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Rip Atty

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I've been vaping 3 weeks now. My first atty died after 3 weeks.

I ordered one last week, and it died and only lasted a week.

I thought I was flooding it Saturday night, I got it to revive for a day. I put it in the boiling water. But now I'm feeling no heat at all. RIP my dear atty's.

I believe I read somewhere that Ego's zap 510 atty's quickly and I'm better off with cartomizers. Is this true?

How long can a cartomizer last m?

I'm vaping on my lasty atty, that is the 801 type I believe. But it doesn't have the vape production I prefer. I've had to smoke yucky analogs today.

I hope my order for my atty arrives tomorrow.

I'm ready to place a bulk order. Should I go for attys, cartomizers, or a combo of both?



I'm ready go buy bulk for I am not in this postion again. Thanks VT for the bulk option now.

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If 510 atty's are your thing, go with that. At the low cost of carto's, I wouldn't hesitate to toss a 5pk on the order, to at least try them out. I can't seem to get carto's to work right for me, but everyone's different. Like I said, they're pretty cheap, at least give them a try, despite what ya might hear. :)

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If 510 atty's are your thing, go with that. At the low cost of carto's, I wouldn't hesitate to toss a 5pk on the order, to at least try them out. I can't seem to get carto's to work right for me, but everyone's different. Like I said, they're pretty cheap, at least give them a try, despite what ya might hear. :)

I've ordered some cartomizers. They should be here in the next day or so. I'm going give them a shot.

For the moment I'm going find somewhere and order 5 standard cartomizers and 5 LR 510 cartomizers. I'm bumming.

Hopefully someone in the meantime can tell me if my ego zaps attys quickly. And also what's the standard life on an atty.

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I use the eGo as well and have had standard atty's last over 2 month's, until gunked up beyond cleaning anymore, After the LR atty's came out, I strictly use those. I've had LR atty's last from 1-2 weeks. Some have just burned-out, died, and others have just gunked up beyond cleaning.

It varys greatly, depending on how much you vape, what typr of juice, (I think VG will gunk up faster than PG), how well (and often) ya clean your atty's, etc.

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well all i ever use i cartomizers now adays. they last me about a month. but i guess other people cant get them to last that long. but i know i can. and they work great. i cant go back to regular attomizers now. they were too much of a mess and didnt give me near the amount of vapor i get from a cartomizer. and i just like cartomizers alot! they are much easier and not a messy as an atty.

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Some who have had atty last a long time will dispute it, but I still say that attys are hit and miss. You'll get some that will last a week or so and some that will last a month or more. I actually had pretty good luck with attys until I went to high voltage. I have not heard any talk of the eGo shortening the life of the 510 atty.

If you're serious about buying bulk, Puresmoker.com has a 50% discount if you buy 25 attys. That makes the attys $5 each and also puts you over the free shipping amount. Thier 510 attys are genuine Joye 510s. They have regular and LR.

Where did you get your eGo? I don't remember if you had the Joye or the Janty. If you have the Janty eGo, contact the supplier as they have a six month warranty on attys.

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Bummer, in the beginning I was losing a bunch, but I keep mine pretty clean these days, blowing them out and draining them. FWIW - there's a big difference between regular cartos and LR cartos. 3.3 and 1.6 ohms respectively. I can not stand the LR cartos, real hot. I am kind of finding the tru-vapor cartos from vaporsetc interesting, they are 2.4 ohms.

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I've only lost 2 attys since I started and they were 901s I've got 510 LRs on all 3 of my devices and they are all over a month old! Kinda strange that I hear of all these attys dying after a week or two when mine last so long cuz my eGo rarely leaves my hand!

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I had 2 LR attys from TW last me almost 3 months before they died. I just ordered some LR cartos from Nhaler and 2 are already gone. They lasted 2 days. So I guess it's hit or miss. But I have some regular attys that I've had since FEB, so go figure. :blink:

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I use the eGo as well and have had standard atty's last over 2 month's, until gunked up beyond cleaning anymore, After the LR atty's came out, I strictly use those. I've had LR atty's last from 1-2 weeks. Some have just burned-out, died, and others have just gunked up beyond cleaning.

