don't currently have a subforum. My site is CreateVapor.com and can be found in my signature.

Since you're located in Milwaukee, I'm only about 5 hours away!

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