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I already posted a question about the eGo's battery life, but I figured this question should be in a seperate topic. My apologies for creating more unnecessary clutter :/

I bought my eGo from the VT store a week ago and got it two days ago. While looking in the VT store for extra parts for it, I notice theres no spare eGo batteries for sale. Why is that? I know the batteries dont last forever, and im going to need to stock up on them. What site should I go to for spare eGo batteries. What sites should I NOT go to? (I dont have a lot of money to take risks on shady suppliers).

I had hoped to keep the number of suppliers to a minimum. I dont like running all over the web for supplies if i can find just one place that has them all. I have two places for my DIY, and had hoped that VT could be my one place for hardware needs because everyone here seems so knowledgable and friendly, and from what ive seen Chris seems like an exceptional supplier that keeps in touch with the forum (HUGE kudos to Chris!). Im sure theres a reason that he doesnt stock the batteries... Is there something wrong with them that you wont sell them individually?

Thanks in advance for any replies and advice :)


I personally recommend Word Up. Has all the parts and free shipping as well.


Create Vapor has them, too. He's a member here and a stand up guy. I've ordered from him and I'm going to be placing a new order very soon. He's got good juices and other supplies, so you could do a lot of your stocking up there.


I'm a big fan of wordup as well, but I like supporting the folks who support us so whenever I can, I'll go here first (VT Store), then CreateVapor (NeRo9k). Also a fan of TotallyWicked WHEN THEY HAVE A SALE!! Else they are pricey. They're having a juice sale right now...I'm posting in the suppliers section.


Goodprophets is a great site they have the xl batteries don't quote me but I think they have the auto batteries they also have the actual ego attys carts and cartomizers in many colors it a great shop

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