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Fell Off The Wagon (In A Way)


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Today I was not really organized with my vapors, (forgot some stuff, did not charge the batteries or the pcc, forgot to wash the cartridges),so this evening I was sans-my-510, after I realized everything I did wrong, I decided to go for my backup, my trusty xhale o2, my poor first e-cig which has not been vaped since I got my 510 kit.

I am sure you know where I am going with this.

The first puff that I took my head was like, "OMG, wheres the TH?, where's the flavor?, there is only a bunch of smoke!". No matter how hard I tried, even until the auto shut off took over, there was nothing, and I am not a big inhaler on the 510, but man, the menthol flavor I remembered it had it was absent. It was a new cartridge, it was supposed to be the same nic level I have on my 510, but here was just nothing.

I have complained that my 510s have not been given me enough smoke when I exhale, and the fact that I am still learning how to refill, how not to flood the attys, mods etc, but man, now I know what makes this things better, even if I don't exhale big white clouds, the taste and the TH is something I really need.

As soon as I got home I got my batteries charging, 30 minutes later I unplugged one, filled a cart (with a fluval foam mod), filled it with the first juice I got from my bag, and dude, what a difference, for a moment I was in vaping nirvana, I completely forgot all the headaches I have gotten from the learning curve.

There is a lot to be learned on using the 510s the right way, but risking the "quitting smoking program" (if we can call it like that) it is definitely not an option, I was taking for granted that as I have stopped smoking for almost two weeks meant I was an ex-smoker, but I realized I need to work more on this, and be responsible, this is not a hobby.

I know I may sound a little dramatic, but it has become really important to quit the habit, at least changing it for a less damaging one. I really like vaping, but I love feeling that I am not using the analogs any more.

Sorry for the long post again, just wanted to share (I believe I am using the forum as a support group :thumbsup: )

Good evening and best regards to all of you.

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We are, among other things a support group.

I am glad you were able to keep from smoking--vaping does take a bit more planning and maintenance. soon enough it just becomes a part of the daily routine.

I am always paranoid about my vaping stuff--my backups have backups........

I love being an ex-smoker and more than likely a forever vaper !!!

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Long posts are fine. We all like to share. And yes, we are a support group.

I think we've all had days like that. At least in the beginning. I know I did. I started planning ahead, making sure I had charged batteries for anything that might come up...like power outages, suddenly dead batteries, emergencies, etc. I've got lots of backups...batteries, attys, chargers, juices, adapters, DIY supplies, etc. And it was all to avoid going back to analogs.

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Yup, I have my rituals daily that I HAVE to perform to make sure I'm ready for the next day. Have a spare charger, attys, catros and juce at work. I suppose I should bring in one of my pass throughs as well. Like making sure you have diabetic supplies on hand. Dripping and cartos makes it easier, but like Nana says, "back ups, back ups, back ups". And by the way this is a great support group! :)

Edited by Kragax
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I had my rituals when I smoked. I now have my rituals with vaping. It's secong nature now to make sure I'm set for the day with my vaping supplies. You are right it's replacing one habit for another and it takes time to mentally make the shift.

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Without my vape, I don't think I would go very long without getting analogs. Two weeks after I started vaping we had a 3 day power outage (snow storm) and I had to go back to analogs (blech).

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Brian... I have a Black and Decker converter box hooked up to my car for charging my batteries via the cigarette lighter. It has 4 sockets, and I can charge 2 batteries plus a cell phone all at the same time and only have to start the car 1 or 2x a day to paranoidly recharge the car battery. That works great for the fast charging eGo, but the SB would kill the car battery more than likely. Just thought I'd mention it though for next winter's preparations..

Hey Eruelas, you did great!! Aren't you amazed at self for freaking out over your battery instead of over your last cigarette. yeah. Smile!! You've been initiated big time. :)

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In the beginning we all go through the uncertain times of low batts, or bad attys. It's like "nana" always says....backups backups backups.

After a while it just becomes second nature. But at least you didn't go buy a pack of cigs.

So keep up the good work, it gets easier.

Good luck and happy vaping.

p.s. you might want to check into an Ego/Tornado. The battery life is soooo much better.

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Thank you guys.

As soon as I get the hang of the filling carts stuff I will dig in to a new device. Nevertheless, now as soon as I am done with a battery, it goes directly in to the pcc, as soon as I get to work, I will charge the pcc, and every morning I will check for at least 5ml of juice in my pocket. I will make that a routine programed in my brain from now on.

Thanks again to all of you.

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I use an old sugar tester kit zip-bag my mom gave me, I carry 3-4 juices, and 2 ego batts with me at all times. It's always with me. Even if I don't use it, I put it on my night stand while I sleep.

We've all been there, and we all understand. That being said, BIG time congrats on not smoking!!! I do recommend the eGo though, since it seems youre not getting the vapor you desire. It's a little more expensive, but well worth it. Good job kicking the craving until you got home. By the sounds of it, you are another success story in the making. :)

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