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Posted (edited)

Jag, i know who it is. lol.

secrets on the internet... yeah, they don't exist. ;)

Edited by Stirfry

Jag, i know who it is. lol.

secrets on the internet... yeah, they don't exist. ;)

ZOMG! The Interwebs has FAILED ME! Quick, to the Vapor Lounge! :laser: LEAVE NO EVIDENCE! *runs off*

Still...I might think of having a juice giveaway on video chat sometime soon. I'm just gonna buy some random juice and if I don't like it, I'll hold the contest! >:D


Congrats JagSol! :thumbsup:

Great contest Stirfry! Sorry I didn't make it back from vacation to vote.


Who was that guy who made that "Vote or Die" slogan? Good thing he doesn't come here, js, Brian

Posted (edited)




801-510 adapter

Wall to USB adapter

i forgot to throw in a juice, BUT i did throw in the cool drip tip (the short black and white swirled one from NHaler).

a drip tip is a must on a VP PT!

also, i stuck the drip tip on a used (but cleaned) atty (gold band Janty), to make it easier to see in the box. i highly suggest you do not use that atty on the PT. the bridge is ripped out and it will be quite harsh. however, try it on a 3.7 unit, you might like it. i rip the bridge out on all my (for 3.7) atties

currently in contact with Links so see what i have that will help him out.


Edited by Stirfry

Thank you so much! I'll keep that in mind with the atty ;)

I'm not mad about the juice but it'd be nice if I had something new to try for once...oh well, beggers can't be choosers. Still, THANKIES! :innocent:

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