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Phone Call From Nhaler


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This is just a short plug for the service at Hhaler. I placed an order the other night for some cartos and some of the new twisted drip tips. While I was out yesterday I get a call from them to tell me that one of the designs I ordered was out of stock and would I mind if the substituted another color and design? I thought this was really thoughtful and very respectful to give me a heads up instead of just sending me a note with my order that it was back ordered or that they couldn't fulfill my order. It's the little things like this that make you want to keep ordering from such a supplier.

Not many companies take that kind of interest in their customers anymore.

(except for Chris, who bends over backwards for his people) Just wanted to pass on this little bit of praise. :thumbsup:

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That really was a nice thing for them to do--saves a lot of exasperation when you don't get a complete order. Much easier to change the order before shipping.

I must admit, I have been very fortunate with the suppliers I have used--Nhaler included.

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