posts Posted July 13, 2010 Posted July 13, 2010 Well it is here. I love the Ego but not the merlboro med juice. It tastes like Marlboro reds to me, very strong. It also smelled up the car today. Do other e-juices do that? Leave a lingering smell behind? I know, it has to be better than is...but still pretty bad! I ordered pina colada and hope it comes by the end of the week. I did good today, not smoking an analog all day after the Ego got here. BUT now I am, because the nausea (from the strong taste) was getting to me. I ordered low nicotine and no nicotine. I think with the Ego, just the act of smoking may calm my craving. I just hope the taste/flavor/scent isn't as strong and intense as this one!
Christopher Posted July 13, 2010 Posted July 13, 2010 No the e juice should not smell up the car. In the rare occasion that it does, it won't stick. The merlboro is supposed to taste like a Marlboro Red actually. (Not sure what supplier you purchased from) I can assure you not all e liquid tastes bad. I hate the Marlboro flavored e liquid. Give a couple other flavors a try, trust us when we say they are not all bad.
posts Posted July 13, 2010 Author Posted July 13, 2010 I was surprised that it smelled up the car. I didn't notice while vaping on the way. Then when we came out and got back into the car, I smelled it strongly. I was not sure if I thought I did and it was just in my mind or still in my mouth from the strong taste but I wasn't the only one who could smell it! I smoke Marlboro Lights so Marlboro reds are way too strong for me. I was hoping the Medium would be less than a Red. Thanks! Can't wait to try a new flavor!
kitsune Posted July 13, 2010 Posted July 13, 2010 If you need to you can dilute the liquid you have to dilute the taste or you can add some Loranns to it to change the flavor. at least to hold you over until you can get another flavor. for quick diluting--I have used Wiltons Glycerine--found in the craft or baking isle of any hobby shop or walmart. can also usually find Loranns flavoring at most craft shops--its a candy flavoring. recommend something strong like butter rum or english toffee. Just avoid anything with oil base. I have never had any liquids leave behind a lasting smell......did you by chance leave any liquid in the car? I promise there are better flavors, the pina colada is very nice. Congrats on not smoking--that says alot when you are using a flavor you don't like !!!!
posts Posted July 13, 2010 Author Posted July 13, 2010 I think the act of vaping was enough for my smoking habit! I was thrilled. Like quitting smoking without really quitting. I looked but can't find the glycerine. Small town area. Walmart is a ways away and it is a small Walmart. I took the ecig with me, it wasn't left in the car and the liquid was at home.
posts Posted July 13, 2010 Author Posted July 13, 2010 Oh forgot to say-- I did order some with the pina colada liquid! SO I can dilute that if it is strong.
kitsune Posted July 13, 2010 Posted July 13, 2010 I am just glad that vaping is working for you !!! I'm with you, it's all about the habit and the pacifier effect for me. however, low nic just doesn't give me the throat hit I need. Let us know what you think of the low nic liquids. Might also try the baking isle at the grocery store--?? Happy Vaping !!!
posts Posted July 13, 2010 Author Posted July 13, 2010 I'll just be happy to find a liquid I like. I am picky, if pina colada doesn't work out, I may try a no flavor one next. Hate to waste money on flavors I can't stand to vape! I like vaping, hate the taste and may work for me to not have a flavor. Or maybe it is because of this horrid liquid I have now making me think that!
kitsune Posted July 13, 2010 Posted July 13, 2010 While in search of flavors I have used liberty flights on and off over the last year. the 5ml bottles are a great way to test flavors without spending as much. I have also used Mrs T's Bakery They have 6ml sizes with some great flavors !!! The flavors are fairly strong but delicious. the smaller sizes are very helpful with determining what flavors work for you. Unflavored is an option--but there is so much better out there !!!
posts Posted July 13, 2010 Author Posted July 13, 2010 I'll check those out after trying pina colada. Hope to get rid of this bad taste in my mouth of Merlboro Medium....also out of the atomizer. Glad the set came with two atomizers!
kitsune Posted July 13, 2010 Posted July 13, 2010 would definately check out the warranty on the atomizer, most dealers cover them for 14-30 days, depending on where you got it. I have found that making sure my atty doesn't get too hot--allowing time to cool when needed, has prolonged the life of my atomizers. I have a tendency to vape fairly hard, and sometimes have to run 2 units and alternate. As you get going with vaping you will be able to build up your supplies. backups, backup and more backups.....
posts Posted July 13, 2010 Author Posted July 13, 2010 I was surprised at how quickly the battery charged. I thought that I had read it would take 12 hours? It took barely 2 hours and was ready to go by the time we left this morning. So I was able to start right away today. Everything seems to work great. What would I know though since it is my first vaping experience. It seems to be working well. My only problem was it rolling on the car seat and finally losing it when it fell to the floor. LOL
Popsicle Posted July 13, 2010 Posted July 13, 2010 Don't give up on flavors! Avoid tobacco flavors, at least for now, because it's an easy flavor to screw up. And you don't want to associate vaping with something like that. My 510 came with pre-filled "Marlboro" cartridges that tasted like caramel and black pepper. You'll probably come across a lot of flavors that are awful, but then you'll find ones that make it all worth it. You'll find plenty of flavors you like, suppliers are slowly coming up with every imaginable flavor. Chances are, if you like to eat or drink it, you can vape it too.
FTJoe Posted July 13, 2010 Posted July 13, 2010 Check out wordupecig. Nice 5ml sampler pack of 5 bottles for $21, free shipping and TONS of flavors, tobacco and otherwise. Here at the VT store lots of folks like the traditional and Dulcis. Some just give up on trying to get a tobacco flavor and go off the reservation, grape soda, sweet ones, etc. Sampler pack here at VT as well.
