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Hot Atty Cleaning Technique (Very Hot)

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I've seen several posts regarding atty cleaning techniques. Won't go into them all as I'm sure you've seen most if not all of them. But, I had an epiphany, of sorts, as I was reading through them. My wife has a shark steam cleaner! Seems like this would be perfect for cleaning an atty. Anything you clean with it is almost immediately dry, and it shouldn't hurt the atty as it has basically the same purpose as steam cleaner, heating liquid into steam/vapor. My only reservation is the blast force of the shark, it can work up quite a bit of pressure. Not sure if the manufacturer actually measures it in psi, but........... Anyone have any thoughts on this before I give it a go? If it works without shredding the coil or wick, it will be the absolute perfect atty cleaner. Compressed air doesn't seem to hurt, so..........

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be sre to keep your hands clear of the blast o' steam cuz me thinks that could be darn painful and result in a burn of sorts. Let us know the outcome.

Hey, I'm not as think as you dumb I am. ;) I'm lookin' for something to hold it without scratching, as we speak.

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Hey, I'm not as think as you dumb I am. ;) I'm lookin' for something to hold it without scratching, as we speak.

Oh okay I just thought that since your wife knows how to work the cleaner that you would hold the atty whilst she gives it the blast. So now I get it she is going to hold the atty whilst you blast.:innocent:

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No, I'm a multi-tasker, i'm going to hold and blast. :rambo: Seems I burned her out on the whole e-cig thing, with all the talk/purchases/talk...........and more talk. Meanwhile, she's on the patch :ouch: That's my black eye btw, not hers.

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No, I'm a multi-tasker, i'm going to hold and blast. :rambo: Seems I burned her out on the whole e-cig thing, with all the talk/purchases/talk...........and more talk. Meanwhile, she's on the patch :ouch: That's my black eye btw, not hers.

haha, did I welcome you to the Fun Forum if not Welcome. We joke around here -- alot.:dribble:

Again let us know the outcome.

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haha, did I welcome you to the Fun Forum if not Welcome. We joke around here -- alot.:dribble:

Again let us know the outcome.

That's good to know, I tend to be a bit of a joker myself, so, maybe I'll fit in.

I just did a quick clean of the atty, then I looked it over with a magnifying glass. Then I blasted away with the steam cleaner, holding it lightly with some needle nose pliers. I thought about taking it easy so I wouldn't kill the atty, but, decided to go all out. Lots of crap came out, but, the only way to know if it's superior to other methods would be to use another method, and then use the steamer and see if more gunk comes out. (however, I think I can safely say it's at least equal to other methods) Maybe down the road I'll try that, nevertheless, I examined the atty afterward with said magnifying glass, and it looked absolutely spotless. I then screwed it on the battery and voila, still vapes. Which is good, because I only have 2. Bottom line, it is now my preferred method for atty cleaning hands down. It's quick, it's painless ;), seems to do a good job, doesn't kill the atty, I'm all in. That being said, this wasn't like a double blind scientific study, your mileage may vary.

Can anyone tell me if I can move the bridge out of the way without killing the atty? I would like to look at the coil, to be sure it got cleaned. (bridge? coil? I think that's what I'm talking about, I'm new, remember) Bridge is the metal mesh thing, yes? Coil would be the thing that heats up, true?

Edited by DarthVapor
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yes you can remove the bridge and the little peice or yarn looking thing right under it. just be carfull in pulling it out so that you dont remove the whole inside of the atomizer. lol but if you do this you cant use carts on them anymore. you have to direct drip into the attomizers as there is nothing to wick up the juice from the cart.

Edited by benjamin1990
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Well, I'm glad it worked! Good to hear!

You motivated me to go clean out my LR atty after reading this. I blew it out, just a quick minor clean-out. I screwed it back into my eGo and... nothing >< It died on me! Man... total bumber!

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