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Hey guys, I was just wondering if it matters how you align the whistle tip to the atty, I see a lot of videos where every one just sticks the tip in to the atty with out even checking, does the liquid flow change?, will it burn the top part of the tip?, or worse, will it mess up the atty on the long run?

I am asking this because the button on the battery is always in the wrong side, or in a different position, depending on what atty I am using.

Thank you guys again, and best regards.


If you're using a 510, yes, you want to align the widest part of the end of the cart with the bridge of the atty. Even then, I have had some slight melting. If you're direct dripping, you can cut off the lower portion of the cart (just a little below the vent holes). You don't want to do this if you're actually using the cart with filler.


Good question. I never did align anything when I was using carts. I did get a bit of melting now and then, but nothing to worry about.


Thank you, Brian and nana, I am going to stick to aligning the tip then, I got some melting in the beginning but I did not know it was because of misalignment, I guess if it's working like that, why fix it.

Thanks again.


I think the alignment thing is more of an issue at higher voltage than @ 3.7.If you are just dripping you can cut down the area where the filler would go .I cut some 901 carts down for dripping and for use on carto's,way easier to refill than trying to dig the rubber plug out and no metal in the mouth for me.

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