DAYVAPE Posted July 13, 2010 Posted July 13, 2010 (edited) I'll just be happy to find a liquid I like. I am picky, if pina colada doesn't work out, I may try a no flavor one next. Hate to waste money on flavors I can't stand to vape! I like vaping, hate the taste and may work for me to not have a flavor. Or maybe it is because of this horrid liquid I have now making me think that! If you decide to go the "no flavor" route... I HIGHLY recommend this: It is excellent just by itself!! Great stuff! Hope you find something you like. I probably have 50 different juices in my box... what can I say, I love trying new/different flavors!! That's half the fun of it for me... that and tinkerin' with the rediculous number of PV's I now own! (although the "search for the perfect e-cig" battle is finally over for me thanks to "The Buzz") Edited July 13, 2010 by DAYVAPE
Rook Posted July 13, 2010 Posted July 13, 2010 I would definitely recommend Dulcis from the VT store. AWESOME stuff, probably my favorite so far. Full and sweet, but not too sweet. If you like menthol, their Mentha liquid is fantastic too. You might wanna check out some of the sampler packs around too. Johnson's Creek has several, good prices on 'em too.
kitsune Posted July 13, 2010 Posted July 13, 2010 For the Car--I highly recommend a passthrough with a USB-Car adapter. the passthrough will depend on the budget, but the 510 passthroughs are reasonably priced !! When it drops--it's very easy to just real it back in. Most dealers carry them and many carry the USB-Car adapter. You will run into one's with an in-line battery and without. I prefer without--just one less part to break or die.
posts Posted July 13, 2010 Author Posted July 13, 2010 I was going to ask about a car charger since the car is my 2nd most used spot to smoke. Thanks everyone! I did check out the link to the unflavored liquid--the lower nicotine ones are out of stock. I'll keep checking back.
kitsune Posted July 13, 2010 Posted July 13, 2010 I always have one next to my computer--my VP-PT and in my car I use a PT mod made by a friend. before my PT mod I used the 510. car adapters are great !!! for the 510 I used an ipod usb/car adapter, for my mod I needed one a bit stronger, 5V I think. passthrough is the only way to go in the car--has definitely helped me out more than one when I drop it or misplace it.......
nana Posted July 13, 2010 Posted July 13, 2010 Yep, a PT in the car is great! Nothing worse than having your PV fall on the floor and roll under the seat. If it's a PT, you have the cord to grab and the PV is attached to the other end.
Uma Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 Bummer about the taste. It might be the atty primer stuff they protect it with. I've noticed a huge taste difference in this years attys. .from great to plumb awful. You might want to start with cartomisers prefilled. Prefilled isn't as tasty as liquid is but it's far better than the new primer we have to suffer through until the Atty breaks in.
posts Posted July 16, 2010 Author Posted July 16, 2010 Still waiting impatiently for the new liquid to arrive. It was shipped yesterday priority mail. Until then I haven't used the ecig as I was getting where I dreaded the thing. LOL Can you give me a link to a passthrough as I don't know what it is. I was looking at buying a cartomizer as a way to not drip as I was driving. I am a little confused though. So 3 drops of liquid equal how much time using the ecig? What about the cartomizers? How long does it last full of liquid? So there isn't a car charger specifically for ecigs? Guess I can charge up the 2 batteries and take both with me on long car drives.
FTJoe Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 (edited) Can you give me a link to a passthrough as I don't know what it is. I was looking at buying a cartomizer as a way to not drip as I was driving. I am a little confused though. These are passthrus. There are some that are very well built, these are the "less" expensive ones. Normally an ecig uses a battery so it can be portable, but they start out great, but then lose that initial jolt quickly and go dead pretty quick. If you are able to be near a USB connection, computer, car or wall outlet, you can use one of these. Some have a battery inline, then you are using the USB connection to charge the battery and using the battery to power the ecig. I believe these can actually be unplugged and used until the battery runs out and they usually run at 3.7 volts a little more juice and more power than a regular ecig battery. The other type is a 5V. Unlike the battery powered one that only requires a trickle charge to keep the battery charged, the 5V need a decent powered USB source to drive this. They have lots more power and this is where cartomizers (I am told) really shine. To power these, I think its best to get things like this for the wall: And this for the car: They need to have enough juice for the 5V passthru some USB ports on a computer just won't cut it. Here's another list of passthrus from madvapes. So 3 drops of liquid equal how much time using the ecig? What about the cartomizers? How long does it last full of liquid? Supposedly a cigarette depending on things like voltage, resistance, etc. I run a low resistance atomizer on a 3.7V ego. I get 7-10 drags or so. I hear you get less at the higher voltage. So there isn't a car charger specifically for ecigs? Guess I can charge up the 2 batteries and take both with me on long car drives. There are car chargers and wall chargers specifically built to charge ecig batteries, but I generally get everything with a USB connection and then use the USB kind of car and wall outlets shown above. Makes it more flexible for me to get things charged. So for a 510 connection I would get something like this. BTW - the VP-PT referenced is one of the more expensive passthrus. I think someone had one up in the classified section. Edited July 16, 2010 by FTJoe kitsune 1
posts Posted July 16, 2010 Author Posted July 16, 2010 Well I came to say that pina colada liquid arrived and tastes so good! Then after about 8 puffs, the whole thing stopped working??? I changed atomizers and it still didn't work so now I am charging the battery just in case that is it. I could have sworn it was charged up, just waiting on this liquid. Did I break it? I am very happy now if only it will keep working!! Going to order additional supplies for the car over the weekend.
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