It varys greatly, depending on how much you vape, what typr of juice, (I think VG will gunk up faster than PG), how well (and often) ya clean your atty's, etc.

I was able to revive one of my attys. I took the bridge out. And I am using it for dripping. I might be able to revive the other one. I went to tasty vapor and ordered me 7 attys, at $4.00 each. You can't beat the price. However, they didn't have any LR atty's available. I do have one coming in the next day or so and interested in using it.

The way I've been cleaning is put it a cup of hot water, let dry, and use a qtip to clean out. However it has gotten to the point, it heats up, but I'm not getting much when I suck in. I've rinsed them in hot water and even have boiled it for five minutes. I guess as they get older, they just don't want work as good as in the beginning.

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Some who have had atty last a long time will dispute it, but I still say that attys are hit and miss. You'll get some that will last a week or so and some that will last a month or more. I actually had pretty good luck with attys until I went to high voltage. I have not heard any talk of the eGo shortening the life of the 510 atty.

If you're serious about buying bulk, Puresmoker.com has a 50% discount if you buy 25 attys. That makes the attys $5 each and also puts you over the free shipping amount. Thier 510 attys are genuine Joye 510s. They have regular and LR.

Where did you get your eGo? I don't remember if you had the Joye or the Janty. If you have the Janty eGo, contact the supplier as they have a six month warranty on attys.

I have the janty ego. It arrived DOA and they are in the process of sending me a new one. I am referring to my other two atty's. I did revive the one by taking the bridge out but not getting the "sucking" power or vape I want out of it.

It's trial and error. Wating on those cartomizers and the lr atty. Here soon I'll have plenty in stock and decide waht's best for me.

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Bummer, in the beginning I was losing a bunch, but I keep mine pretty clean these days, blowing them out and draining them. FWIW - there's a big difference between regular cartos and LR cartos. 3.3 and 1.6 ohms respectively. I can not stand the LR cartos, real hot. I am kind of finding the tru-vapor cartos from vaporsetc interesting, they are 2.4 ohms.

I ordered this atty to, I'm really blowing some money here and trying everything.


Thanks for sharing vaporsetc's website with me. They have good prices on atty's and cartomizers.

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I have the janty ego. It arrived DOA and they are in the process of sending me a new one. I am referring to my other two atty's. I did revive the one by taking the bridge out but not getting the "sucking" power or vape I want out of it.

It's trial and error. Wating on those cartomizers and the lr atty. Here soon I'll have plenty in stock and decide waht's best for me.

I was talking about the attys. If they are the attys that came with the eGo, they are Janty attys and are also under warratny.

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At first I used regular 510 attys on my eGo and had no problem with them. Some last a long time, some don't. I don't think there is any difference in how long they last because of the battery you use - except on high volt. I think maybe they don't last quite as long on HV as the other devices, but I can't be sure of that. I'm using LR attys on my eGo right now. I'm one that they don't last very long for, but I love them and keep using them.

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I like 510 attys still on the two that came with my starter kit from two months ago, if you direct drip alot like I do, the key two my sucess is clean them at least a few times a week and so far so good with me, good luck, hope you get those quick, I know i ran outta juice last weekend and had to buy a pack of analogs....i was bummed out!

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At first I used regular 510 attys on my eGo and had no problem with them. Some last a long time, some don't. I don't think there is any difference in how long they last because of the battery you use - except on high volt. I think maybe they don't last quite as long on HV as the other devices, but I can't be sure of that. I'm using LR attys on my eGo right now. I'm one that they don't last very long for, but I love them and keep using them.

those low resistance 510 attys i heard go quick, but great V-production, I might try one but the regulars like you said work fine (i clean them alot though).....
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I was talking about the attys. If they are the attys that came with the eGo, they are Janty attys and are also under warratny.

Exactly my janty atty arrived dead and I have returned it under warranty.

The other atty I had a month and it was not with the ego, it died. And I revived the other one which wasn't ego neither.

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