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Ikenvape has a 2.0 ohm 510 LR atty that I've heard good things about. Just something you may want to check out. I haven't used a LR atty since the first two I got from nhaler. I've pretty happy with vaping 5-6V.

The higher the ohms the more resistance and heat, right? I've been vaping my Joker but I'm getting tired of juice leaking down so, a cone is a must. Also, the cone makes the drags feel more like an analog to me. With all my other units it feels like the air just goes through it too easy. I noticed that my eGo produced more vapor than all my other units because of the cone. Last night I put one of my old nhaler LR 510s on my eGo and it is performing much better than my Joker or other units. I think I'm just getting tired of all these mods that look like crack pipes. I was at a cousin's house recently vaping outside. The neighbor gave me a dirty look and brought all his kids that were playing outside into his house because of me. It made me uncomfortable. The eGo is just so much better to me than all the other units. Unless they make a 5 or 6 volt eGo, I think I'm going to stick with a LR atty on the eGo with a T-tip. Anyway, what do you know about the different ohms? Is there a thread or a chart that shows/explains the specifications of all the LR atties? Thanks.


Anyway, what do you know about the different ohms? Is there a thread or a chart that shows/explains the specifications of all the LR atties? Thanks.

Check out the link below... that explains it pretty good. The higher the resistance, the less heat.

My link


So, a standard atty is 3 ohms, a LR is 1.5 ohms, and the one you suggested is 2 ohms? Would that 2 ohms atty be a little warmer than standard but not as warm as the 1.5 ohms? Would the 2 ohms LR 510 be almost the same as the LR 901 that has been suggested?


are the LR attys from the VT Store 1.5 ohm like the Totally Wicked LR?


So, a standard atty is 3 ohms, a LR is 1.5 ohms, and the one you suggested is 2 ohms? Would that 2 ohms atty be a little warmer than standard but not as warm as the 1.5 ohms? Would the 2 ohms LR 510 be almost the same as the LR 901 that has been suggested?

A standard atty is around 2.5-2.7 I think. The LRs are 1.6 to 1.8, 2 would be just a little cooler than the LR510s we know and love. I think the 901s get their coolness/flavor not from a different resistance, but because they are a little longer and the vapor cools a little quicker. I'm sure someone will correct my errors in a minute,.. lol


So, a standard atty is 3 ohms, a LR is 1.5 ohms, and the one you suggested is 2 ohms? Would that 2 ohms atty be a little warmer than standard but not as warm as the 1.5 ohms? Would the 2 ohms LR 510 be almost the same as the LR 901 that has been suggested?

Varies by manufacturer. Standard Joye 510 is 2.2 ohm. I think SLB and others are around 3.0. Joye LR 510 is 1.5. Others range from 1.7-2.0. That's just what I've seen around.


I'm reading along in this thread, learning some stuffs. I'm still looking and searching for my perfect vape combination. I don't think I need anything thats 5v right now so I'm using 3.7v (tornado and T Rex). While I like LR cartos, it seems to me I'm using a crapload of juice in them and not necessarily vaping some of it. I mean, once flavor starts dropping down or I get a burnt taste, I add more, yet it doesn't take much more. It's almost like the heat isn't getting to all parts of the juice area. I read that FTJoe (Nice guy)tried some LR cartos that are moderate ohm at about 2.5?? I think I would try these if the resistance isn't like the regulars where I feel like I'm trying to swallow my tongue to get a "drag". I couldn't use regular cartos for that reason or regular 510 attys for that matter. Joe? Are they pretty smooth and not too hard of a draw?

Before trying LR Cartos, I was using LR attys which are fine but I don't like them with carts that have filler. Burnt taste. ICK! I prefer the blue foam for taste IF I'm going to use a cart at all.

I'm not much of a dripper although I do sometimes. (should probably rephrase that)

I still have to get a 2 amp AC USB for my 5v PT cuz I really haven't tried that yet. I tried it plugged directly into the puter but I'm told I'm probably not really getting 5v with that.

I've babbled long enough. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks all. :D


The draw is a relative thing, I love an easy draw. I'm willing to share some of the tru-vapor cartos I got from vaporsetc until the wife gives the thumbs up or down on them, NP.


The draw is a relative thing, I love an easy draw. I'm willing to share some of the tru-vapor cartos I got from vaporsetc until the wife gives the thumbs up or down on them, NP.

Thats so kind Joe. I'd love to try one. Has your wife tried them yet, or hasn't she decided if she likes them yet?


Varies by manufacturer. Standard Joye 510 is 2.2 ohm. I think SLB and others are around 3.0. Joye LR 510 is 1.5. Others range from 1.7-2.0. That's just what I've seen around.

Do you know the ohms of the Nhaler ones you bought?


Do you know the ohms of the Nhaler ones you bought?

I think they were 1.5, but that was a long time ago so don't really remember. I gave them away.


So, my best bet would be to either get a gold band LR Joye/Janty 510 or a LR 901 from NeRo9k if I'm looking for more flavor? Does anyone know what was causing the burnt metallic taste in the original Nhaler LR 510s and does it seem like the problem has been dealt with in new atties? That is my biggest concern. Has anyone done tests with meters to see what ohms is the true equivalent for 5 volt simulation?


I'm with you on the burnt taste... that's why I gave up on them. I haven't tried any since, so maybe it's better now. Since there are so many people using them, I has to be better.

A regular 2.2 ohm Joye 510 atty at 5V generates about 11 watts. A 1.5 ohm LR atty generates about 9 watts. A 3.2ohm atty at 5V generates about 8 watts.


I'm with you on the burnt taste... that's why I gave up on them. I haven't tried any since, so maybe it's better now. Since there are so many people using them, I has to be better.

A regular 2.2 ohm Joye 510 atty at 5V generates about 11 watts. A 1.5 ohm LR atty generates about 9 watts. A 3.2ohm atty at 5V generates about 8 watts.

How many ohms would be needed to match a Joye 510 atty at 11 watts?


How many ohms would be needed to match a Joye 510 atty at 11 watts?

About 1.2. Never seen one that low though.


Does anyone know what was causing the burnt metallic taste in the original Nhaler LR 510s and does it seem like the problem has been dealt with in new atties?

You're talking about attys or cartos? LR Cartos I hate and taste burnt. I've never had an issue with an LR atty, keep it wet but not flooded and they are very nice.


You're talking about attys or cartos? LR Cartos I hate and taste burnt. I've never had an issue with an LR atty, keep it wet but not flooded and they are very nice.

I have never even tried a carto and I'm wondering why it seems like everyone is starting to move in that direction. I'm talking about LR atties. When Nhaler first released them a metallic taste would come and go. It wasn't as bad on the eGo but it was horrible on everything else. I suspected it was a metal used or something.


Cartos are great for trips, driving, etc. I don't use, but trying to get the wife into them so she doesn't have to mess around on business trips, parties, etc. I am pretty loyal to the 510LRs at TW. Though I'm going to put in an order for the 901 LRs from createvapor once I load the gift card back up.


Cartos are great for trips, driving, etc. I don't use, but trying to get the wife into them so she doesn't have to mess around on business trips, parties, etc. I am pretty loyal to the 510LRs at TW. Though I'm going to put in an order for the 901 LRs from createvapor once I load the gift card back up.

What makes them great for trips, driving, etc.?


What makes them great for trips, driving, etc.?

You can put about 30 drops in them. I use them at 5 or 6V while driving. I have a 45 minute drive to work and love the cartos for that drive every day. You don't want to run them dry, so I still add juice every so often, but not constantly like dripping.


You can put about 30 drops in them. I use them at 5 or 6V while driving. I have a 45 minute drive to work and love the cartos for that drive every day. You don't want to run them dry, so I still add juice every so often, but not constantly like dripping.

Do they deliver the juice more efficiently than carts?

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